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Steps to Mastery!

Steps to mastery is a personal and professional growth journey. When a structure is put in place, our belief’s are strengthened. Allows us to become more courageous. Therefore, courageous acts lead to developing clarity that increases confidence and momentum.

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Authentic Leadership Builds Trust!

Authentic leadership builds trust and transformation happens. Research shows that when you work on an emotional level (heart based) and a logical level (mind based) you use both your left and right side of your brain. Due to this your thinking becomes full spectrum. Most noteworthy, when you balance both hard and soft skills. You…

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Hiding in the Shadows!

How many times have you found yourself hiding in the shadows! Just “going with the flow”. Hiding in the shadows keeps you safe. Ultimately to reach your potential and achieve your purpose requires no more hiding in the shadows! Time to Show Up! Female leaders now have an opportunity to “Show Up’. Challenge the norms…

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Obstacles Along the Way!

How often do we meet obstacles along the way? They hold us back! By creating a balanced platform in the workplace. Friction points are reduced. Leads to a more agile and flexible environment. Clarity creates a path to find ways through and around the obstacles. The Labyrinth Obstacles for female leaders in the resources sector…

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The Confidence Gap in Leadership!

The Confidence Gap in Leadership Is the confidence gap in leadership between men and women in organisations a myth? Let’s explore this concept. As a senior female leader in the Corporate world, I experienced many occasions where my confidence was impacted and at times eroded. I allowed myself to experience self doubt when challenged usually…

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Back into the Routine After the Holidays!

Time to get back into the routine after the holidays! Well, how quickly did April go and how much fun was it to have the extended holiday with Easter and Anzac Day holidays? Hope you all managed to have some time off and enjoy with family and friends. Above all, we love having holidays but…

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Current Thoughts Map Our Future!

Our Current Thoughts Map Our Future.. How often do we consider how much our current thoughts map our future?  We are living in such a “time poor” state. Not many of us take the time to consciously think about our thoughts. The more we live in the present moment, the more we are aware of…

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Sunshine after the Rain!

It’s like the sunshine after the rain, when we let go of fear. Fear is a 21st century disease that can prevent us from growing. Preventing us from delivering on our purpose, our WHY. Leading to self doubt, self sabotage and impact our limiting belief systems! It can prevent us moving forward. Reading a Forbes…

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When Courage isn’t Enough!

Its time to “Think Big” When courage isn’t enough, its time to think big! It requires confidence to help you take risks, to take you out of your comfort zone. Trust yourself and believe in what your end goal is. Furthermore, it is what sets you up to be different from the rest, to achieve…

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Two Steps Forward and One Step Back!

When we go two steps forward and one step back.. How many times have you heard the expression of two steps forward and one step back? We all know that life is a journey! However its not about the destination but what happens if we dont keep our eye on the destination? Its easy to…

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Lead with the End in Mind!

Lead with the End in Mind.. As a Health and Wellness expert and leader, I have always led with the end in mind. Consequently, I talk a lot around the importance of factoring in self care, good food, sunshine, fresh air, laughter, exercise, clean water and a work life balance. Consider how these practices will…

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Dare to be Different-Be Bold!

Be Different

Going against the norms gives ourself permission to explore new ideas, attitudes, concepts to “think outside of the box”. Daring to be bold and different challenges our thinking, creating space to provide different perspectives. When We Dare To Be Different When we dare to be different we give ourself permission to be authentic. To allow…

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Create Opportunity when Leveraging Holistic Principles!

Understanding Holistic Principles When people start discussing how to create opportunity when leveraging holistic principles I see people do the “eye roll”. However, today I thought it would be useful to expand on this. For instance, we all know that when we eat clean, healthy food and drink chemically free water we feel better. In…

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When Sadness Creeps In!

Back to basics and manifest a new life!

Why do we resist sadness! Recently I have had a couple of clients talk with me about their pre occupation with sadness and how it was having a negative impact on them. Interestingly they perceived this as a negative state that was detrimental to them moving forward in their life. As I listened to them, their was a…

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Our Perceptions Can Hold Us Back!

Show Up and Lead Through Times of Change

Our Perceptions are the “Unseen Barriers”! How do we know when our perceptions are being detrimental to our growth? Our Perceptions can hold us back if we do not recognise them and look to align them to our values. Consider identifying your perceptions and align them to your values, this will let you identify areas…

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