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“What if” I had trusted my intuition?

“What if” I had trusted my intuition? How many times have you reflected on experiences and decisions that you have made and asked, “what if” I had trusted my intuition? Would the results have been different? Could the outcomes have been better? Often when you ask yourself “what if” you shift the focus of your…

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Ignite your inner flame and expand!

Ignite your inner flame and expand! Life is a bit like a jig-saw puzzle. In other words, we spend our life putting all the pieces together to complete the journey. When all the pieces are not in the right places, it can lead to feelings that something is missing. Feelings of being disconnected and not…

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Your intentions are your super weapons to create success!

Your intentions are your super weapons to create success! Having the space to think clearly allows us identifies what is not working for us in life, relationships, and career. In other words, we can break down old patterns that have kept us comfortable and stagnant. Therefore, triggering us to look and ask for more in…

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When “numbness” becomes our default!

When “numbness” becomes our default! Are you feeling stuck in life? Feel like you are going round in circles, repeating the same patterns with family, friends, career, business, and money? Starting to believe that your actions will not bring in the rewards you seek? Seeing the world through the lens of everyone else around you…

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