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Be the facilitator of transformation!

Intuition increase energy! Did you know that when you develop your intuition your body energy is affected? Enabling you to focus on your energy. Become more aware of your emotions as you become present.Be the facilitator of transformation! “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which…

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The intuitive leader has the edge!

Guiding principles for health!

The “New Normal” Everyone is talking about what the “new normal” will look like post COVID-19.  So much disruption has occured! For this reason, we move forward into a prime opportunity to re-design our new normal. In effect, this will require a shift in mindset. Change your perception and be agile as you realise the…

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Stand out in a crowd – own your story!

Stand out in a crowd – own your story!

Where do you sit? Do you measure and monitor your personal and professional growth? In reality, are you just so busy you feel that you don’t even have time to monitor your growth? Similarly, are you just too exhausted to care? Time to stand out in a crowd – own your story! Loosing momentum! You…

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Setting goals to empower you!

Setting goals to empower you

A New Year! Together, as we embark on a new year, let’s consider the value of setting goals to empower you!. In addition, let’s prepare for new beginnings by having a plan and setting goals to empower you! Notably, last month I attended a female entrepreneur networking event. Specifically, it was a crowded event full…

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Be courageous and follow your heart!

Be courageous and follow your heart!

Time to check in! By and large, are you living a life lacking in courage? As a result, do you Lack courage to stand out and be different? In fact, lacking the courage to do what your heart is telling you to do to have more fun, excitement, and abundance in your life? In any…

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When the body and mind collide!

Guiding principles for health!

Moving forward! Have you ever had the feeling that your mind is about to explode? You have so much information in your head. Fantastic ideas that you are passionate about. Unfortunately, when fear steps in, it stalls you, preventing you from moving forward. You have reached the pivoting point, time to push through. When the…

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Leading in Tough Times!

Guiding principles for health!

Leading in Tough Times! Leading in tough times is what we are all being called to do in these difficult times. Whether it’s leading in your family, with friends, at work or in relationships. Additionally, now is an opportunity to dig deep and explore ways of leading that perhaps had not been on your radar? It’s…

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Self Approval and Acceptance Produce Positive Change!

Why is it that self approval and acceptance produce positive change for leaders? Self approval and acceptance produce positive change for everyone who wants to make a difference and to leave a legacy. It first starts with knowing and understanding self. To nourish and feed the body, mind and soul creates balance, fulfilment and possibilities.  What the Research…

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Energy is amplified when you define your purpose!

Self belief is a pre requisite to clearly defining your purpose and bringing it to life. It’s a journey like no other that requires commitment, trust and belief. However, these ingredients come from within. Blending them well completes the recipe. In other words, energy is amplified when you define your purpose! The Journey! This journey…

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