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Create Opportunity when Leveraging Holistic Principles!

Understanding Holistic Principles When people start discussing how to create opportunity when leveraging holistic principles I see people do the “eye roll”. However, today I thought it would be useful to expand on this. For instance, we all know that when we eat clean, healthy food and drink chemically free water we feel better. In…

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When Sadness Creeps In!

Back to basics and manifest a new life!

Why do we resist sadness! Recently I have had a couple of clients talk with me about their pre occupation with sadness and how it was having a negative impact on them. Interestingly they perceived this as a negative state that was detrimental to them moving forward in their life. As I listened to them, their was a…

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Our Perceptions Can Hold Us Back!

Show Up and Lead Through Times of Change

Our Perceptions are the “Unseen Barriers”! How do we know when our perceptions are being detrimental to our growth? Our Perceptions can hold us back if we do not recognise them and look to align them to our values. Consider identifying your perceptions and align them to your values, this will let you identify areas…

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