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Obstacles Along the Way!

How often do we meet obstacles along the way? They hold us back! By creating a balanced platform in the workplace. Friction points are reduced. Leads to a more agile and flexible environment. Clarity creates a path to find ways through and around the obstacles.

The Labyrinth

Obstacles for female leaders in the resources sector remain! The challenge is to look at them from a different perspective and work on yourself. That is when the shift will occur.

The Harvard Business Review discussed the recent move away from the metaphor of the “glass ceiling”. Barriers are being broken down by women now. A new metaphor “the Labyrinth “has emerged. This describes professional female leaders as they seek career advancement.

Viewing the Labyrinth from above it can be seen as having a viable route to its centre. This demonstrates an understanding that goals are attainable. However, there are still obstacles to be overcome. Hope and encouragement is offered and acknowledges that goals can be achieved.

Furthermore, it’s been acknowledged that times are changing for female leaders advancing the career ladder. Opportunities are emerging! Obstacles remain part of the journey to attaining career advancement. However they are no longer “roadblocks”.

In addition, a plan can be developed when the obstacles in this labyrinth are understood.

Some common obstacles that female leaders face are: –

  • Prejudice – gender wage disparity still exists
  • Resistance to womens leadership – studies link males to having more traits that are useful in leadership
  • Issues of leadership style – research indicated that females have a more transformational style than men. They establish themselves as role models gaining trust. Interestingly this type of leadership style has been found to be more suited to leading modern organisations but not yet widely accepted
  • Demands of family – its suggested that the female leader takes a disadvantageous turn in the labyrinth when she succumbs to the pressures of family responsibilities
  • Female leaders take more time off work. Interrupt their careers and often go part time. Slowing career enhancement and reduces earnings
  • Underinvesting in social capital – female leaders don’t spend enough time networking. Breaking into male networks is difficult in male dominated work environments

How can these issues best be solved, to create an equal playing ground?

What is the best path to take to manoeuvre through the labyrinth? To assist the high performing female leader to climb the career ladder.

A large body of work is being done from an organisational perspective which is a positive step forward. Gender and diversity targets are in place in many organisations. We still have a way to go to create the balance.

In conclusion, I find that the missing link is for female leaders to take control of their leadership journey. To achieve their mastery and lead with heart and mind. To feel more in control, feel more connected to their work and others during this extraordinary time of change.

Improve Your Leadership Journey:-

1. Be committed:-
– Have a clear goal and unwavering sense of purpose with integrity.
– Take yourself on a journey where you are 100% dedicated and committed.
– Be truely aligned with your purpose and have an unquenchable desire to succeed.

2. Be Passionate:-
– Express in a strong, effective way that brings depth and balance to new ways of thinking.
– Demonstrate true grit and harness it in a positive manner.
– The undeniable need to reach your goals and take others on your journey.

3. Be open to Growing:-
– Must be mentally agile, open to rapid change and growth.
– The more you align with your beliefs, the more your journey will be amplified and outcomes achieved at an accelerated rate.
– This growth must be balanced and kept in perspective to ensure harmony with the final outcomes.
– Harness your growth mindset to create momentum. Include your team and organisation so they can understand and embrace this process.

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