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Steps to Mastery!

When we consider the steps to mastery we usually think that once we start the journey it is assumed that we will reach mastery. Not quite that simple! It requires, a growth mindset, hard work, passion and commitment to start this journey.

Steps to mastery is a personal and professional growth journey. When a structure is put in place, our belief’s are strengthened. Allows us to become more courageous. Therefore, courageous acts lead to developing clarity that increases confidence and momentum.

Keep it Simple.

My 8 year old grandson is a perfect example of having a growth mindset. One day recently when he was visiting me he asked to check my mail box and open the mail that had arrived. Inside one of the letters was a proof on my draft book that I am currently writing. He was not aware that I was writing a book. His curious mind was all over this draft. He is an astute boy with a great comprehension of the english language.

Before long we were deep into conversation about the content of the book, the design of the cover and what it meant for him. Interestingly his views on being an author were quite different to mine.  He views words in his books as an extension of his world, a place where he can create what he feels important in his life. It creates a space for him not only to seek knowledge but to ask “what else” and “why” and “but”. To push the boundaries and extend his thinking further.

He reads books every day as part of his school curriculum, his young mind jumps into character with every book he reads. He finds reading magical and is in awe of the authors, these people provide a platform so he can expand the story and his thinking. This is inspiring! They help him navigate the story to reveal the magic. Having an open mind allows space to ask questions and push the conversation further.

Growth Mindset.

This is part of a growth mindset. This fosters a hunger and a confidence to keep exploring and growing. As my grandson grappled with his granny writing a book, he said, “does this mean that I can write a book”. Beautiful and simple!

Research tells us that it is crucial for organisations to foster an environment that encourages a growth mindset. As gender balance is a key metric with many organisations, the growth mindset is an important aspect to assist with balance and diversity. This is what will create successful organisations.

Carol Dweck, psychologist and author, describes people with a growth mindset as people who believe that they can be developed and they can achieve more that people with fixed mindsets. Carol believes that the growth mindset should be used for personal and professional growth as well as development in the workplace. This requires a change of mindset that increases confidence and ultimately the organisations bottom line.

My model below it outlines the steps to mastery. Identifying the focus areas that you need to work on to get the associated growth to occur. Assisting female leaders on their journey to lead with the new expression of leadership utilising a growth mindset. At each step the improved performance is amplified.

Who are you going to “share your genius with” today and foster their growth mindset to reach their mastery? To take organisations to a new level with gender balance, inclusion and diversity.

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