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Hiding in the Shadows!

How many times have you found yourself hiding in the shadows! Just “going with the flow”. Hiding in the shadows keeps you safe. Ultimately to reach your potential and achieve your purpose requires no more hiding in the shadows!

Time to Show Up!

Female leaders now have an opportunity to “Show Up’. Challenge the norms of leadership in this predominately male dominated sector in mining and resources.
An article in Women in Leadership has found: –
– 42% of all employees are women
– Only 25% of these women make up executive female roles
– Only 10% of these executive female roles are female CEO’s

Changes in Mining!

Women in mining and resources, have shared a common goal. A goal of commitment and passion surrounding this industry.
Historically, it has been a non traditional industry for women. As a result, women could only be found in clerical roles in the mine offices in the 1800’s. Furthermore, these roles were viewed as “womens work”.

The mining industry had its doors firmly closed for professional women up until the 1970’s. Professional women were not allowed to work there. Changes started in the early 20th century. Some female graduates were found in Geology. However, many of these graduates gravitated to universities, research and teaching as job opportunities were limited.

Mining companies started to recruit female geologists in the 1960’s. However, if women got married before 1966 they were required to leave their job and become a full time housewife. At that time, home and family duties were considered the responsibility of the female.

Until the 1970’s, women were found in the peripheries of mining. Life for these women consisted of them working in areas where they supported the mining infrastructure. As the infrastructure was established and town amenities were developed that included education, welfare and healthcare services.

Advancing Female Leadership

First of all, mining changed in the early 1970’s due to government changes, technology advancements and the womens movement. Off shore drilling rigs allowed women geologists to work on the rigs by the 1980’s.

While by 2012, saw the national female participation rate to be less than 20% and less than 11% for non traditional female mining roles.

Times began to change. Women in mining established a network to recruit, retain and support women in the mining industry.

Fast forward to 2005, where Mining and General Manager positions were now held by women. Hence, due to a growing cohort of leading women, they are slowly breaking down the barriers within mining.


Changes to government legislation supporting gender equality is assisting the rise of female leaders in this industry. A window of opportunity has opened for female leaders to Show Up and lead through times of change, to be the trailblazers. To create a new paradigm of female leadership in the resources sector.

Above all, Female leaders are now ready to show up and lead through times of change. To lead with heart and mind as they redefine leadership. Courageous female leadership will allow for advancements in the industry in an exceptional, productive and profitable ways.

Learn more about becoming that female leader leading through times of change with heart and mind in the resources sector.

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