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When the body and mind collide!

Guiding principles for health!

Moving forward! Have you ever had the feeling that your mind is about to explode? You have so much information in your head. Fantastic ideas that you are passionate about. Unfortunately, when fear steps in, it stalls you, preventing you from moving forward. You have reached the pivoting point, time to push through. When the…

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Sleep deprivation impacts our mental health!

Guiding principles for health!

Nurture Habits to Support Our Mental Health! Everybody wants to be the person that can always be relied on. That solid person that seems to be able to ride every storm without flinching. But like all things that person needs to be cared for and nurtured. Otherwise we crumble. Create time for self care, to rest…

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Leading in Tough Times!

Guiding principles for health!

Leading in Tough Times! Leading in tough times is what we are all being called to do in these difficult times. Whether it’s leading in your family, with friends, at work or in relationships. Additionally, now is an opportunity to dig deep and explore ways of leading that perhaps had not been on your radar? It’s…

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Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures!

Does Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures! However, this is a question I ask my clients when we start working  together.  Why you may ask? Above all, the answer in my mind is simple! In other words, if you dont know yourself, dont understand your feelings and know what you want, it is…

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Your The Point of Difference – Be The Voice!

Your The Point of Difference – Be The Voice! What does this mean? When your the point of difference – be the voice! Recently an old friend of mine, let’s call her Sally, was challenged beyond her widest imagination. Pushed to identify her point of difference just to survive. The Floods! The recent floods that…

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Eat Clean to Support Your Body!

Guiding principles for health!

The Year of Challenges! 2020 has certainly been a year of challenges in Australia! Firstly, the droughts and bushfires, quickly followed by the floods and rounding off with the global pandemic of COVID-19! Stress, fear and anxiety have escalated, all this can be reduced when you eat clean to support your body! Are you feeling the impact of these crisis situations…

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Joyful Leadership Boosts Wellbeing in Tough Times!

Guiding principles for health!

Happiness and Joy! Joy-fullness is a state of happiness, a sense of well-being that comes from within us. It is like the fire in our belly that keeps us warm. A feeling of contentment. Transferring this state outwards is so important now to help others. Joyful leadership boosts wellbeing in tough times. Research! Recent research…

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Project Your Vision of the Future!

Guiding principles for health!

Create Your Reality! To explain, you can create your reality by projecting your thoughts and capturing them in your action plan. This allow the individual to take some control of where they want their life to go in these uncertain times. Action plans facilitate the process of when you project your vision of the future. It provides a tool…

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Change is Inevitable – The Precursor to Transformation!

Guiding principles for health!

Change and Passion Rock Legend and Lead singer of the Rolling Stones Mick Jagger is a great example of change and transformation. Born in England in 1943 he went on to study business at the London School of Economics whilst dreaming about becoming a journalist. During this time he worked part time as an orderly at a Psychiatric…

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How to Manage Your Extroverted Team Members during self isolation!

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Self Isolation! A recent article in Forbes magazine has highlighted some issues of teams working in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some say “many extroverts are screaming that they cannot take anymore after one week of working from home in isolation”. That got me thinking? How to manage your extroverted team members during self isolation! “Introverts, please…

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Are you a Human BE-ing or a Human DO-ing?

Guiding principles for health!

Chaos! Disruption, fear, panic and chaos continues. COVID-19 continues to dominate the global economy and “our world”. The universe has provided a space to slow down. We have become so busy that we have neglected other areas of our life. Time to stop, reset, refocus and reenergise. Are you a human be-ing or a human do-ing?…

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Boost Your Mental Health at Home – Reduce Anxiety!

COVID-19 – The Impact! COVID-19 continues to create global havoc impacting all our lives! This week I have been working with several clients whose entire teams have moved home to work remotely. Suddenly! they have got kids at home, a partner at home, home schooling happening, internet connectivity overload, no routine, no structure and lots…

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Pain is the Silent Assassin – Holding Us Back!

Pain is the silent assassin – holding us back! Its like the elephant in the room. You feel the pain but choose to ignore it. However the more the pain is ignored the more debilitated and dysfunctional we become. Pain may manifest in different forms, it may be acute or chronic. It may be sharp…

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Toxic Work Cultures Create Dis-ease!

The Leader Drives the Culture! Toxic work cultures create dis-ease! “Energy is the currency of the universe. When you “pay” attention to something, you buy the experience”Emily Maroutian Organisational Culture is defined as a culture that consists of the values and behaviours that workers share and demonstrate.  In other words, if a culture is positive that…

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Inspiring Leadership – Mid Life Health Challenges!

The Circle of Life! Remember Kim Cattrall? She played Samantha in the movie Sex in the City 2. Cattrall played Samantha a 52 year old women, manoeuvring menopause. She was demonstrating inspiring leadership – mid life health challenges! Samantha shared the challenges she was experiencing. Above all, sharing conversations about a relatively taboo subject! A light…

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