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Boost Your Mental Health at Home – Reduce Anxiety!

COVID-19 – The Impact!

COVID-19 continues to create global havoc impacting all our lives! This week I have been working with several clients whose entire teams have moved home to work remotely. Suddenly! they have got kids at home, a partner at home, home schooling happening, internet connectivity overload, no routine, no structure and lots of extra demands. Now more than ever it is time to boost your mental health at home – reduce anxiety.

Working From Home!

Most people have not worked from home before on a permanent basis. Trying to understand what habits and routines will work. Felling that their whole world has been turned upside down. Increasing social isolation can be really scary if you are not used to it. Extroverts thrive on social interactions, so how are they going to mange this shift?

Suddenly leaders are trying to navigate this new work environment and for many they are moving into un-chartered waters. However they also have to manage and support their team through this transition to working from home. 

Working at home is challenging, and for many working from the kitchen table has become a reality. Having to tidy up all their work materials every evening so that they can set the table for dinner. No where to store their work equipment except in a box.

Using technology in the form of video conferencing may be a new experience for many. This is a time of extreme isolation and loss on all different levels for many.

We are all in this together!

No one is exempt from what is happening. We are having to re-invent our way of life! Many wondering how they can set up a workstation when they have no spare room. The dining room table may have to be transformed into a make shift office. No longer do they have the luxury of 2 computer screens.

For many the luxury of an ergonomically sound workstation may not be possible. The workspace may be very temporary with constant interruptions by the family and other competing household demands.

This is a totally new experience for many people and it is all very unfamiliar. Adding social isolation and distancing to this mix increases stress levels. Increasing stress levels create dis-ease within our bodies at a cell level. We need to identify these signs and get an action plan in place to prevent further decline.


Dr Bruce Lipton talks about simple strategies that may prevent us from getting sick. In his video he talks about stress being the major culprit, how it impacts our body and the effects it has on the body being able to attain nutrients.

Life is changing day by day and for many the shock, pain and constant turmoil being experienced is unimaginable and difficult to navigate. Grief, loss, fear and panic are common experiences at the moment. This is the most important time to boost mental health – reduce anxiety!

So I was thinking what are some ways that we can be proactive, take control of our controllable’s and rising up to the challenge. 

This is the time of great opportunity that requires grit, determination, support and an open and willing mind. Time for a re-focus, re-invest and to become re-energised.

The point is that we can give up or we can take control of what we can control. In this case we can absolutely take control of our mental health and make a difference to ourself and others around us.

Boost Your Mental Health!

That is to say now is a period of time where our mental health will be stretched beyond our imagination. In fact, pull back the reins and take control now!

Important to realise, these are extraordinary times and we are looking all around us for leaders who can guide us through these unfamiliar times. Another key point is that we are in a “new normal” for the immediate future!

As humans we need to feel safe and being launched out of our comfort zone is terrifying for most. However, you can choose to take control and boost your mental health – reduce anxiety. This will set you up to succeed and be the leader that people are desperately looking for.

“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver”. 

Mahatma Gandhi

Some things that you may find useful to create a bit of stability as you settle into working from home:-

  1. Develop a daily routine for you and your family. Set the ground rules so that each family member is clear on what each day looks like and their responsibilities.
  2. Set clear boundaries and separate work hours from family time.
  3. Find some joy and happiness every day. No matter how small, this is important to find balance. To feed the positives in your life. Raising your energy and giving hope that this situation will pass. 

In light of our current environment I have developed a Virtual program to help boost your mental health. NEED HELP? JOIN “BOOST YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AT HOME”  live virtual program. 

Boost Your Mental Health Virtual Program!

If you need help I run “Boost Your Mental Health” Program where you will get tools and support to manoeuvre though these challenging times! Develop a clear action plan.

For 21 days you will:
– Access live virtual webcasts every morning with me for 21 days
– Be part of a private FB page 
– Receive a copy of my book “Show UP”

Consequently, this will set you up to take control of your controllable’s. Set yourself up to prepare and plan for the “new world”. Be ready to hit the ground running when the environment re-sets. In short, you will be ready to launch yourself forward as the inspiring leader who is mentally robust and. capably, embracing the “new world”