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What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?

Leaving a Legacy! How important is it to leave a legacy? Above all what do you want to be remembered for? In other words to understand our purpose! Travel our journey sharing our “genius”. Realise how important this is and the benefits. It provides many things. Inspiration, influence, change, opportunities, options and so much more.…

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Back to Basics to Reset and Redesign!

“In times of life crisis whether wild fires or smouldering stress,the first thing I do is go back to the basics…. Am I eating right?Am I getting enough sleep?Am I getting some physical and mental exercise every day?” Edward Albert Launching into 2020 marks an opportunity for us all to get back to basics to reset…

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Mental and Physical Impacts Due to the Spread of Coronavirus!

Since December 2019 there has been a great deal of interest in the novel coronavirus. What does it mean for us as we live in a transient world. People have access to international travel. Borders are open for the transfer of viruses! Mental and Physical impacts due to the spread of the coronavirus and a…

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Capacity Overload Leads to Disengagement!

Zig Ziglar once said “The result of information overload is usually distraction, and it dilutes your focus and takes you off your game”. In other words Capacity Overload Leads to Disengagement! The same applies to any kind of overload that we experience either personally or professionally. Capacity Overload It can sometimes feel like we are…

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Productivity Increases When Habits are Created!

Certainly throughout the ages there are many examples of people who created success, increased productivity and fulfilment with the use of “habits”. Productivity increases when habits are created. Stephen R. Covey authored the book called “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. Published in 1989, it has sold over 25 million copies!. Covey designed his book…

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When the Universe Pushes You Forward!


Welcome to the new decade and we are well and truely feeling the impact of disruption. Over the last three months Australia has experienced “disruption” on a magnitude that could not have been imagined. As a result we are experiencing signs of “when the universe pushes you forward”! Changes! The months are getting hotter, the…

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Our Blueprint is Inside Us All!

Author JK Rowling acknowledged that our blueprint is inside of us all when she stated “We do not need magic to transform the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already”. 2 Blueprints However, imagine we have two blueprints, one is what we are born with and lives inside us and the…

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Self Approval and Acceptance Produce Positive Change!

Why is it that self approval and acceptance produce positive change for leaders? Self approval and acceptance produce positive change for everyone who wants to make a difference and to leave a legacy. It first starts with knowing and understanding self. To nourish and feed the body, mind and soul creates balance, fulfilment and possibilities.  What the Research…

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Fresh Eyes Increase Leadership Potential!

Fresh Eyes Increase Leadership Potential! Hence why it is important to seek out the appropriate coach to help take you to the next stage of your career. Over the course of my career I have engaged many “coaches”. Helping with my personal and professional development. Some coaches I have had for short periods and others for…

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Strengthen Your Health to Boost Your Productivity!

We all know how well we function when we feel good, eating nutritious clean food, exercising regularly and participating in self care activities. Regular maintenance of our body and soul strengthens the connection between body, mind and spirit. Strengthen Your Health to Boost Your Productivity! Busy Life! Have you noticed when you get so busy with life, job…

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Be the Architect of Leadership!

We are all capable to Be the architect of Leadership! “You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Zig Ziglar Lead Ourself First! Author JK Rowling (aka Jo) she is the 9th best selling fiction author of all time and one of the wealthiest women in the world. She grew…

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From Exhaustion to Feeling Incredible!

Have you ever had the feeling like you haven’t slept in weeks? Exhaustion can sometimes feel like that. Difficult to stay on top of life, work and business in this state. We operate from a place of being “numb”! On auto-pilot! Moving from exhaustion to feeling incredible is the “nirvana” we all seek. A Common Theme…

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Erase Self Doubt to Amplify Energy!

Can you remember what you were doing in January 2009? During this time Roger Federer was crying in front of 15,000 spectators at the Rod Laver Tennis Arena in Melbourne. Roger was devastated! He had just lost the Australian Open Title to Rafael Nadal. He had failed to achieve his goal of gaining his 14th grand…

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Authentic Leadership Through A Different Lens!

Authentic Leadership Through A Different Lens! Skills were learned to create depth, to drill down and go that extra step. Leaving no stone unturned! Creating a continuous improvement cycle. Always thinking “outside the box”. Exploring different concepts to stretch your growth mindset. Being in Service! Many years ago I started out in my career as a registered…

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