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Back to Basics to Reset and Redesign!

“In times of life crisis whether wild fires or smouldering stress,
the first thing I do is go back to the basics…. Am I eating right?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I getting some physical and mental exercise every day?”

Edward Albert

Launching into 2020 marks an opportunity for us all to get back to basics to reset and redesign. Over the last few months in Australia has been disruptive and challenging. Nothing happens by chance. Everything happens for a reason however it might not be clear at the time.


The startling reality of the bushfires As a result of the bushfires In Australia, as of the 3rd January 2020, dId you know:-
– 2019 was the hottest year on record for Australia
– 28 people have been killed in bushfires
– Over 1500 homes have been destroyed
– Bushfires have burned more than 12 million acres 
– The smoke from the fires is visible in space
– Deploying the military to  assist in the evacuations, clean up and recovery
– It has been estimated 1 billion animals could perish or be affected as a result of the fires
Over $500 million raised for bushfire relief
– Health and wellbeing impacts have yet to be fully assessed and understood

Above all, these statistics will continue to increase as the fires and devastation continue. So much has changed, been damaged or lost, life has changed. Peoples attitudes have changed. We have experienced enormous generosity from all walks of life both nationally and internationally.

Tragedy and Healing!

However this devastations has brought humanity closer together. An alignment has occured. Furthermore, an attitude has developed of “we are all in this together”. Invisible barriers have been broken. Above all, its time to wipe the slate clean and to get back to basics to reset and redesign.
Time to revisit what our purpose is and ways to improve on it. To become a better person. Now is the perfect time to peel back the layers and allow our vulnerability to shine without judgement.

Above all, healing on a mass scale on all levels connects us all at our heart centre. Heart centred healing is powerful beyond our imagination. Synergistically we heal and grow in unison, gaining strength and healing from each other. Aligning with the animal kingdom to help the healing on that plane as we are all interconnected.

In conclusion, going back to the basics to reset and redesign will allow us to launch into this new decade with a different attitude. A different perspective. Equipping us with tools that are relevant to this new decade of living. 

Therefore looking at the “big picture”. Breaking it down into bite size pieces. In other words, when we take one step at a time, we can help heal, repair and move forward. Creating hope, health and happiness.

The 3 key ingredients of the recipe for 2020:-
1. Self Care and kindness to others
2. Gratitude
3. Eat well, sleep well and exercise your body and mind every day

We are stronger when we all work together!

Would love to hear your thoughts?