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Believe it is possible and do it!


Believe it is possible and do it! Do you sometimes wonder that you may not be deserving of being this high-performing individual? It can be common to have fear around being your best self and this prevents you from achieving even more. Shift your mindset and believe it is possible and do it! Choices! We…

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Time to simplify your life and reach your potential!

Time to simplify your life and reach your potential!

Time to simplify your life and reach your potential! Last week I was in a coaching session with one of my clients. Again I was reminded how much women leaders need to simplify their life and careers. To point out, I find that many of these high-performing women are feeling like they just want space…

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Unlock your unique code and find your best-self!

Your Fears! Do you struggle to be the best that you can be? Do you feel that something is holding you back but can’t quite put your finger on it? Do you need to start to prioritise yourself before you fall off the bandwagon? If you had to be really honest with yourself, do you…

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Is it time to get back on your bike?

Push bike

Is it time to get back on your bike? Is it time for you to get back on your bike? As a matter of fact, it was for me. In fact, growing up I was always riding my pushbike and carried that habit into my adult life. Kids love bikes When the kids came along,…

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Stand out in a crowd – own your story!

Stand out in a crowd – own your story!

Where do you sit? Do you measure and monitor your personal and professional growth? In reality, are you just so busy you feel that you don’t even have time to monitor your growth? Similarly, are you just too exhausted to care? Time to stand out in a crowd – own your story! Loosing momentum! You…

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Back to basics and manifest a new life!

Back to basics and manifest a new life!

Re-focus and evaluate! As can be seen, we have received a huge push forward into this new decade thanks to the disruption of COVID. In short, now is the time to settle and explore where we are going and re-focus on what is important to us. In fact, an opportunity has risen to take a breath and return to…

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Setting goals to empower you!

Setting goals to empower you

A New Year! Together, as we embark on a new year, let’s consider the value of setting goals to empower you!. In addition, let’s prepare for new beginnings by having a plan and setting goals to empower you! Notably, last month I attended a female entrepreneur networking event. Specifically, it was a crowded event full…

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Reflect | Inspire | Transform

Reflect | Inspire | Transform

Reflection! This memory came up recently and I wanted to touch on the importance of reflection. Not to dwell on the past but as a reminder to congratulate yourself for a job well done. To acknowledge the benefits of self-development to get the best out of yourself and your life. Reflect | Inspire | Transform! Inspiration! This photo…

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Be courageous and follow your heart!

Be courageous and follow your heart!

Time to check in! By and large, are you living a life lacking in courage? As a result, do you Lack courage to stand out and be different? In fact, lacking the courage to do what your heart is telling you to do to have more fun, excitement, and abundance in your life? In any…

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Boost brain health and lessen anxiety!

Boost brain health

Create Habits Creating a habit of waking up every morning and deciding that today is going to be the best day ever. Going to bed every night and spending time reflecting on your day. Realising what your achievement for the day was? This habit creates a shift to boost brain health and lessen anxiety. Disruption Not to…

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Negative thoughts erode your health!

Guiding principles for health!

When life throws you a curve ball! Recently an old friend, let’s call her Maggie. was telling me about her week. To begin with, Maggie is a well sought-after businesswoman, an expert in her field with a crazy work schedule. It just so happened that in amongst her busy weekly schedule she received a phone call from…

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Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business!

Guiding principles for health!

New way of doing business! Prepare yourself for a change in how we do business! Now more than ever business will flourish by supporting a robust wellbeing approach. Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business! Supporting the business and team holistically creates multidimensional growth on a mental, physical, emotional, professional, and financial level.…

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On the cusp of change!

Guiding principles for health!

The Signs! Life becomes difficult when you are consumed with fear, panic, and overwhelm? Lean into these feelings and breathe. You are at the point where you are on the cusp of change! Leave the Comfort Zone! 2020 continues to be the gift that keeps giving. It has been full of challenges for many of us.…

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Define yourself through self-promotion!

Guiding principles for health!

Time for a mental re-set! Important to realise, heading into the second half of the year calls for a mental re-set. The expansion of thoughts comes following a re-set. Realising the passion that drives us to get up every day and choosing to pursue it. For this reason, define yourself through self-promotion. “When you judge another,…

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