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Unlock your unique code and find your best-self!

Your Fears!

  • Do you struggle to be the best that you can be?
  • Do you feel that something is holding you back but can’t quite put your finger on it?
  • Do you need to start to prioritise yourself before you fall off the bandwagon?
  • If you had to be really honest with yourself, do you sabotage your efforts?
  • If you have answered “yes” then perhaps it is time to Unlock your unique code and find your best-self!

Things Happen!

It can be common to have fear around being your best self and this prevents you from achieving more! You can lose your direction and clarity which can prevent you from prioritising your health and wellbeing.

I Remember….

I remember a time early on in my corporate career when I was working in the coal industry in a fly-in, fly-out role. At this time, I was focused on climbing the career ladder whilst having to manage family responsibilities as well.

Despite my kids being adults, they still looked to me for support and guidance as they manoeuvred their careers. At the same time, I had inherited my frail father following the sudden death of my mother, and in the blink of an eye had become his primary caregiver.

Does this life cycle sound familiar?

Spiralling out of control!

My life was spiralling out of control. I longed just to be able to press the stop button just for a while. Just to jump off the merry-go-round of life so that I could reset and recharge.

I had become so reactive and was limping along in survival mode, feeling lost. Ultimately, knowing that I couldn’t continue on this path for much longer. As a result I was exhausted. To put it another way I was running on empty and had no energy left for me, self-compassion was not on the cards!.

Research tells us!

Research tells us that to be more confident and successful we need to learn more self-compassion. Neuroscience has found that when we fail our self-concept feels threatened and the body’s natural response is to go into the flight/fight response.

This means that our body cannot access the caregiving system, which means we attack ourselves by self-judgment. Driving us to be hard on ourselves.

With this in mind, introducing self-compassion instead of beating ourselves up allows us to be kinder to ourselves. Starting to enforce our positive self-talk. Being self-compassionate means, we need to be kind and honest with ourselves. Allowing us to be vulnerable without judgment.

“When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you”

Lao Tzu

Too busy!

Being too busy juggling a career, kids, and becoming the primary caregiver to my aging frail father did not leave me any time for self-compassion. This resulted in my confidence plummeting, self–doubt set in and before long I was even asking myself “who did I think I was to be this successful female leader in such a male-dominated environment”.

At this point, I had to stop and look at what I needed to do to “up my game”.  I had to place a focus on self-compassion, opening me up to being vulnerable and totally honest with myself.

Such a simple act, created space allowing a shift in my mindset to help me find my true identity. Unlocking my “unique personal code” gave me insights into how to care for me. Achieving my goals.

It starts with self-compassion, learning how to love and care for yourself, and honouring your worth. Prioritising you on your journey. This is the start to Unlock your unique code and find your best-self!

Here are some tips to start becoming your best self

  1. Start to visualise what your best self looks like and what you are capable of
  2. Develop an action plan and prioritise the steps to start bringing your best self to life
  3. Practice self-compassion every day, it’s like building a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it becomes

Next Step!

In summary, as a result of my journey, I have created a coaching program to help women who are experiencing what I did. Know that there is a positive way through this. To create personal transformation by “unlocking your unique code”.

When you find your unique code, it sets you free to step into your personal power to be your best-self with increased energy and vitality as you build a rock-solid foundation to help you manage all situations in your life and career.

If you think this program may be helpful, book here to schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with Joan.