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Are you the bridge builder?

Are you the bridge builder? Have you wondered why you are the one holding your family, friends, colleagues, and partners together? Cheering them on. However, do you feel that if you didn’t make the effort and keep on top of things that your world (and theirs) would fall apart? Are you the bridge builder? Bridge…

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Release old ways of thinking and doing!

Release old ways of thinking and doing! As we move closer to the end of what has been a year full of ups and downs, it may be useful to do a quick reflection. What has worked well and not so well? How have you felt about your growth and achievements in business and career?…

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Let’s start the dance!

Let’s start the dance! Life is meant to be fun. However, it is difficult to have fun when you don’t have enough energy to feel the spring in your step? In other words, do you feel energetically drained? Or can’t remember the last time you felt really excited about your career and life? Perhaps it…

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Ignite your inner flame and expand!

Ignite your inner flame and expand! Life is a bit like a jig-saw puzzle. In other words, we spend our life putting all the pieces together to complete the journey. When all the pieces are not in the right places, it can lead to feelings that something is missing. Feelings of being disconnected and not…

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Your intentions are your super weapons to create success!

Your intentions are your super weapons to create success! Having the space to think clearly allows us identifies what is not working for us in life, relationships, and career. In other words, we can break down old patterns that have kept us comfortable and stagnant. Therefore, triggering us to look and ask for more in…

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When “numbness” becomes our default!

When “numbness” becomes our default! Are you feeling stuck in life? Feel like you are going round in circles, repeating the same patterns with family, friends, career, business, and money? Starting to believe that your actions will not bring in the rewards you seek? Seeing the world through the lens of everyone else around you…

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Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind

Time to change the narrative

Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind How often have you been told that you just need to exercise and eat a balanced diet to make you healthy? Often, we think that. However, when you focus on the four key elements, you can create balance along with lasting health and success. So,…

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Keep your eye on the prize!

Time to change the narrative

Keep your eye on the prize! Are you struggling to stay focussed on your life and career? Is multitasking the norm? Do you never seem to have enough time in the day to get through your “to do list”? Then maybe it is time to take a step back, refocus and rebalance to keep your…

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Seize the challenge and find happiness!

Seize the challenge and find happiness! Reaching the point in your life where your career no longer satisfies you? Lacking motivation, feeling exhausted all the time. Fearful about moving from your comfort zone into the unknown. Time to seize the challenge and find happiness. Disruption in our world continues and we find that fear runs…

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Happiness is?

Happiness is? Last weekend my focus was on taking time out for me, to “fill my cup” and recharge. Time to top up my self-compassion tank. This is a key element to finding happiness and a successful journey. Many of us ask ourselves what happiness is and why is it so important? Others think that…

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Is it time to refocus and re-energise?

Is it time to refocus and re-energise? As we come to the second half of a very turbulent year, many of my clients have been struggling with anxiety and fear around their lives and their future. You are not alone; this has been a common theme for many people both in business, career and personally.…

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The elephant in the room!

The elephant in the room! Our life cycle is like the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, one season blends into the next. Notably, this creates a steady progression of growth and change. Nothing stays the same. Why is it that so many women struggle with the season of life known as menopause? Menopause…

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Changing direction can feel uncomfortable!

Changing direction can feel uncomfortable! Each season brings new perspectives and new opportunities to make changes and evaluate the current status. Deciding to tweak the journey to stay dynamic, flexible, and growing is a choice. Brought about by increased awareness. However, changing direction can feel uncomfortable! “When you change the way, you look at things.…

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