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Activate your codes and live an inspired life!

Activate your codes and live an inspired life! We all have dreams but when you bring your dreams into the present you Activate your codes and live an inspired life! We all need upgrades! Just like our computers need upgrades, our human self needs upgrades also. Otherwise we just keep doing the same thing day…

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Your health blueprint – are you coded for health?

Your health blueprint – are you coded for health? What does your health blueprint look like – are you coded for health? Have you ever wondered why some people have great health and success in their life and others seem to struggle? Genetics may play a part but we are all able to improve our…

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What’s missing in your wellness regime?

What’s missing in your wellness regime? Sometime ago I wrote a blog about are you a human BE-ing or a human DO-ing. In it I posed the question: “are you just going through the day to day routine or are you taking mindful actions and being consciously aware?” What changes can you make to take…

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Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially!

Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially! Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially? Explore a new business paradigm, leading from the inside out! Are you curious how soul level healing can transform your business and shift you into overflow?  We don’t always make the connection between our health and the growth…

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“What if” I had trusted my intuition?

“What if” I had trusted my intuition? How many times have you reflected on experiences and decisions that you have made and asked, “what if” I had trusted my intuition? Would the results have been different? Could the outcomes have been better? Often when you ask yourself “what if” you shift the focus of your…

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What happens when you give yourself permission?

What happens when you give yourself permission? As a consequence of the disruption of the last few years. Ultimately, this has afforded us time and space to slow down, reflect and reassess what is happening in our life. Furthermore, it has been a time of going within and it has felt like doing an internal…

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It’s your move – your life – shine like a diamond!

It’s your move – your life – shine like a diamond! Ready to surrender, listen and trust your intuitive guidance as you make a difference. Firstly, the energy surrounding April is very magnetic so trust that you are on the right path and keep attracting more of what you desire. Eventually this will herald in…

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Transformation is an ongoing process invest in your health!

Transformation is an ongoing process invest in your health! Now is a magical time to launch into the year refreshed and invigorated. I have spent the past month focused on working with clients 1:1. But mostly I have spent time healing, re-aligning, and upgrading my energetic system as I prepare for this important year supporting…

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Control the controllables and elevate YOU!

Control the controllables and elevate YOU! It is easy to go with the flow. In other words, the path of least resistance always seems to be an easier option. Being on autopilot stunts growth, happiness, and success. Are you feeling your calling to shift gear, change direction and create a life and career that is…

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Time to change your narrative

Time to change your narrative. How often do you find yourself gravitating towards people like you? It is no coincidence; we are all energetic beings. We are attracted to a similar vibration and frequency. So, if you are feeling negative and all doom and gloom then you will be attracted to people who feel the…

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What will be your next step?

What will be your next step? Do you feel invisible and undervalued at work? Are you fed up with making the same mistakes over and over? Do you yearn for more clarity and direction in your life? Are you ready to let go of your negative self-talk once and for all? Is it time to…

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A fish out of water!

A fish out of water! What happens when we ignore feeling and feel like we are a fish out of water! This is often a sign that we need to look at what is happening in our life and career.   At times it may present with a feeling that something is missing in life,…

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Energy management is the key!

Energy management is the key! At times we forget as human beings we are made up of energy particles. Therefore, it makes sense to manage our energy wisely. In other words, this will help us get the best out of our body, mind, and life. In addition, doing this allows us to be more aware.…

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