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Energy is amplified when you define your purpose!

Self belief is a pre requisite to clearly defining your purpose and bringing it to life. It’s a journey like no other that requires commitment, trust and belief. However, these ingredients come from within. Blending them well completes the recipe. In other words, energy is amplified when you define your purpose! The Journey! This journey…

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Why Women in Leadership Roles is Key to Innovation!

Why women in leadership roles is key to innovation? It’s a bit like adding the missing link in the chain. It’s the part that makes the process complete. It adds substance, a different perspective and a different experience. Time to challenge the “norms”! The Learning Curve! We have learned a lot from the last decade of disruption.…

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Leaders Living in Abundance share Amazing Opportunities!

Why is it that leaders living in abundance share amazing opportunities? Leaders living in abundance share amazing opportunities! It all starts with our energy flow and mindset! Having a flow of abundance in life requires a reduction of friction points (obstacles). Reducing these friction points creates an agile mindset. Abundance, growth and success follow. Friction Points! It got…

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Job Control!

Has your job control taken over your life? What happens when the job demands become inflexible and you have no voice? No say in how that job works? It can be insidious and destructive! Affecting both your mental and physical health. Having a job we love, working with people we like can be a joy and effortless.…

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Your Body is Your Temple!

Holistic Health and Career! Your body is your temple! Buddha once said “To keep the body in good health is a duty…..otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”. However, good health is about integrating body, mind and soul. Paying attention to each element to create balance and harmony. It…

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When Busyness Takes Over!

Years ago travelling through the London underground tube station with a friend and waiting to catch our next train. Suddenly we were captivated by a lady running frenetically along the platform as if her life depended on her getting somewhere urgently. This was certainly a case of when busyness takes over! The closer she came to…

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Decluttering Creates Space!

Decluttering creates space and assists you to change gears in your life. Step up to the next level? Declutter your mind, body and home to create an energy shift. Release the heaviness that you have been carrying. Allow the clarity to aid growth in your leadership journey. What is Clutter? So what is clutter? In…

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Millennials – The New Workforce!

Cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote in 1970 “Because all the peoples of the world are part of one electronically based, intercommunicating network, young people everywhere share a kind of experience that none of the elders ever had… This break between generations is wholly new! It is planetary and universal”

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Burn Out or Burn In?

Burn Out or Burn In?
Time to Show Up and stop burn out and improve our mental health. Research now suggests that a new paradigm of leadership is required to address and reduce this issue of burnout. To be more humanistic. To acknowledge human limitations.

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Intuitive Executives in the Resources Sector!

Time to Show Up using softer skills such as intuition.
More than ever intuitive executives in the resources sector are gaining trust? The resources sector is an incredibly fast paced, reactive environment. In addition, to survive, make changes and grow requires an open and agile mindset. Intuition is an effective tool to support this growth.

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Awareness Creates a Confidence Cycle to Inclusion!

Awareness creates a confidence cycle to inclusion! Its like stepping into the abyss, a place of great unknown but with trust. To take the first step, becoming aware and setting up a cadence where step by step you pull yourself up out of the abyss. Confidence grows and a new way of thinking is embraced. Over…

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Be kind with no expectation!

Travelling through Melbourne on business last week, I was reminded of the act be kind with no expectation. As I settled into a warm comfy coffee shop to enjoy a cup of tea and catch up with my emails, I noticed a homeless person standing outside at the street intersection. Random Act of Kindness The…

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