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Making a difference every day!

The daily act of practising “being present” allows our awareness to increase. Creating space to see the bigger picture. Space gives us an opportunity to focus on what is important. Making a difference every day!

Daily Focus!

As female leaders , it is important to remind ourself of the flow on effect that helping others has. Whether it is in our personal or professional lives. Doing this “in service” not only helps our teams, peers and other leaders, the positive effect that it has on everybody is very powerful. It creates an energetic shift!

The knock on effect that is created, inspires us to make more of an effort to pay a good deed forward. In turn others around us follow suit.

Pay it Forward!

Psychologist, Professor Adam Grant, talks about paying it forward with the 5 minute favour. Much of his research around this concept has found that the 5 minute interaction can be life changing for a low personal cost.

Grant qualifies this. He says that when you practice these 5 minute interactions you become happier and more successful when you give without expecting anything in return.

All this research supports the concept in my book “Show UP“. I talk a lot about the new female paradigm of leadership, leading with heart and mind. These modern day female leaders are focused on making a difference every day. Staying present and focused, creates an awareness to share, collaborate and be inclusive.

Coming from being in a place “of service” with no expectations is very powerful and demonstrates your authenticity. Just what makes you “real”.

Working on bringing the balance of the masculine and feminine energies. We are bringing leadership energetically back into balance. Providing opportunities for everyone to be the best and fullest expression of themselves. Encouraging collaboration, innovation and fun. Creating a space for inclusiveness.

Changing Leadership Styles

As a result leaders and teams can move from operating in a fear based environment to an environment of transparency, collaboration and trust. A place where people can connect and feel connected. Where trust is formed and value becomes a common currency.  Creating communities where people care and want to help and support others. Everyone has the courage and desire to contribute and make a difference every day.

As you start consciously making an effort to make a difference every day, changes start to happen:-
1. Your vision becomes clearer
2. Your belief in yourself becomes stronger
3. You start to share your vulnerabilities – you get real
4. You attract like minded people to you

This is where the magic starts to happen and remember “sharing is caring”.

Forbes talks about 3 simple benefits of paying forward in the office:
1. It shows your appreciation for others
2. We create a cycle of helping others and in turn they feel valued
3. Take someone out to lunch, break the routine and foster some creativity

As a leader what practices do you have in place to make a difference with your team, to make them feel more valued and inclusive?

Would love to hear your thoughts?