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Be the facilitator of transformation!

Intuition increase energy! Did you know that when you develop your intuition your body energy is affected? Enabling you to focus on your energy. Become more aware of your emotions as you become present.Be the facilitator of transformation! “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which…

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The intuitive leader has the edge!

Guiding principles for health!

The “New Normal” Everyone is talking about what the “new normal” will look like post COVID-19.  So much disruption has occured! For this reason, we move forward into a prime opportunity to re-design our new normal. In effect, this will require a shift in mindset. Change your perception and be agile as you realise the…

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Ready to boost your energy!

Ready to boost your energy! Have you have lost your direction and need to find some clarity to gain a healthy balance with increased energy and vitality? Are you ready to boost your energy! In other words, let’s first understand the body. Hence, through the study of Quantum physics, the science that describes how everything…

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The world needs your uniqueness now!

The world needs your uniqueness now! So much change has occurred in the world over the last few years. Coupled with, fast, chaotic, and disruptive change for many. Above all, listen to the messages from these disruptions, it is time to do things differently. Besides, it is time to be honest with yourself and do…

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When your “tank” is empty!

When your “tank” is empty! Firstly, Do you lack time, energy, and clarity to get on with your life? You know that you need to make some change and prioritise you before you fall off the “bandwagon”. Not to mention, that you just can’t seem to muster up the energy to do something about your…

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Be the master of our journey!

Be the master of our journey! Have you experienced times in your life where you cannot recollect what happened? Do you have blanks around certain life events? Now neuroscience is discovering some reasons why these events occur, leading us to be the master of our journey! I have always been curious and fascinated by the…

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How robust is your wellness toolkit?

How robust is your health and wellness toolkit?

How robust is your wellness toolkit? How important do you rate your self-care practices? Do you have a wellness toolkit? How robust is your wellness toolkit? Is it time to level up with your health and wellness to support you on your health and wellness journey? Recently I was invited to be one of four…

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Your health is your superpower!

Unlock your unique code

Your health is your superpower! Most of us know how important our health is, however, many of us wait until we “fall apart” before addressing this. Conversely, Imagine how much happier and successful you would be if you could improve your health and heal on a mental, physical, and emotional level. Trust that your health…

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Wise leadership starts with you!

Wise leadership starts with you! We are all leaders whether it be in business, in our personal life or in our career. Many leaders strive to be authentic, but many miss the mark. I believe to be authentic and inspirational; you must be wise. Understanding yourself gives you the courage and ability to support others…

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How a dog helps you heal!

How a dog helps you heal! The past year has been chaotic for so many of us. High-performing women and men are facing unprecedented pressures from all directions. As a result, their confidence and ability to achieve have taken a significant hit. Impacting our Mental and physical health. Now more than ever, it’s time to…

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When we stop seeing the signs!

When we stop seeing the signs!

When we stop seeing the signs! At times it is easier to travel the path of least resistance. To just keep doing what other people tell you to do without question when the financial reward means that you can feed and support your family in a comfortable way. We create a disconnect when we do…

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Step into your personal power with a rock-solid identity!

Step into your personal power with a rock-solid identity! Step into your personal power with a rock-solid identity! So, what does that really mean? Firstly, It’s about taking responsibility and owning your personal power. Living by your values and being driven by integrity. In other words, holding onto old ways and old belief systems can…

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Design a beautiful life as you transform!

Design a beautiful life as you transform!

Design a beautiful life as you transform! Have you ever wondered what your beautiful life would look like? We can all create a beautiful life when we give ourselves permission to transform, believe and trust. In effect, the journey helps us to rebalance, reenergise, and heal our mind and body. Allowing you to design a…

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How our past shapes our future!

How our past shapes our future!

How our past shapes our future! For as long as I can remember, I shut out my past, knowing I had moved on, Living a different life. However, recently I have been finding myself reflecting on my how career began. Understanding how our past shapes our future! Did you know? Did you know that I…

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Do you really know your colleagues?

Do you really know your colleague?

Do you really know your colleagues? I was talking with a colleague of mine the other day and she did not realise that I was a Naturopath for almost 10 years! As a result, It got me thinking about how well do you really know your colleagues? Years ago, life was very different. I was…

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