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Your health is your superpower!

Your health is your superpower!

Most of us know how important our health is, however, many of us wait until we “fall apart” before addressing this. Conversely, Imagine how much happier and successful you would be if you could improve your health and heal on a mental, physical, and emotional level. Trust that your health is your superpower! Allowing you to begin “unlocking your unique code” as you build a rock-solid foundation.


Research tells us that 30% of the global population is overweight or obese. By 2030 this figure will have increased to 50%. Globally, poor health is estimated to cost:

  • 43 days per person is lost to poor health
  • 5% of lost productivity for each worker with poor health
  • Using current health interventions, the global disease burden could be reduced by 40%

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit”.

B.K.S Iyegar

Annie’s story!

Last year working with a client called Annie. She shared during our initial strategy session that her main issue was, she had gained 10 kgs over the previous 12 months. Unable to shift this excess weight. She became pre-occupied with trying to lose weight,. As a result she decided to only eat one meal per day and that was generally late in the evening.

As a health professional, alarm bells started ringing as we know from experience and case studies that starving your body to lose weight is generally counterproductive and creates other problems. Ultimately, starving your body can lead to difficulty with concentration, fatigue, and brain fog to mention a few.

Annie’s current situation, revealed that she was struggling to cope with her workload, trying to juggle so many competing priorities. Exhaustion had crept in! Compounding her situation by starving her body. For the body to function well it needs a regular supply of nutritious meals at regular intervals throughout the day.

At the same time, sometimes, we just need to stop, take a breath, and a long look at what is going on inside of us. As a result, by the end of our strategy session, Annie had identified her stressors and we had developed an initial plan to reduce some of these “pain points”. Finally, one key action that Annie took away was to introduce 3 small meals and two snacks throughout her day. These meals included 30% good fats including avocado or olive oil, 40% carbohydrates, such as green leafy vegetables, and 30% protein.

Develop a plan!

To begin with, we know that improved health is a catalyst for personal, professional, and economic growth. Health improvement is a personal responsibility. It starts with you! Here are 3 tips to get you started:

  1. Get a baseline of your current health status, have you done your health check yet? If not download my health barometer checklist to get an indication of where your health is at.
  2. Once you have health barometer score, identify some small improvements that you could make. Seek advice from a health professional to get you started
  3. Get an accountability buddy, coach, or mentor to assist you on your journey to improved health and wellness

A key to starting to “unlock your unique code” is to acknowledge that your health is your superpower! A code helps unpack your identity through being honest with who you are, and who you want to be.  It is opening to that greater power that is within you and that includes vibration and energy, whilst learning how to master that energy to build on your values and beliefs.

This amplifies the essence and enlightenment that comes through when you can see and feel the bigger vision. Your world becomes expansive, yet you are present as you step into your personal power and best self.

If you want to learn more about how you can unlock your unique code, let’s have a chat?