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Make 2019 the best year yet for you!

Make 2019 the best year yet for you. Firstly lets explore what life has been like this year? Have you been struggling with every day tasks, life, job and career. Some aspects of your life may have become so mundane that life feels meaningless. You may have experienced that part of you has “died”. Consequently, you…

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Consider your Mental Health!

Consider your mental health! Firstly, consider your mental health? Here are some indicators that remind us that our mental health may not be as robust as it could be: – – Loosing interest daily living – Becoming isolated – Loosing contact with friends – Feeling apathetic most of the time – Unhealthy eating – Gaining…

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When You Follow the Life You Are Meant to Be Living!

When You Follow the life you are meant to be living? When you follow the life you are meant to be living! Does it matter or is it just ok to plod along and just accept what you have?  As a result, if your not happy and not fulfilled then maybe its time to take a…

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Spring Time, Spring Clean – Consider a detox!

Spring Time – Spring Clean. Spring time, spring clean this is the best time to consider a mind and body detox. This requires commitment and discipline to stick to a plan and reach your goals. Why consider a Spring time spring clean? Spring time is the start of a new season that reflects new beginnings. …

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Practice Non Attachment today!

Practice Non Attachment Today! This morning while I was at my regular hot yoga class my instructor reminded us that one of the reasons we practice yoga is to practice non attachment. He stated that by practising in a different spot each class would allow us to view ourselves from a different perspective. In turn…

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Celebrate Today!

Celebrate today with your everyday achievements? To create greater awareness of what truely makes us happy and fulfilled, celebrate today! Therfore practice gratitude for all the simple things in life that bring joy and happiness. Celebrate today and reap the rewards for tomorrow! Consequently, when you open your heart and allow yourself to celebrate the…

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Comparisons can prevent growth!

Comparisons can prevent growth! How does the act of comparing yourself with others affect your physical, emotional, financial and/or professional growth? Have you ever considered that by comparing yourself with others could actually be holding you back? Comparisons can prevent growth! Why comparisons are detrimental to growth? As you look closely do you see yourself…

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Simplicity is the Key!

Simplicity is the key! Society is well and truely experiencing the age of disruption! Simplicity is the key! Most noteworthy, time is moving faster than ever before. Life as we know it is changing daily at a rapid rate. Technology seems to be overtaking us and in some cases replacing us. Simplicity is the key…

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