Health Archives - Joan McEwan Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Sat, 02 Apr 2022 05:29:27 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Health Archives - Joan McEwan 32 32 Guiding Principles for Health Sun, 09 Aug 2020 21:31:18 +0000 Without health you have nothing! You owe it to yourself to have health. By following the guiding principles for health sets you up for a healthy, happy life.

The post Guiding Principles for Health appeared first on Joan McEwan.


“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver” 

Mahatma Gandhi

Health is Wealth!

To point out, without health you have nothing! For this reason, you owe it to yourself to have a healthy body and mind. In the long run, by capturing the guiding principles for health sets you up for lifelong success.

So why is health critical to our success, happiness, and longevity?

Build the Foundation!

It’s a bit like building the walls and roof of a house before you lay the foundation. The walls need the support of the foundation to build a strong, sturdy house that will last. After all, without the foundation, cracks appear, and the house starts to crumble. 

In reality, poor health distorts the way the body and mind work. As a result, you become less efficient, less motivated, and more disillusioned. Aging is forced to occur at an accelerated rate.

Why Health Matters!

A long time ago when I was a young student nurse. I remember my first student placement in my training hospital. I entered the ward on my first morning with trepidation, having no idea what to expect. Struggling to breathe at times, I was anxious and terrified.

My fears were somewhat alleviated when I was buddied up with a senior nurse. She was kind and supporting, showing me the “ropes”. Our first task was to give Mrs. Brown a bed bath, so off we went. It was an old army hospital and all the beds were lined up along the wall with only a screen to separate them for privacy.

Pulling apart the screens to Mrs. Brown revealed the biggest person I had seen in my life. She filled the bed she was lying in. My initial thoughts were of how we could carry out our task when she was so large and immobile!

However, that was not to be my concern that day as the next thing I remember is “coming to” sitting propped up on a chair in the linen cupboard. I had fainted upon entering Mrs. Brown’s bed area and was dragged off to recover in the linen cupboard (it was the only private area on the ward).


Many years on, I still remember that day vividly and it is a constant reminder to me that looking after our health is so important if we want a good quality life.

I went on to discover that Mrs. Brown was only 52 years of age and had been in that hospital bed for over 2 years. She had not walked in all that time and had remained a prisoner in her bed. No quality of life. Taking multiple medications to fix one issue and counteract the side effects of others. It was a vicious circle with horrible consequences.

Health Burden!

Australia health statistics show that In addition to the health burden contributed by cancer, heart disease, and mental illness, an estimated:
•    1 in 3 adults and children suffer chronic respiratory conditions
•    1 in 3 people experience arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions
•    1 in 10 adults show signs of chronic kidney disease
•    1 in 20 adults experience diabetes
•    1 in 11 people aged 65 and over suffer from dementia

So what’s the point?

Well, Mrs. Brown’s story is not unique it is fairly common. Statistics tell us that 87% of the population are currently dying as a result of at least one chronic health condition such as obesity. Obesity is a completely preventable condition, however, it requires us to take personal responsibility to prevent it. It takes hard work and discipline if we want to avoid suffering from obesity. We make the choice.

Some guiding principles for health are simple: –

1.    PHYSICAL: Exercise every day, keep your body moving. Eat nutritious food, 5 – 6 small meals a day that include carbohydrates, protein, good fats and free from chemicals and pesticides. Drink clean water. Make mealtimes a celebration, enjoy your meal, and savour the flavours of your meal with friends and family. Avoid consuming junk foods. 

2.    EMOTIONAL: Take time to “smell the roses”. Spend time in nature or at the beach. Enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and outdoors. Practice regular meditation and allow yourself time to reflect on where you are at and what is working well and perhaps not so well. Permit yourself to have fun.

3.    MENTAL: Spend time with your thoughts. Practice being present with them, acknowledging and taking action on them. Journal your thoughts, as you go deeper you will uncover hidden meanings and guidance. Pushing you forward on your journey. Keeping your mind quiet and unpacking your thoughts creates space for more thinking to happen.

Whenever I question my health choices, I always remember Mrs. Brown and the life she chose for herself. One of hospitalisation and misery. Unable to fulfil her dreams due to poor health, immobility, disease, and obesity.

We all have choices, don’t end up like Mrs. Brown! Life is for living and having fun so don’t waste a minute on poor health.

Would love to hear your thoughts?

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Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures! Thu, 14 May 2020 07:00:41 +0000 Does Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures! However, this is a question I ask my clients when we start working  together.  Why you may ask? Above all, the answer in my mind is simple! In other words, if you dont know yourself, dont understand your feelings and know what you want, it is…

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Does Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures! However, this is a question I ask my clients when we start working  together. 

Why you may ask?

Above all, the answer in my mind is simple! In other words, if you dont know yourself, dont understand your feelings and know what you want, it is difficult to know and understand others needs. However, it is difficult to express kindness spontaneously if you have not explored this feeling yourself.

On the contrary, knowing yourself allows you to put your life in perspective. Hence, returning to the basics to nurture yourself. Explore your feelings. To be kind to yourself and others. In other words, as clarity rises you can redefine and realign your life, career and business.

At a recent vision board workshop I ask the question “When did you last update your vision board”?

The answers varied from “did not have one”, “did not have enough time”, “wasn’t sure what to do to get the most from it” and so on. All sort of excuses came up. Ultimately, when you really get to know who you are you shed your “invisible layers”. Procrastination and holding yourself back stops. You become vulnerable.

The Fear!

As a result, it’s like swimming underwater for a long time and suddenly you come up for air. You gasp, cough and perhaps choke on some water. Above all, once you have settled, regained your homeostasis, your breathing settles and you are calm and invigorated.

Indeed fear is the culprit for holding us back. Stopping us from taking the leap to move forward. Becoming what we are meant to be. We fear that people will judge us or worse we will experience the feeling of being an imposter.

The Emotions!

The more you feel what you are about the more aligned you become with who you really are! Therefore, the upside of this is that when you explore your feelings you feel more inclined to give out kindness. You release and receive 10 fold in return. This creates a ripple effect and increases energy and vibrancy.

As awareness increases we create a space within us that allows us “to slow down the frenetic pace of life”. Allowing us to reduce the pressure that we place on ourselves in this fast paced world we live in. To experience a calm mind and body. 

Matt Kahn, best selling author, spiritual teacher and philanthropist talks about acceptance. In addition, accepting the feelings you are experiencing and probing further to understand.  How this releases a capacity to be kind to self and others. Without focusing on an outcome.

Every feeling that we feel allows us to explore ourselves deeper to get a more grounded understanding.

The new paradigm of leadership has a strong focus around heart and mind led leadership. For this to be authentic, meaningful and purposeful it requires more of you. Poet Yung Pueblo sums it up perfectly:-

more rest
more self love
more letting go
more time for learning
more space for transformation
more honesty about how you feel
more time developing good habits
more courage to try new practices
more time cultivating your inner peace
more faith in yourself and the process

So how do we do this?

In other words, how do we create an environment where Kindness Matters – Building Healthy and Happy Cultures!

This requires continuous personal self development. In conclusion, create a simple but effective strategy by nurturing your self, sustain quality nutrition and evaluate your capacity. Take action in these areas to build your foundation.

Above all, by doing this will set you up for a happy and healthy life that enables you to contribute to building happy healthy cultures. That is when kindness creates magic!

Would love to hear your thoughts?

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Eat Clean to Support Your Body! Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:53:33 +0000 The Year of Challenges! 2020 has certainly been a year of challenges in Australia! Firstly, the droughts and bushfires, quickly followed by the floods and rounding off with the global pandemic of COVID-19! Stress, fear and anxiety have escalated, all this can be reduced when you eat clean to support your body! Are you feeling the impact of these crisis situations…

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The Year of Challenges!

2020 has certainly been a year of challenges in Australia! Firstly, the droughts and bushfires, quickly followed by the floods and rounding off with the global pandemic of COVID-19! Stress, fear and anxiety have escalated, all this can be reduced when you eat clean to support your body!

Are you feeling the impact of these crisis situations in Australia in the last 4 months?

Do you feel exhausted?

Feeling like you want to “come up for air” and get off the rollercoaster of emotions?


A recent study trying to understanding how workers habits have changed since COVID-19 has forced employees to work from home found:-

  • 48% are snacking more
  • 38% are doing more laundry
  • 52% are sleeping in more
  • 52% are going to bed later
  • 60% are watching more TV
  • 32% are exercising less
  • 16% are showering less
  • 26% are shaving less

So what does all this indicate?

So much of what is happening is out-with our control however there are a few areas that we can take control of?

Has your anxiety and stress levels increased?
Are you comfort eating?
Feeling in a constant state of flux?
In constant overwhelm as you navigate the rapid changes in life and in business?
Have your habits and routines “gone out the window”?
Wondering what you can actually control at the moment?

“It is the health that is the real wealth and pieces of gold and silver”

Mahatma Gandhi

Taking Action!

When we take this advice and action, what does it look like?

With this in mind, if we let go of everything we are desperately trying to hold onto and go back to the basics, the first area to review is diet and nutrition. We can control what we eat.

For this reason, we should take time to think and plan the daily menus. Indeed cooking is therapeutic, educational, and nurturing. Particularly, something that the whole family can be involved in. 

A point that is often overlooked is that for generations the kitchen has been known for being the “heart” of the house. A place where the family came together, laughed, had fun, and enjoyed cooking and eating together. The kitchen was the place where much healing occured, and many problems solved, over the cooking pot!

Recent Times!

Interestingly, in the last few months life has slowed down for many and an opportunity has arisen to get back into the kitchen and start some healing. That begins with clean, wholesome food. Eat clean to support your body!

So what is the point?

Eating clean food that is fresh, free from preservatives and pesticides aids in the detoxification of the body. Lightens the stress on the body and creates a health currency. The greater your health currency the greater capacity you have to support your body and mind to become stronger and clearer.  Essential currency to get through these challenging times and prepare to be “game fit” when all the social isolation restrictions are lifted.

3 Benefits of Eating Clean?

1. You will be smarter – research indicates that a diet rich in fruits, nuts, fish, and vegetables improves our cognitive function and keeps our mind sharper and clearer
2. Have more energy – eating fresh fruit not only provides a natural sugar hit but the increased fibre takes longer to be digested in the body, Making the energy available for longer, preventing “slumps” in energy in the afternoon
3. Enjoy eating food – when you chose to eat mindfully you eat with purpose, savour the tastes and smells of the food. Giving an all-rounded experience of enjoyment and gratitude.

Would love to hear what dietary changes you can make to “lighten your load”?

The post Eat Clean to Support Your Body! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Are you a Human BE-ing or a Human DO-ing? Wed, 01 Apr 2020 05:22:34 +0000 Chaos! Disruption, fear, panic and chaos continues. COVID-19 continues to dominate the global economy and “our world”. The universe has provided a space to slow down. We have become so busy that we have neglected other areas of our life. Time to stop, reset, refocus and reenergise. Are you a human be-ing or a human do-ing?…

The post Are you a Human BE-ing or a Human DO-ing? appeared first on Joan McEwan.


Disruption, fear, panic and chaos continues. COVID-19 continues to dominate the global economy and “our world”. The universe has provided a space to slow down. We have become so busy that we have neglected other areas of our life. Time to stop, reset, refocus and reenergise. Are you a human be-ing or a human do-ing?


Equally important, nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason? How many times have you heard this statement over the past few months in the grip of this debilitating virus?

Furthermore, the enormity of our global and local situation is extraordinary. However this situation has created many opportunities. It is time to be creative and test out different opportunities.


Imagine using this time of disruption in a positive way?  Using it as a time for to stop, take a breath, refocus, reset and reenergise.
As the world almost grinds to a halt. Now more that ever we need to be creative and “think outside of the box”!

Time to stay calm!

Recently the World Health Organised (WHO) declared stress as the health epidemic of the 21st Century, based on the perceived stress and effects on society. This pandemic will further contribute to the health epidemic if we do not all do our part to mitigate this.

In reality, mental illness is the leading cause of long term sickness absence in Australia costing approximately $12 billion in absenteeism, reduced productivity and compensation claims annually.


45 % of Australians between 16 – 85 years will suffer a mental health condition in their lifetime. That is almost every second person! The impacts of COVID-19, self isolation, quarantine, ill health and other factors will no doubt add to the current global burden.

Looking at these statistics you would be right to think that this health epidemic was the tip of the iceberg! With statistics increasing every day it was heading on an upward trajectory that was unsustainable. Humans have become so busy, stress has increased and health and productivity has been severely impacted.

Research shows that mental health issues are compounded by many factors of this fast paced world that we live in. Our world has slowed down significantly so let’s take a breath and address some of our health problems. To start to reduce our health burden and start living a healthier life. Clarity will rise from under this veil of “busyness”.

Are you a human be-ing or a human do-ing?

Have you stopped to consider if you are just going through the motions? Ticking off your check-list, your to-do list without giving much thought to what is happening in your life and with those around you? 

Having become a nation that is so time poor we have put our health at risk by just being so busy.


Several years ago, I was travelling through London. We were changing tubes in the underground when I recognised a lady run past us. To my amazement it was an old friend from my university days. I shouted out to her and she stopped, recognised me and came running over.

We chatted frantically catching up on all our news and suddenly I remembered that she had been running across the train platform. I quickly said “oh you best get going so that you dont miss your train”. She replied “oh thats ok, I can catch the next train as I am not in any hurry”!!

That memory has stayed with me for many years and I often reflect on that day. Sometimes I believe that being busy can become such a habit because everyone else around us is busy. Or at times it may arise from being lonely or not wanting to be seen as different. Being busy has become the norm!

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world,

that is the myth of the atomic age,

as in being able to remake ourselves”.

Mahatma Gandhi


In summary, this current global pandemic has created a slowing down of life. Suddenly a time where we are being forced to slow down, refocus, reset and re-evaluate. A time where we can “remake” ourself.

Global leadership expert, writer and lawyer Robin Sharma talks about the importance of having a deep productivity protocol.  His thinking is very relevant in these current times when humans are being called upon to slow down, reset and refocus!

Sharma’s, key tips to slow down, be present are:-
– Stop saying yes to everyone
– Become a minimalist – using your energy to focus on your genius
– Simplify your life from complexity to simplicity
– Develop habits to create efficiencies
– Plan your week
– Stay positive and surround yourself with likeminded people

Time is Now!

During this period of enforced isolation and downturn, let’s search for the positives. In light of this, get comfortable with the stillness and the quiet in your mind. In addition, ask yourself what it really is that you are seeking. What is your genius? What fills you with joy and happiness?

Finally, start to explore opportunities that you were unable to consider before because of all the noise and business in your life and career. Decide if you are a human be-ing or a human do-ing?

In other words, what changes can you make to take control of your life, health and career that will create joy and happiness? Certainly, this is the perfect time to recalibrate and listen to your “inner voice” and follow your “WHY”. 

Tips to be kind to yourself in all this chaos:-
– Practice self care every day, even if it is reading your favourite book for 30mins
– Enjoy 10 minutes of fresh air and sunshine even if it is only in your garden
– Start listing all the things in your life that no longer serve you and get rid of them and replace with things that resonate in your heart.
– Be kind to yourself and others
– Create in your mind what your perfect day looks like and write it down. Project your thoughts to help create a better situation
– We all have choices!

Till next time, stay strong, healthy and keep a flexible mindset to change and explore different thinking..

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post Are you a Human BE-ing or a Human DO-ing? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Boost Your Mental Health at Home – Reduce Anxiety! Sun, 29 Mar 2020 07:17:53 +0000 COVID-19 – The Impact! COVID-19 continues to create global havoc impacting all our lives! This week I have been working with several clients whose entire teams have moved home to work remotely. Suddenly! they have got kids at home, a partner at home, home schooling happening, internet connectivity overload, no routine, no structure and lots…

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COVID-19 – The Impact!

COVID-19 continues to create global havoc impacting all our lives! This week I have been working with several clients whose entire teams have moved home to work remotely. Suddenly! they have got kids at home, a partner at home, home schooling happening, internet connectivity overload, no routine, no structure and lots of extra demands. Now more than ever it is time to boost your mental health at home – reduce anxiety.

Working From Home!

Most people have not worked from home before on a permanent basis. Trying to understand what habits and routines will work. Felling that their whole world has been turned upside down. Increasing social isolation can be really scary if you are not used to it. Extroverts thrive on social interactions, so how are they going to mange this shift?

Suddenly leaders are trying to navigate this new work environment and for many they are moving into un-chartered waters. However they also have to manage and support their team through this transition to working from home. 

Working at home is challenging, and for many working from the kitchen table has become a reality. Having to tidy up all their work materials every evening so that they can set the table for dinner. No where to store their work equipment except in a box.

Using technology in the form of video conferencing may be a new experience for many. This is a time of extreme isolation and loss on all different levels for many.

We are all in this together!

No one is exempt from what is happening. We are having to re-invent our way of life! Many wondering how they can set up a workstation when they have no spare room. The dining room table may have to be transformed into a make shift office. No longer do they have the luxury of 2 computer screens.

For many the luxury of an ergonomically sound workstation may not be possible. The workspace may be very temporary with constant interruptions by the family and other competing household demands.

This is a totally new experience for many people and it is all very unfamiliar. Adding social isolation and distancing to this mix increases stress levels. Increasing stress levels create dis-ease within our bodies at a cell level. We need to identify these signs and get an action plan in place to prevent further decline.


Dr Bruce Lipton talks about simple strategies that may prevent us from getting sick. In his video he talks about stress being the major culprit, how it impacts our body and the effects it has on the body being able to attain nutrients.

Life is changing day by day and for many the shock, pain and constant turmoil being experienced is unimaginable and difficult to navigate. Grief, loss, fear and panic are common experiences at the moment. This is the most important time to boost mental health – reduce anxiety!

So I was thinking what are some ways that we can be proactive, take control of our controllable’s and rising up to the challenge. 

This is the time of great opportunity that requires grit, determination, support and an open and willing mind. Time for a re-focus, re-invest and to become re-energised.

The point is that we can give up or we can take control of what we can control. In this case we can absolutely take control of our mental health and make a difference to ourself and others around us.

Boost Your Mental Health!

That is to say now is a period of time where our mental health will be stretched beyond our imagination. In fact, pull back the reins and take control now!

Important to realise, these are extraordinary times and we are looking all around us for leaders who can guide us through these unfamiliar times. Another key point is that we are in a “new normal” for the immediate future!

As humans we need to feel safe and being launched out of our comfort zone is terrifying for most. However, you can choose to take control and boost your mental health – reduce anxiety. This will set you up to succeed and be the leader that people are desperately looking for.

“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver”. 

Mahatma Gandhi

Some things that you may find useful to create a bit of stability as you settle into working from home:-

  1. Develop a daily routine for you and your family. Set the ground rules so that each family member is clear on what each day looks like and their responsibilities.
  2. Set clear boundaries and separate work hours from family time.
  3. Find some joy and happiness every day. No matter how small, this is important to find balance. To feed the positives in your life. Raising your energy and giving hope that this situation will pass. 

In light of our current environment I have developed a Virtual program to help boost your mental health. NEED HELP? JOIN “BOOST YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AT HOME”  live virtual program. 

Boost Your Mental Health Virtual Program!

If you need help I run “Boost Your Mental Health” Program where you will get tools and support to manoeuvre though these challenging times! Develop a clear action plan.

For 21 days you will:
– Access live virtual webcasts every morning with me for 21 days
– Be part of a private FB page 
– Receive a copy of my book “Show UP”

Consequently, this will set you up to take control of your controllable’s. Set yourself up to prepare and plan for the “new world”. Be ready to hit the ground running when the environment re-sets. In short, you will be ready to launch yourself forward as the inspiring leader who is mentally robust and. capably, embracing the “new world”


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Pain is the Silent Assassin – Holding Us Back! Thu, 19 Mar 2020 03:12:18 +0000 Pain is the silent assassin – holding us back! Its like the elephant in the room. You feel the pain but choose to ignore it. However the more the pain is ignored the more debilitated and dysfunctional we become. Pain may manifest in different forms, it may be acute or chronic. It may be sharp…

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Pain is the silent assassin – holding us back!

Its like the elephant in the room. You feel the pain but choose to ignore it. However the more the pain is ignored the more debilitated and dysfunctional we become.

Pain may manifest in different forms, it may be acute or chronic. It may be sharp or dull. We may have taught ourself how to normalise the feeling and either mask it with pharmaceuticals, go into denial or just simply make excuses.


Did you know that when we become fearful, we panic and in-turn every cell and organ in our body is impacted at some level. This creates dis-ease at a cellular level and pain can result. Often we are not aware of this for a period of time.


Currently the  COVID-19 Virus Pandemic continues to cause massive global disruption of unprecedented magnitude. No one seems to be escaping the events of this situation. A global health emergency has been rapidly unfolding before our eyes.

COVID-19 has not only caused disruption, but fear and panic also. The more we become fearful and panic the more we loose control and our confidence is impacted. It kind of goes hand in hand. Dis-ease has started to set in without us perhaps even being aware.

I have had many conversations with clients, friends, family and health and emergency care workers. And if I was to sum up the common theme to survive these tumultuous times is “to get comfortable with being uncomfortable”!

Some scientists suggest based on recent modelling that the COVID-19 virus may not peak until July 2020.

It is important for us to listen to the advice from experts and understand the science around the virus. Keeping all this information in perspective will serve us all better.

The key here is to obtain and listen to factual information and act on that. Being informed with facts helps us keep the situation in perspective. Regular updates allows us to adjust our “situation” appropriately. This is a dynamic situation that requires an agile mind and attitude to adapt as required.

Whether we are managing our career, health or personal situation the effects are the same. Fear, panic and loss of control create pain and dis-ease as we manoeuvre through the mind-field. 


However pain may manifest in different forms, it may be acute or chronic. We may have taught ourself how to normalise the feeling and either mask it with pharmaceuticals, go into denial or just simply making excuses.

Looking beyond the physical symptoms and asking ourself how we feel emotionally can help us lessen our fears. Being fearful, loosing control and confidence can spiral are negative traits that feed the fear.

Consider feeling the emotion around your fears and when you feel them, just acknowledge them and let them go. On an energetic level this will heighten your body vibration!

The science around fear and stress shows how it impacts the immune system and can significantly affect the health of the body. 

So what next?

Our world has changed and it is now time to rest, recharge and reset. This is an opportune time to let go of fear and embrace our new way of life. Pain will no longer be the silent assassin that holds us back?

Get rid of what no longer serves us, create a healthy mindset and lean in to all potential possibilities. And lastly let’s not forget to be kind to all especially to people who are struggling with this transition.

  1. Do not fear the changes, embrace it
  2. Take a massive leap of faith
  3. Project what you are looking for in your life, business and career
  4. Adopt an agile mindset
  5. Consider potential opportunities and expand on them
  6. Dare to go where you have not gone before
  7. Breathe and trust

Take control of what is within your reach. Stand in your own personal power. Open up your heart (knowing) and program your mind (doing) to project your intent and take action!

Stay present and be aligned with what you want in life. You are in charge and in control of your journey not pain!

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post Pain is the Silent Assassin – Holding Us Back! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Inspiring Leadership – Mid Life Health Challenges! Thu, 05 Mar 2020 03:55:16 +0000 The Circle of Life! Remember Kim Cattrall? She played Samantha in the movie Sex in the City 2. Cattrall played Samantha a 52 year old women, manoeuvring menopause. She was demonstrating inspiring leadership – mid life health challenges! Samantha shared the challenges she was experiencing. Above all, sharing conversations about a relatively taboo subject! A light…

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The Circle of Life!

Remember Kim Cattrall? She played Samantha in the movie Sex in the City 2. Cattrall played Samantha a 52 year old women, manoeuvring menopause. She was demonstrating inspiring leadership – mid life health challenges! Samantha shared the challenges she was experiencing. Above all, sharing conversations about a relatively taboo subject!

A light hearted attempt at highlighting the challenges faced by women as they navigate the disruptive symptoms of menopause. Cattrall describes herself as one of the new generation of “Menos”. In other words, she struggled with the attitude that people had around menopause.

Cattrall agrees that menopause is part of the “circle of life”. A natural ageing process for women. However attitudes have changed. So much more information and management is now available. Describing herself as part of the new generation of “changers”. Time to educate women and the younger generations how to eat and exercise earlier so that when menopause hits, the symptoms are less debilitating. Above all, education and knowledge are key!


Did you know:
– Menopause silently affects 27 million women at work every day
– Women officially reach menopause between the ages of 45 – 50 years
– Symptoms of menopause can last between 2 – 10 years
– In 2018 approximately 31million women in the menopausal age range were employed
– 80% of these employable women will suffer menopausal symptoms
– 20% of the workforce are potentially at work with not enough sleep, sweating, exhausted or suffering headaches
– Menopause remains a taboo subject in many workplaces

A New Era!

Times have changed and women are now expected to live until about 84 years. Similarly a woman born at the end of the 1800’s would live until they were about 51 years. The average age of menopause has remained stable around commencing at 50 years of age. Therefore women are now living longer through menopause.

However, the Australian Institute Health and Welfare project that the labour workforce of women aged between 65 – 69 years will increase from 20 – 35% by 2060.

Research from the UK indicates that about 3.5 million women are aged 50 and over. These women are working through a stage of life that is rarely discussed. This is called the menopause. In addition, some symptoms include hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, poor concentration and mood swings to name a few.

This stage of life can be compounded with women still having children at home. Caring for elderly parents whilst holding down a career. 

Climbing the Career Ladder in Your 50’s

So what does this mean for women now in their 50’s who are climbing the career ladder? Women trying to navigate their career. Being on “top of there game”! Whilst being challenged with multiple health issues. 

These women expect to be in the workforce for longer! As a result they need to help mould the new “norms”. To make the environment more adaptable and flexible. To get onto of these health issues that can potentially hold them back. It can feel a bit like trying to walk through mud. The effort to go a short distance can be exhausting and a huge energy drain.

As mentioned earlier education and knowledge is certainly the key to remain health and functional. A variety of treatments and support is available so it pays to do the research, shop around and make informed choices. In conclusion find a way that works for you.

“The way you think, the way you behave,

the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 – 50 years”.

Deepak Chopra

Some Tips!

Here are 4 things that can support your mid life health challenges in the workplace.
We know that women will live well into their 80’s and many will continue in their careers well past the age of 65years.  Therefore, realising that good health is critical. Employers and leaders also need to understand and create a more knowledgable and flexible workplace to recognise and support the different cycles of life.
1. Create awareness – Encourage conversations around menopause
2. Greater flexibility around working hours 
3.  Eat a healthy balanced diet
4. Seek out a trusted health professional who can support and mentor you on your health journey

Would love to hear your thought

The post Inspiring Leadership – Mid Life Health Challenges! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Back to Basics to Reset and Redesign! Tue, 18 Feb 2020 03:54:42 +0000 “In times of life crisis whether wild fires or smouldering stress,the first thing I do is go back to the basics…. Am I eating right?Am I getting enough sleep?Am I getting some physical and mental exercise every day?” Edward Albert Launching into 2020 marks an opportunity for us all to get back to basics to reset…

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“In times of life crisis whether wild fires or smouldering stress,
the first thing I do is go back to the basics…. Am I eating right?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I getting some physical and mental exercise every day?”

Edward Albert

Launching into 2020 marks an opportunity for us all to get back to basics to reset and redesign. Over the last few months in Australia has been disruptive and challenging. Nothing happens by chance. Everything happens for a reason however it might not be clear at the time.


The startling reality of the bushfires As a result of the bushfires In Australia, as of the 3rd January 2020, dId you know:-
– 2019 was the hottest year on record for Australia
– 28 people have been killed in bushfires
– Over 1500 homes have been destroyed
– Bushfires have burned more than 12 million acres 
– The smoke from the fires is visible in space
– Deploying the military to  assist in the evacuations, clean up and recovery
– It has been estimated 1 billion animals could perish or be affected as a result of the fires
Over $500 million raised for bushfire relief
– Health and wellbeing impacts have yet to be fully assessed and understood

Above all, these statistics will continue to increase as the fires and devastation continue. So much has changed, been damaged or lost, life has changed. Peoples attitudes have changed. We have experienced enormous generosity from all walks of life both nationally and internationally.

Tragedy and Healing!

However this devastations has brought humanity closer together. An alignment has occured. Furthermore, an attitude has developed of “we are all in this together”. Invisible barriers have been broken. Above all, its time to wipe the slate clean and to get back to basics to reset and redesign.
Time to revisit what our purpose is and ways to improve on it. To become a better person. Now is the perfect time to peel back the layers and allow our vulnerability to shine without judgement.

Above all, healing on a mass scale on all levels connects us all at our heart centre. Heart centred healing is powerful beyond our imagination. Synergistically we heal and grow in unison, gaining strength and healing from each other. Aligning with the animal kingdom to help the healing on that plane as we are all interconnected.

In conclusion, going back to the basics to reset and redesign will allow us to launch into this new decade with a different attitude. A different perspective. Equipping us with tools that are relevant to this new decade of living. 

Therefore looking at the “big picture”. Breaking it down into bite size pieces. In other words, when we take one step at a time, we can help heal, repair and move forward. Creating hope, health and happiness.

The 3 key ingredients of the recipe for 2020:-
1. Self Care and kindness to others
2. Gratitude
3. Eat well, sleep well and exercise your body and mind every day

We are stronger when we all work together!

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post Back to Basics to Reset and Redesign! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Mental and Physical Impacts Due to the Spread of Coronavirus! Fri, 07 Feb 2020 05:06:06 +0000 Since December 2019 there has been a great deal of interest in the novel coronavirus. What does it mean for us as we live in a transient world. People have access to international travel. Borders are open for the transfer of viruses! Mental and Physical impacts due to the spread of the coronavirus and a…

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Since December 2019 there has been a great deal of interest in the novel coronavirus. What does it mean for us as we live in a transient world. People have access to international travel. Borders are open for the transfer of viruses! Mental and Physical impacts due to the spread of the coronavirus and a possibility!

How can we personally protect ourselves?

Novel Coronavirus!

The novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that is transmitted between animals and humans. Common signs that indicate you may have this virus are typical “flu like” symptoms. Symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and even breathing difficulties. More severe symptoms may indicate pneumonia or kidney disease.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) are providing regular update on the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This was first identified in Wuhan, China on 31 December 2019.


WHO FACTS of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on 2 February 2020
– 14,500 confirmed cases 
– The confirmed cases are from 24 countries

There are many sources of information on this virus. The most reliable source of information can be found here.


Standard precautions to prevent the spread of infections:-
– Regular hand-washing with soap and water
– Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
– Avoid close contact with people with cold and flu like symptoms
– Boost your immune system
– Eat clean healthy nutrient rich food
– Drink fresh water
– Keep your body moving by gentle exercise such as walking
– Keep a positive mindset
– Show kindness and practice gratitude
– Enjoy the fresh air and outdoor environment

Notifications of any virus spread creates fear in many. Partly due to lack of or misinformation. By keeping updated by a reliable source will keep you informed and reduce your fears. 


Becoming fearful can impact our immune system. When we become fearful our stress levels increase and can weaken the immune system. A weakened immune system caused physical ailments.

Fear is a human emotion that can be triggered by a perceived threat. A basic survival mechanism of the body to keep us safe. However living in a constant state of fear can cause long term side effects in the body.

Some body impacts of chronic fear:-
1. Headaches
2. Muscle aches
3. Chronic pain
4. Anxiety
5. Irritability and increased stress

Steps from here

As Dan Brown quoted “Knowledge is a tool, and like all tools, its impact is in the hands of the user”.
As we rely on health organisations to develop vaccines and virus fighting drugs. Individuals can work on supporting their own health with 3 simple steps
1. Gain factual information to understand the virus
2. Listen to your body and take action to strengthen your immune system
3. Raise your body vibration by meditating and visualising regularly

These 3 steps will increase your understanding of the mental and physical impacts due to the spread of coronavirus. 

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post Mental and Physical Impacts Due to the Spread of Coronavirus! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Productivity Increases When Habits are Created! Thu, 23 Jan 2020 03:17:55 +0000 Certainly throughout the ages there are many examples of people who created success, increased productivity and fulfilment with the use of “habits”. Productivity increases when habits are created. Stephen R. Covey authored the book called “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. Published in 1989, it has sold over 25 million copies!. Covey designed his book…

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Certainly throughout the ages there are many examples of people who created success, increased productivity and fulfilment with the use of “habits”. Productivity increases when habits are created.

Stephen R. Covey authored the book called “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. Published in 1989, it has sold over 25 million copies!. Covey designed his book around what he called the “character ethic”. He believed that values are innately developed. Covey went on to state that values are internal and govern peoples behaviours.

These 7 habits are:-

  1. Be proactive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think win-win
  5. Seek first to understand and then be understood
  6. Synergise
  7. Sharpen the saw

Covey’s 7 habits are classics and have stood the test of time having first been created in 1970. Having been a follower of Covey since my university days, I have followed these habits as I have travelled on my journey. As a result I have always found that my productivity increases when habits are created!

Back to Basics!

For many of you who know me, know that I prioritise the basics. I firmly believe that when you focus within and start to understand who you are and what your purpose is, that sets your foundation for habits. Consequently, this enables you to be clear on your message. It sets the scene to develop your fulfilment and happiness.

Also, I believe we all want to be inspiring in our own way whether it is professionally or personally.  To become inspiring we need to develop the ground rules. We need to truely understand who we are! As a result it builds momentum and amplifies energy to fuel inspiration.

My 3 main components to amplify energy and become inspirational are:-

  1. Nurture: The Inspiring Leader must embrace self care strategies to be nurtured. Be courageous and demonstrate to colleagues that you can make a difference
  2. Nutrition: The Inspiring Leader is 100% committed to nurturing their body and soul. They must be unstoppable and measure their goals regularly to ensure they are on their chosen trajectory to success
  3. Capacity: Is evaluated and realigned with current needs and requirements. Capacity is measured by what you are currently taking on! Is this a realistic load? Does this load result in achievements, and the ability to inspire future leaders. They can do anything!


Hence, during this journey your awareness becomes profound both on a mental, physical and emotional level. Acceptance occurs when you can measure your status and make clear and proactive choices. When you gain deeper insight into the linkage between the mental, physical and emotional realms, this deepens your self belief. 

Therefore, all these components are all interconnected. They all play a part to create the foundation for the Inspirational leader. Most noteworthy, they feed the soul. Amplifying energy to maintain and accelerate the motivation.

Exuding high energy levels is magnetic. Drawing others to you for different reasons. For some it may be to recharge themselves or to gain some inspiration or for others it may be to “be a clone” of you. Everyone wants a piece of your magnetism.

Finally, whatever the reason, when we come from a high energy state we contribute to making our world and our environment a better place. A happy and healthier place. 

2020 – A New Decade!

Hence, 2020 is the start of a new decade and this year is specifically around self care and health. It’s about living in the present moment and doing what feels right for you. About taking personal responsibility. Develop a plan and insert habits to maximise results.

This is the driver to fulfilment, happiness, success and sustainability in this rapid paced world we live in.

Have you got your plan up and running to make 2020 your best year yet?

Would love to hear how your thoughts?

The post Productivity Increases When Habits are Created! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
