Guided meditation in your Akashic Records + Healing(via Zoom)
Unlock your intuitive powers & gain clairty on your soul's path!
In this session Joan will take you on a guided journey into your Akashic records. Exploring your soul's blueprint and aligning with clarity.
During this reading Joan will use her Spiritual gifts and tools to assist you in receiving light code activations and downloads to clear blockages, limiting belief patterns and old programming that is no longer working for YOU.
This session will create CLARITY, AMPLIFY Energy, support you to manifest GROWTH and HEAL!
I'm often asked by potential clients if they can "pick my brains". 5 mins here and 5 mins there, this just isn't effective!
If you really want to improve your life, career and relationships you need to stop and really BE PRESENT.
As you enter into your Akashic records and access your soul's blueprint you gain clarity as you receive messages and guidance to improve and support areas of your life and business. Start to unlock your intuitive powers and receive divine downloads to release blockages and support yourself in the healing process.