Uncategorized Archives - Joan McEwan https://joanmcewan.com/category/uncategorized/ Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Fri, 02 Sep 2022 02:21:53 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://joanmcewan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/98/2021/08/cropped-Joan-McEwan-badge_gold-32x32.png Uncategorized Archives - Joan McEwan https://joanmcewan.com/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 Are you a match to who you desire to be? https://joanmcewan.com/are-you-a-match-to-who-you-desire-to-be/ Fri, 02 Sep 2022 02:21:50 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=4963 Are you a match to who you desire to be? For a while now I have focussed on who I desire to be rather than what other people think I should be doing. Have you considered “Are you a match to who you desire to be?” or are you a people pleaser?  Rise to the…

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Are you a match to who you desire to be?

For a while now I have focussed on who I desire to be rather than what other people think I should be doing. Have you considered “Are you a match to who you desire to be?” or are you a people pleaser? 

Rise to the challenge!

It is easy to lose sight of what you really want in order to “keep the peace” and travel the path of least resistance! 

Without realising it I was a people pleaser for a long time! Consumed with fear and doubt if I didn’t follow the path that others thought I should be on. Stuck living in the old paradigm of business, all work and no play… 

Old patterns and beliefs!

Living in a cyclic pattern that had been carried through many generations of my female ancestors. 

“Girls should be seen and not heard”

“Be a good girl and do what you are told, you dont need a voice!”

“ Your place is not at the boardroom table, you are just a woman!”

“ How can you be a mother and have a career and a business?’

Business growth rely’s on courage!

Many years ago, after qualifying as a Naturopath, I was so proud and excited to set up my Naturopathic Clinic. I was passionate about helping others to heal naturally. Showing others how successful, happy and healthy they could be by taking control of their own health. 

Educating my clients around integrating, balancing and supporting their physical, emotional and spiritual elements was the start of their journey to revamp their health and bring the spark back into their business.

During this exciting time in my new business, I could see infinite potential and pure possibilities for supporting my clients, my clan and helping the world be a better place. Then something happened!

Obstacles get in the way!

My husband and I divorced. During this process the old ancestral patterns that I had been carrying with me for many lifetimes resurfaced. 

My confidence dissipated, becoming fearful about how I would support my family now as the sole caregiver. I listened to the voice in my head that was telling me “ you can’t be a mother and have a business?” 

In that moment I gave away my power, succumbed to the old patterns, gave away my dream business and settled back into “ a safe way of life”! I got a job!

Ongoing development!

Over the years I have done much study in health, personal development, leadership and spirituality. I had an insatiable thirst to learn how I could help to change the old paradigm and old patterns that kept me stuck and not living a life I truly desired.

What I found was that I had to decide and commit to changing my life. After the decision was made, the focus was around my passion, what ‘lit me up”?

Making a commitment to yourself!

Once I surrendered to this my life shifted gears. I was aligning to my purpose!

I realised when I was happy and fulfilled doing what made me happy – I was aligned. When I could be of service, helping with no expectation of receiving anything in return – I was in alignment. Living in a place of non-judgement. I realised I was aligning to my soul purpose.

From this point on it was easy to be a match to who I desired to be using my unique gifts and unique message.

It’s like I am the conductor of my life, embodying the energy that fills me up. Taking the time to refocus, re-energise and re-invent myself while focusing on the physical, emotional and spiritual components of my life. 

That is when I became a match to who I desired to be.

Some questions you may ask yourself to see if you are a match to who you desire to be? 

  • What is it that you are ready to let go of that is keeping you stuck?
  • What part of your life is hard and not bringing you joy?
  • When you look through the lens of your intuition without ego or logic do you feel aligned?
  • Are you feeling tired of conforming, following rigid schedules or feeling constricted?

It is now time to feed our energetic and physical bodies. Time to become a match to who you desire to be. Stop living in others shadows. This is where manifestations, miracles and magic await.

Are you ready to give yourself permission to become a match to who you desire to be and watch your health, life and business unfold in beautiful ways. With ease and flow, in balance and harmony?

Would love to hear your thoughts and my Conscious Transformation Mentoring Program may be helpful if you feel the call.

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I’ve never felt “normal” have you? https://joanmcewan.com/ive-never-felt-normal-have-you/ Mon, 08 Aug 2022 05:36:57 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=4867 I’ve never felt “normal” have you? Do you feel you are “too much” or “not enough”? Are you “too quiet” or “too loud”? Do you feel that you are abundant in life or living in scarcity? These experiences are more common than you probably realise!It starts from an early age, we grow up fitting into…

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I’ve never felt “normal” have you?
  • Do you feel you are “too much” or “not enough”?
  • Are you “too quiet” or “too loud”?
  • Do you feel that you are abundant in life or living in scarcity?

These experiences are more common than you probably realise!
It starts from an early age, we grow up fitting into other people’s view of how we should be. 

  • The way we should act
  • How we should behave
  • How we should feel
  • The way we should think

With this conditioning it doesn’t take long for us to lose our identity, lose sight of who we really are!    

I know that was me for a long time! Always feeling different, never feeling safe and scared to speak my truth for fear of being judged or laughed at! I’ve never felt “normal” have you?

My life revolved around this pattern. However, each new phase of my life that I entered the same feelings arose and I always felt different! What was going on?

I was fed up believing that I was never going to be good enough or successful enough!

So I changed and you can too!

I changed my life overnight, got a job in the resources sector and pushed through all the barriers to become a senior executive. It was a struggle, competing with the heavy male dominated energy but I got there.

During this journey I realised the struggle was hard because I was still “different”. I had failed to be my real self! 

Something was missing!

You see, since a child I have always been intuitive, but kept it hidden and that kept me “different”. I could read people’s energy, I could see their thoughts, I knew what they were thinking and I could feel when they were hurting. This scared them and they distanced themselves from me.

I felt I had to keep my gifts hidden as I learned from an early age that if I shared what I was thinking it often “triggered” people. Causing them to face things in their life that they perhaps did not want to deal with.

Even though I reached success in the resources sector, when I left I realised a part of me was missing. It was my IDENTITY. That part of me that was intuitive. I had hidden it so deep that I had to learn who I was again and trust that she was going to be ok!

That is why I created my business to support and guide others just like me who have always “felt different”. Who has been stifled!

You can be your real self and be successful, abundant, happy and healthy! Claim to be your authentic self now!

Claiming your intuition and using it as your SUPERPOWER is your zone of genius. Using your gifts allows your awareness to heighten, your soul awakens and your transformation begins. Energy shifts as you align to joy, happiness and abundance. You become MAGNETIC.

Let me know if you can relate, do you need some help to shift your energy and claim your Superpower? We all have the ability to use our intuition, claim yours now!

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Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially! https://joanmcewan.com/unlocking-your-health-codes-can-help-your-business-grow-financially/ Mon, 04 Jul 2022 05:53:15 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=4803 Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially! Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially? Explore a new business paradigm, leading from the inside out! Are you curious how soul level healing can transform your business and shift you into overflow?  We don’t always make the connection between our health and the growth…

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Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially!

Unlocking your health codes can help your business grow financially? Explore a new business paradigm, leading from the inside out!

Are you curious how soul level healing can transform your business and shift you into overflow? 

We don’t always make the connection between our health and the growth of our business by understanding your unique energetic blueprint for health is the key to your expansion!

Health Energetics!

Health energetics takes a holistic soul level approach to health, life, and business. Delving into your soul’s journey through your Akashic Records to tap into your unique blueprint.

So, what is your unique energetic blueprint, why does it matter and how can it help you? We receive our energetic blueprint at birth, and it holds all the information of our soul.

Akashic Records!

You can access your energetic blueprint by exploring your Akashic Records. It is like a huge energetic compendium of every thought, memory, experience, and feelings you have ever had since the beginning of time. A complete history of your souls’ journeys.

Energetic Blueprint!

When you align to your energetic blueprint, you can start to understand why you act, think, and behave the way you do. You gain clarity, life becomes more in flow, and you step out of a mindset of scarcity and lack and move into abundance and overflow. It helps you gain clarity on what your life purpose is and how to align to that path.

Exploring your unique energy blueprint allows you to access your health codes. Unravelling the wisdom and guidance from these codes as they are aligned to your highest and best self.

Creating a re-set and re-calibration to a higher energy frequency that can bring the cells in the body back to balance and harmony. It feels like you get an energetic flush, a detox, shifting out dense and stagnant energy and making space for lighter and clearer energy.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are a female entrepreneur?
  • Experiencing burnout and fatigue?
  • Struggling with health issues such as weight gain, mood swings and blood sugar imbalances?
  • Feel something is missing in your life, but you just can’t put your finger on it?
  • Ready to connect more deeply with your intuition and gain deeper wisdom?

If this resonates then you may be being called to activate your codes of health! As you activate the codes of your health, you gain energy, clarity, freedom, and abundance. Creating a balanced state in your body and mind. Releasing brain fog, procrastination, limiting beliefs and old programs. Aligning to who you are here to be.

These health code activations allow you to access your soul’s truth. Aligning to your purpose work. Your soul aligned business.

When you are aligned, you feel joy, happiness, and freedom to choose what intuitively feels right for you in your business. Your intuitive gifts become heightened. This translates into greater confidence, abundance and overflow of clients, money, time, balance, and harmony.

“Without health life is not life,

It is only a state of languor and suffering

– an image of death.”


You deserve to be the best version of you!

Why settle for mediocre when you can achieve magnificence through being magnetic?

If you are ready to make a difference in your life, business and create an impact on the planet. Connect deeper to your intuition and prevent burnout.

Understand that you don’t have to sacrifice your health and wellness to grow your business. Learn how to do business differently with fun and abundance.

Ready to manage your health energetics more effectively and redefine what success looks like for you by unlocking your unique codes. Let’s have a chat and check out my next CODES OF HEALTH MASTERCLASS.

As you awaken you remember that activating your health codes is the missing link to creating a life of abundance with overflow. Join the party now!

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Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire! https://joanmcewan.com/tune-into-your-values-stay-connected-intentional-and-claim-what-you-desire/ Thu, 17 Mar 2022 04:44:28 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=4423 Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire! We know that the world is going through massive change and transformation. One of the outputs of this is that we have a new type of leader and entrepreneur emerging. These leaders and entrepreneurs have seen the gaps and are creating solutions and…

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Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire!

We know that the world is going through massive change and transformation. One of the outputs of this is that we have a new type of leader and entrepreneur emerging. These leaders and entrepreneurs have seen the gaps and are creating solutions and offering purposeful opportunities on a humanitarian, social, personal, and professional level. Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire!

Our energy has shifted!

Have you noticed that what you value, and love now is probably different from this time last year?  Our energy and mindset have shifted, and we now have a deeper clarity around what we love, what lights us up. The energy for the next couple of months is reminding us about the power of playfulness. To support our body and mind, we need to learn new ways of being due to all the changes occurring in our lives that are out of our control.

Be courageous!

All of this requires courage, as we surrender to new ways. When you move into the energy of fun and joy and playfulness, this helps you to manifest more. It also encourages you to be more visible in your life, career, and business. This is your time to shine and own who you really are. Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire!

Lead with playfulness!

Our creative senses are ignited as we lead with playfulness. Joy enters our life. Your unique codes that lie within you are being activated as you heal through joy are playfulness. You are now stepping into a space where you can redefine what success means to you, letting go of old ways of thinking and social programming that are no longer relevant.

This shift creates an inner balance of our masculine and feminine energies. As this aligns, it allows us to accelerate our creativeness as well as taking action on what we want to create and manifest. We become more purposeful and elevate our happiness and success.

Ask yourself “where are you dimming the light in your life?”  Where are you not aligned; what mask do you need to let go of? Success occurs when you are clear about what you want to achieve in your life and career. Be generous and share your gifts, come from a place of being in service.

Own it!

Be strong with knowing who you are and how can you use your gifts to contribute to making the world a better place. Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and say yes to your challenges to let go of the old and grow into the new. Challenge the old ways as many of them have become irrelevant with our shift in mindset.

We are all powerful creators, and this process becomes easier when we stop overthinking and look inward and trust our inner knowing and focus on joy and playfulness. Let go of the fear, control, and ego state that can hold you back from repeating old patterns and beliefs.Tune into your values stay connected intentional and claim what you desire!

“Courage is knowing what not to fear”


Fear can keep us stuck!

We know that when we live in fear, we sabotage our potential to succeed. We may fear failing, being visible, not being good enough or even being successful. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the organs in the body correlate to specific emotions. Fear and anxiety correlate to the kidneys. Therefore, an additional way to help support, strengthen and balance your body and mind is to be mindful of your kidneys. Remember when we support our physical body we also support our emotional and energetic bodies and we can grow and succeed easier in our life, business, career, and relationships.

Some tips to consider: –

  1. Eat foods that strengthen and support your kidneys such as blueberries, garlic, cranberries, olive oil, cauliflower, and salmon, although there are many other foods.
  2. Reduce or remove refined and processed foods from your diet
  3. Remove sugar from your diet
  4. Increase fibre-rich fruit and vegetables
  5. Reduce alcohol intake and stay hydrated
  6. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as high blood pressure may indicate some stress on your kidneys
  7. Just breath and remember less is more

Moving through this exciting year I encourage all female leaders and entrepreneurs to stay balanced, support their bodies, mind, and spirit. By doing this you will activate your unique codes that will support your health and success.

Love to hear what you are doing to escalate your success in career, business, and life this year?

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Release old ways of thinking and doing! https://joanmcewan.com/release-old-ways-of-thinking-and-doing/ Wed, 03 Nov 2021 06:22:44 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=4132 Release old ways of thinking and doing! As we move closer to the end of what has been a year full of ups and downs, it may be useful to do a quick reflection. What has worked well and not so well? How have you felt about your growth and achievements in business and career?…

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Release old ways of thinking and doing!

As we move closer to the end of what has been a year full of ups and downs, it may be useful to do a quick reflection. What has worked well and not so well? How have you felt about your growth and achievements in business and career? Is it time for a deep clean to release old ways of doing and thinking!

Some may even feel that it’s a bit like driving along the road with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator. Others may feel that this is ok because it feels comfortable.

Now there is an emerging group of leaders who are rising above this acceptance of just doing things a certain way. They are challenging many boundaries and trusting their gut and following their heart. These individuals are releasing old conditioning and societal norms and creating new ways and norms to grow in this changing landscape. They are shaking things up!

Interestingly, this is an exciting time due to all the changes going on in all aspects of life now. The energy around us has become more dynamic, more expansive. With this occurring, it has supported these leaders to feed into this energy to support their shift to release old ways of thinking and doing!

For many years my business coaches have been encouraging me to enter business awards to showcase the work that I do in the Health and Wellness area. I always shied away from that idea. Feeling that people would judge me. Scared that I would let myself and my family down. Often comparing myself with others, thinking that they were all much better and more deserving than me.

So I decided just to stay playing small. Believing that was safer although knowing that I was holding myself back. Not following my heart and really doing what lights me up. However, something changed over the last year that caused me to release old ways of thinking and doing!

As a result of releasing my old patterns something amazing happened. Again, I was encouraged to put myself out there and apply to be considered in the Business Excellent Awards. With much trepidation, I applied, and guess what? I have been nominated as a finalist in the Health and Wellness category Business Awards!

“Change the way you look at things


the things you look at change”

Wayne Dyer

Apart from being super excited, I am extremely grateful and humbled to have been nominated as a finalist. Glad that I took a risk and shifted my old ways of thinking. I believe the learnings of the journey are far greater than arriving at the destination. For me it is not about winning, it is about stepping up and owning my voice and sharing my story and being in service. Having entered these Business awards has enabled me to own my voice and share my genius.

Being an introvert, I often shy away from the limelight, finding that I work better in the shadows. However, playing small stops you from sharing your genius with more people who need your help. So many learnings in this process. Let me share a few points that I learned about being nominated for these business awards: –

  1. Never underestimate the knowledge, skills, and education you have and how they may help others.
  2. We are all in the same boat, we must be brave and trust that when we are in service to our clients we are coming from our highest place, aligned to our values and purpose, with the intention that we are doing the best that we can do.
  3. If we want to create a better life for ourselves, family, and friends then we have to “ShowUP” to the world and bring our best self to the table. Own your voice and be courageous in speaking from your heart, knowing that you are making a difference in someone’s life. One small step at a time.

If this story resonates with you, would love to hear your aha moments?

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The elephant in the room! https://joanmcewan.com/the-elephant-in-the-room/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 04:08:06 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3609 The elephant in the room! Our life cycle is like the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, one season blends into the next. Notably, this creates a steady progression of growth and change. Nothing stays the same. Why is it that so many women struggle with the season of life known as menopause? Menopause…

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The elephant in the room!

Our life cycle is like the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, one season blends into the next. Notably, this creates a steady progression of growth and change. Nothing stays the same. Why is it that so many women struggle with the season of life known as menopause? Menopause is not commonly discussed with women who are climbing the career ladder! With this in mind, stigma still surrounds menopause! For this reason, it is time to talk about the elephant in the room!

Recently a client of mine, Sylvia came to me distraught. At the age of 52, her life was in turmoil. She was “all over the place”. She had gone from being a highly driven, functional, organised, and effective senior leader to one who struggled to manage her time and think clearly. Fatigue had consumed her. Every task that she tried to do seemed to need so much effort.

No longer did she feel in control. Fear had crept in. Feeling like she was losing control despite having a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Sylvia works as a senior manager in the corporate world. With a hugely competitive nature. Setting her sights on a C-suit position. She always has her “game face on”. Always overachieving to make sure that she gets recognised for her work.

However, it seemed like overnight something had changed, she felt different, and her life had become very difficult. Sylvia’s thinking was clouded and that in-turn was impacting her confidence. Leaving her fearful about disclosing her menopausal symptoms to her boss for fear of it impacting her career. She worried that she would be judged1

“At her first bleeding a woman meets her power.
During her bleeding years she practices it.
At menopause she becomes it”.

Lucy H. Pearce

The stigma around menopausal symptoms still exists, and the fear is real with executive women. Fear around the consequences they may face if they disclose their menopause symptoms, how it may affect their career progression. Women represent 25% of c-suit roles, and only 6% of CEO roles are held by women.

In effect, Sylvia had turned into a person, she no longer recognised. Her temper became short, and she was “snappy” with friends and colleagues for no reason. She put it down to the fact that she was not sleeping well, waking up several times throughout the night saturated in sweat. However, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Her mind was “foggy”, she was anxious, and her irritability was worsening.

So what’s going on?

It is common for executive women to ignore the signs and symptoms of menopause. Either because they are too busy or just don’t want to deal with the changes that are happening in the body.

Well, we all know that menopause is a natural event in life. It can occur around 50 years of age, or earlier if you have had uterine surgery, chemo, or pelvic radiation. As the oestrogen levels drop and cease in the body, many changes occur. Changes such as weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, menstrual changes, sleep disturbance, night sweats, and hot flushes to name a few

Did you know:

  • The average age for a woman to reach menopause is 51.
  • Of these, three out of four experience symptoms; one in four has serious symptoms.
  • One in three of the UK workforces is over 50.
  • Around eight in ten menopausal women are in work.
  • According to the Office of National Statistics, menopausal women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic.

Some tips to move forward to address the elephant in the room:

  • To begin with, start having conversations in the workplace around menopause, normalise this season of life
  • Next, encourage holistic health and wellbeing as part of leadership training
  • Equally important, find a highly regarded holistic health professional that you resonate with to support you on your journey through menopause
  • Complete your weekly health barometer over 4 weeks so that you get a baseline of where your health is at
  • Review your diet and remove refined and processed foods, cut out all sugar
  • Finally, Include weight-bearing exercise in your daily activities to support bone mass

This season of life, called the menopause should be celebrated. In essence, this is a time where the wise woman stands in her power, shares her wisdom and knowledge. Ultimately, this is a time to stand in her power to enjoy the changes that are occurring in her body.

To sum up, the wise woman is born to lead personally, professionally, and spiritually. You have earned your right of passage, and now it is time to create the change that you are here to do.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts?

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Be the facilitator of transformation! https://joanmcewan.com/be-the-facilitator-of-transformation/ Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:55:37 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=2912 Intuition increase energy! Did you know that when you develop your intuition your body energy is affected? Enabling you to focus on your energy. Become more aware of your emotions as you become present.Be the facilitator of transformation! “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which…

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Intuition increase energy!

Did you know that when you develop your intuition your body energy is affected? Enabling you to focus on your energy. Become more aware of your emotions as you become present.Be the facilitator of transformation!

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.

And most important, dare to follow your heart and intuition.

Steve Jobs

Previously, I took up a consultant position in a large organisation to assist in a cultural change program. To point out, I was excited to be part of this forward-thinking organisation. To be part of a massive progressive change.

I wasn’t long into my role when I could see the disconnect within the organisation. The vision and values were what drew me to accept the role. However, on closer inspection, there was such a strong underlying fear of how this change would impact the people.

For this reason, the resistance to change was evident from all levels within the organisation. This was due to the vision and values not being practiced.

Change was required to remain progressive and innovative. However, many long-term employees were fearful of change. Refusing to change. Thus, preventing the cultural change to occur.

To sum up, cultural change cannot occur without all levels within the organisation being engaged. Making a collective shift and becoming more accountable. In a word, aligning to the organisational vision, values, and purpose is critical for change to occur.

Fear limits intuition!

We know that fear limits intuition. Lack of intuition disrupts innovation. We know that organisations of the future need to be innovative and demonstrate conscious leadership if they want to survive. That is, leading with their values and purpose. This means they need to use their intuition more and be the facilitator of transformation!

No longer can organisations say one thing and do the opposite and expect to stay current and successful. Research shows that baby boomers are exiting the workforce and making way for the millennial generation (generation Y).

The Millennial Generation

The millennials generation are the population who were born from the 1980s to the early 2000s. They now comprise of 75% of the global workforce.

Some characteristics of this generation are: –

  • Intuitive knowledge of technology
  • Open and adaptive to change
  • Free thinking and creative
  • Values social interaction in the workplace
  • Crave flexibility

With this in mind, millennials will be the generation to push forward this change. Shifting from the rigid command and control type of leadership into a more relaxed, flexible and collaborative style.

Transform Workplaces!

To help move forward into the future requires leaders to transform the workplace and employees using energetic means. The simplest and most effective way is to encourage and support intuitive development.


Five years ago, mindfulness and meditation were used heavily in medicine, science, and the workplace. Put simply, mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the current moment and acknowledge any thoughts and let them go, and just focus on breathing.

Not only does mindfulness relax you and enable you to listen to your inner thoughts, your intuition. It also reduces stress, lowers health costs, improves health, increases employee productivity, improves innovative thinking and communication.

Intuitive practices!

In conclusion, for organisations to flex into a more adaptable world, they should encourage intuitive practices to create leaders of the future who facilitate transformation!

We understand that fear impacts intuition and disrupts innovation and creativity. However, focusing on intuition, innovation and creativity will dissipate the fear and allow a new transformational type of leadership to reign.

Three simple steps to help:-

  1. Practice mindfulness or meditation to quieten your mind
  2. Start to feel your emotions from your heart
  3. Be curious and challenge current ways of doing and thinking

The more we discuss and acknowledge the power of developing and using our intuition, the more effective organisations will be and the happier the workforce will be.

If you would like to learn more about developing your intuition and be the facilitator of transformation, contact me here to book a chat about how my programs may help you?

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Negative thoughts erode your health! https://joanmcewan.com/negative-thoughts-erode-your-health/ Fri, 04 Dec 2020 04:36:15 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=2740 When life throws you a curve ball! Recently an old friend, let’s call her Maggie. was telling me about her week. To begin with, Maggie is a well sought-after businesswoman, an expert in her field with a crazy work schedule. It just so happened that in amongst her busy weekly schedule she received a phone call from…

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When life throws you a curve ball!

Recently an old friend, let’s call her Maggie. was telling me about her week. To begin with, Maggie is a well sought-after businesswoman, an expert in her field with a crazy work schedule. It just so happened that in amongst her busy weekly schedule she received a phone call from a family member in another state. Unfortunately the news was not good! Her sister had attempted to commit suicide. Negative thoughts erode your health!


Firstly, this was not the first time that Maggie had received news like this about her sister. In addition, a pattern had emerged over the years of the sister being the victim and Maggie being the rescuer. Unfortunately, no matter what people tell you on the best way to handle situations like this, it still leaves you feeling responsible in some way. At some level guilt, fear, and anger appear. As a result, the personal cost is high not only for Maggie but for other family members.

Negative thoughts!

You see, negative thoughts impact the energetics of the body. Lowering the vibration of the body. This results in the dimming of the vibrancy of the body. At a cellular level, the body becomes depleted. Unable to absorb nutrients effectively. Leading to malfunctioning of cells including the physical and electrical absorption.

Staying in a low energetic state compromises rejuvenation of body cells. Gradually the body silently breaks down. Negative thoughts further compounding this state. Negative thoughts erode your health!

The signs!

Fatigue, lethargy, and hopelessness slowly creep into the body. Some of the negative thoughts of fear, anger, and guilt exacerbate these physical symptoms. Maggie was certainly experiencing these symptoms.

Transformational Leadership!

Maggie did what all good leaders do! She identified what was within her control sphere. Then set about identifying what she could do to change her patterns and ways of dealing with this pattern of events. She started to control what she could control. Remembering she was the master of her journey.

By taking control of her own life Maggie could better help her sister. Delving deep into her feelings and thoughts Maggie realised that she could support her sister by providing a safe place to talk without judgment. The art of listening is incredibly powerful when you stay present. The more she explored and listened to her inner thoughts the more energised she became. The fatigue dissipated and her feelings of hopelessness lightened. 

Did you know: –

– 8 Australians die every day by suicide
– Over 65,000 Australians attempt suicide every year
– 1:4 Australians are lonely and don’t have anyone to speak to

As leaders supporting the psychological health of your team is paramount to be successful. It’s about bringing in the human connection – opening up to the heart feeling side. Balancing this with the mind doing to create a balance. A balance between the logic and the emotions. 

Without this change of attitude, it’s like cancer devouring the healthy body cells. Cell by cell they are broken down. Negative thoughts erode your health and contribute to this destruction.

Wise words!

Some wise words from a nurse who was explaining to Belinda, who was a survivor. Suggesting a different way of looking at psychological recovery. 
The nurse stated ‘If you had a broken leg and you were in the hospital, would you feel that guilt about it?’ Belinda said No’. The nurse went on to say ‘If it stops you beating up on yourself, I can bandage your head because you have a broken head’.

Attempted suicide has become more common than we realise. Leaders play an important part in supporting the psychological health of their people in the workplace.

Self Care!

Finally, it is important to remember that it all starts with you. Looking after yourself. Not to mention, engaging in self-care practices, building a strong foundation. Allows you to support others and show them effective ways to build psychological safety. Negative thoughts should have no place in a healthy workplace. Removing them in the workplace creates a ripple effect across communities.

Above all, raising the body vibration increases health and happiness as negative thoughts are released. In addition, resulting in a reduction of chronic disease and poor work practices. Transformational leaders have built resilience through robust self-care practices and focus on health and wellbeing as a key pillar of success.

“Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state of health to emerge within you”

Rhonda Byrne

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post Negative thoughts erode your health! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business! https://joanmcewan.com/experience-the-wonder-of-a-chief-wellbeing-officer-in-your-business/ Sat, 24 Oct 2020 10:24:10 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=2734 New way of doing business! Prepare yourself for a change in how we do business! Now more than ever business will flourish by supporting a robust wellbeing approach. Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business! Supporting the business and team holistically creates multidimensional growth on a mental, physical, emotional, professional, and financial level.…

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New way of doing business!

Prepare yourself for a change in how we do business! Now more than ever business will flourish by supporting a robust wellbeing approach. Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business! Supporting the business and team holistically creates multidimensional growth on a mental, physical, emotional, professional, and financial level.

Changing jobs!

During these disruptive COVID-19 times my daughter was faced with the challenge of commencing a new position remotely with a new business. Despite the uniqueness of this “new normal” her new business embraced this change with a positive attitude. As a result, leaving a lasting impression with my daughter.

Her new boss, let’s call her Suzi, managed the remote induction and orientation period as if she had been doing this for years. That is to say, it was fluid and responsive to each need as it appeared.

The Value of the Chief Wellness Officer

For this reason, Suzi worked closely with her Chief Wellbeing Officer (CWO) to make sure the process ran smoothly. They ensured that my daughter was brought into this business and given all the IT and people support to commence her job. As a result she quickly felt like part of the team. Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business, was now in action!

Developing Connection!

Not to mention, couriers dropped off various tools and equipment that my daughter required daily. In order to support her in transitioning to her new role. As a result, she felt such amazing support that at times she didn’t even realise she was working remotely. In effect, the induction was robust and thorough with the CWO supporting her daily.

Adding the personal touch with such detail made an enormous difference to the success of both Suzi and my daughter connecting and embracing this new job and team.

Having fun!

The icing on the cake is work drinks on a Friday afternoon. The CWO prepares a theme for the session. He creates the collaterals and explains in detail what the theme is and prepares a cocktail for the event. The courier then delivers all the cocktail ingredients and recipes to each member of the team before the event. A successful Friday event is as a result of an enormous amount of effort and research. Creating fun, collaboration, and connection. Learning about each other in different ways.

“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy”.

Chinese proverb

Healthy organisations!

CWO has been around for many years. Historically they were focussed around trying to maintain a balance within organisations with work, lifestyle, organisational and personal needs. Ultimately supporting people and the business.


Research is telling us that the way we support ourselves and others within our business is critical in the current landscape. As a result of this what we are seeing is businesses making their people a top priority. One of the ways of doing this is engaging a CWO at a senior level within the business. 

Organisations are now recognising that people management and care must be escalated to the next level. As stress has been classified by the world health organisation as the health epidemic of the 21st century. However, health also reduces the GDP by 15% per annum. Thus impacting the financial resources of the organisations.

The CWO, therefore, is a conduit between supporting the organisational health and the human health of the business. Creating a balance is the key to success. To drill-down and understand what makes the individual “tick”. Understanding their purpose and then merge it with the purpose of the organisation. Finding the commonalities to bring clarity and effectiveness.

Creating balance!

Finding a common ground to bring the yin and yang back into the office. Finally, realising that people are the strongest asset for organisations. Investing in people in turn will have the richest returns.

So what’s the point!

Being the CWO holds a lot of responsibility in guiding both the organisation and the people to find their purpose, align, and integrate. Starting by creating a healthy culture. Organisations are successful when their people are happy and working towards a common goal. 
The best place to start is to nurture your people to understand what their purpose is. Providing holistic support around mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Creating a culture of wellbeing that leads to healthy, strong performance.

Try these 3 points:-

  1. Understand the purpose of all of your team members. Take time to get to know them.
  2. Develop lead indicators around wellbeing, health, and happiness
  3. Create a continuous improvement cycle. Everyone is accountable and the CWO ensures the availability of support tools and programs to feed the cycle.

It is the sum of all parts that make the whole. We all need to be the change that we want. 

Would love to hear your thoughts?


Want to work with Joan to improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing? Contact her at [email protected] to find out more?

The post Experience the wonder of a Chief Wellbeing Officer in your business! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

On the cusp of change! https://joanmcewan.com/on-the-cusp-of-change/ Sun, 20 Sep 2020 21:44:26 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=2711 The Signs! Life becomes difficult when you are consumed with fear, panic, and overwhelm? Lean into these feelings and breathe. You are at the point where you are on the cusp of change! Leave the Comfort Zone! 2020 continues to be the gift that keeps giving. It has been full of challenges for many of us.…

The post On the cusp of change! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

The Signs!

Life becomes difficult when you are consumed with fear, panic, and overwhelm? Lean into these feelings and breathe. You are at the point where you are on the cusp of change!

Leave the Comfort Zone!

2020 continues to be the gift that keeps giving. It has been full of challenges for many of us. Time to change the way we think and do business. Catapulting us out of our comfort zone. Landing in a territory that is so unfamiliar that at times it consumes us with dread and hopelessness.

Many of us have been challenged by losing a job, a career, and even a business. Now being faced with unemployment and loss of income. A perfect window of opportunity to make changes. Recharge your energies and re-focus on what brings joy to your life. Maybe time for a career or life change?

The Leaky Roof!

Recently I found part of my house roof leaking when it rained. Leading me to deal with insurance companies and tradespeople to get my house roof repaired. This has been a grind for many months. Exacerbated by the restrictions of COVID-19. Being consumed with fears around am I ever going to get my roof repaired. Procrastinating at every “bump”.

Facing many hurdles and roadblocks. The journey was fraught with challenges. Louise Hay self-help author and healer. She believed that there was a metaphysical link between your home and the physical body. Therefore, my leaky roof may have suggested that my emotions were mirroring my leaky roof. Feeling emotionally overwhelmed due to the current situation.

On reflection, my roof had started leaking water as COVID-19 emerged. At the same time, emotionally I felt a bit confused and fearful about what this virus would mean for my life and my business. Like many, we were moving into unchartered territories without a roadmap to guide us through it.

” When I let go of what I am,

I become what I want to be”.

Lao Tzu

Letting Go!

Wasting energy by getting caught up in the emotion. It was a bit like not being able to see the wood for the trees. Being so preoccupied with fear and worry, unable to get a clear picture of what was happening. What opportunities were being presented. Being on the cusp of change!

Eventually, I leaned in, focused on the task, and took one step at a time. Staying present was the key. Focusing on what was within my control and ignoring what was not in my control.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can do,

begin it!

Boldness has genius, power,

and magic in it”.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So how do we get through tough times? How do we survive and prosper? Recognise that we are on the cusp of change! Let us take a leaf out of Stephen Covey’s book Living the 7 Habits, The Courage to Change with these 7 steps:-

  1. Be proactive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think win-win
  5. Seek first to understand, Then to be understood
  6. Synergise
  7. Sharpen the saw

Using these steps provided clarity so that I could get my situation in order. By taking action and following the steps, my plan came to life. The drama disappeared, change has occured and I am glad to say I no longer have a leaky roof, however I have made some lovely new friends as a result.

I would love to hear what has set you in a “spin” during these current times and how you have overcome it?

The post On the cusp of change! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
