Unlock Your Unique Key Archives - Joan McEwan https://joanmcewan.com/category/motivational/unlock-your-unique-key/ Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Sun, 03 Apr 2022 03:27:42 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://joanmcewan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/98/2021/08/cropped-Joan-McEwan-badge_gold-32x32.png Unlock Your Unique Key Archives - Joan McEwan https://joanmcewan.com/category/motivational/unlock-your-unique-key/ 32 32 Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind https://joanmcewan.com/discover-the-4-elements-of-a-healthy-body-and-mind/ Sat, 28 Aug 2021 05:31:47 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3849 Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind How often have you been told that you just need to exercise and eat a balanced diet to make you healthy? Often, we think that. However, when you focus on the four key elements, you can create balance along with lasting health and success. So,…

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Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind

How often have you been told that you just need to exercise and eat a balanced diet to make you healthy? Often, we think that. However, when you focus on the four key elements, you can create balance along with lasting health and success. So, let’s discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind. Then create better overall holistic health. Reclaim that spring in your step.

Last week I caught up with an old friend that I had not seen in a while. During the conversation she asked how my business was going? “Great I said”. Telling her that I am taking my practice to the next level. She was quite curious and asked me to explain.

I told her that this year I had engaged a Spiritual mentor to help support me, as well as take my business to the next level. My friend’s immediate response was “oh so you are moving out of health”. I was a bit taken aback at this! Explaining that spirituality is an essential part of good health. Launching into a rather detailed conversation around my perspective on holistic health.

So, let me share some aspects on my take on health. As humans we consist of four elements. We have the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual element. When we nurture all four of these elements we come from a place of balance in all aspects of our life. We are happy, content, joyful, energised, always positive, and in flow with life.

“Your mind, emotions and body are instruments,

And the way you align and tune them determines

How well you play life”.

Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Living in a disruptive world, surrounded by lots of fear and confusion has a big impact on all four of these elements. It can lead to us to feeling disconnected, lost, lonely, exhausted, sick, anxious, and totally overwhelmed. Generally, this can be an indication that one or more of our four elements are out of balance.

So, let’s explore each element a bit more: –


Represents our intellectual side, the analytics, thoughts, and judgement. The way that we process information, our mind is the control centre. It is the doing part. Thee logical part that drives the body. As we connect with other elements and integrate in a gentle, functional way. It allows us to operate with an open heart that is more giving and understanding, without ego. Bring in some self-compassion and watch the internal shift occur. Recognising our value and self-worth is the foundation to build from. Aligning our values and beliefs lets us get clear on our identity. Being out of balance will manifest in conditions like brain fog, confusion, low self-esteem, doubt, and lethargy. Some techniques to help balance this element is through yoga, cardio exercise, and mentoring.


Represents our physical experience in our world. The physical health of the body must be a priority so that we can be free of pain. We must support, strengthen, and heal the body by creating space and quiet time for meditation, mindfulness, breathing and contemplation. Ingest good-quality nutrition free from preservatives and added chemicals. Move the body in a way that assists the bodies detoxifying process, especially walking barefoot in nature. The physical element is about the strength and health of our cells and organs within the body. Nutrients need to get into the cells to provide the energy required to heal and repair.


Our emotional element is like a bridge between our physical and mental element. Our emotions trigger the actions we need to address before our body becomes aware of them. The more present we become with our feelings, the more effective we will be at understanding the messages coming from them. When we address our emotions, we heal the mind and release fear. As we create space we can now start to heal and strengthen ourselves. Breathing exercises, acts of kindness, forgiveness and dance are some ways that bring the emotional body into balance. As the emotional element strengthens and develops, energy is amplified, intuition is heightened.  Hormones, blood sugar and blood pressure start to normalise and balance


Connects to the universe, we are all interconnected. It encompasses the union between our soul and destiny and everything in-between. Balance of this element leads to more expansive thinking and knowing that we are greater than the sum of our parts. That we are being guided and protected by a higher source. A sign of being disconnected here is having a sense of entitlement, failing to listen to your gut and feeling separate from being an active participant of society. Try meditation, mindfulness, breath work, practice gratitude and kindness to support the balance of the spiritual element.

Interestingly, the mental and physical elements carry a masculine energy, and the emotional and spiritual energies carry feminine energies. By creating a balance within ourselves with the masculine and physical energies not only improves our health and wellness but empowers us for a successful life and career.

If this blog has resonated with you, I would love to hear your thoughts?

P.S: Coming soon in early November 2021 my “TRANSFORM” Retreat, in Queensland. Being held over 5 nights and 6 days this will be a retreat to relax, unwind and go deep within to heal and transform. More information coming soon. If this resonates with you, please drop me a note if you if you would like more information?

The post Discover the 4 elements of a healthy body and mind appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Keep your eye on the prize! https://joanmcewan.com/keep-your-eye-on-the-prize/ Wed, 18 Aug 2021 03:41:21 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3741 Keep your eye on the prize! Are you struggling to stay focussed on your life and career? Is multitasking the norm? Do you never seem to have enough time in the day to get through your “to do list”? Then maybe it is time to take a step back, refocus and rebalance to keep your…

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Keep your eye on the prize!

Are you struggling to stay focussed on your life and career? Is multitasking the norm? Do you never seem to have enough time in the day to get through your “to do list”? Then maybe it is time to take a step back, refocus and rebalance to keep your eye on the prize!

I am sure we can relate to someone who is so disorganised that we feel stressed being around them. It is easy to notice that they seem to be “all over the place”. They seem to be anxious and on edge all the time but never really seem to achieve very much.

Neuroscience tells us that our brain works most efficiently when we focus on one task at a time. This allows us to put all our energy into this task to complete it efficiently. However too much focus for too long can cause us to exhaust the focus circuits in our brain causing us to drain our energy and impair our decision-making ability. The data suggests that the brain works optimally when we flip between focussed and unfocussed periods during the day.

When we create a balance, we get the best out of our body, mind, and life. Try alternating between focussed and unfocussed tasks to stay energised and prevent depletion. Use tools like task lists, and calendar reminders and alternate these with some downtime. This allows your mind to daydream, practice mindfulness or read a novel.

It is exciting that every day we are learning more about how we can work smarter and not harder. So how do we stay focussed on our end goal our prize? Discussing ways to create efficiencies with my clients can often create stress. They are often just too exhausted to think about planning a new strategy.

Did you know that people who can visually describe their goals are 1.2 – 2.4 times more likely to achieve their goals. Part of the reason this happens that when we write things down and visualise them. They are more likely to be stored in our long-term memory.

You see our currency for success is energy. As we become more energised, this equips us to maintain and sustain our success. However, being too exhausted prevents our ability to maintain the momentum to succeed.

As Tony Robbins says, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible”. Having a vision (your prize) is important but if you don’t have a plan to get there then you will constantly feel depleted, frustrated and success will be hard to reach and sustain.

3 Tips to keep your eye on the prize!

  1. Plan and visualise your key tasks every day. We know that thoughts create our reality and in turn generate emotions and feelings. This causes us to take action to produce results.
  2. Get to know how you feel and what time of the day you feel most productive. Once you identify this period, schedule your most important tasks during this time.
  3. Avoid multitasking and instead alternate between focussed and unfocussed tasks. That way you are creating a balance and conserving your energy.

Viewing your body and mind currency as energy helps to better understand how to fuel our body. Good fuel in = greater efficiencies, productivity, and success. This creates a “feel good” experience that makes us want to do more of this.

The food that you eat becomes currency for your body to strengthen and become more efficient, while supporting healthy longevity. So, when you consider the food, you eat as fuel for your body and mind then you start to make better food choices. To start, consider adding foods to your diet that will improve brain health such as avocado’s, olive oil, walnuts, and cold-water fish such as tuna and salmon.

Look forward to hearing how you go?

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Seize the challenge and find happiness! https://joanmcewan.com/seize-the-challenge-and-find-happiness/ Tue, 03 Aug 2021 04:43:27 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3715 Seize the challenge and find happiness! Reaching the point in your life where your career no longer satisfies you? Lacking motivation, feeling exhausted all the time. Fearful about moving from your comfort zone into the unknown. Time to seize the challenge and find happiness. Disruption in our world continues and we find that fear runs…

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Seize the challenge and find happiness!

Reaching the point in your life where your career no longer satisfies you? Lacking motivation, feeling exhausted all the time. Fearful about moving from your comfort zone into the unknown. Time to seize the challenge and find happiness.

Disruption in our world continues and we find that fear runs in parallel with this energy. Chaos ensues as we become distracted and filled with self-doubt. However, when we flip our emotions and begin to feel positive about the chaos and “lean in” our perspective changes. Instantly our thoughts shift from negative to positive. This pushes us to look through a different lens, and in turn increases our body vibration, momentum and vitality.

So, what are the benefits of this I hear you ask? It is a bit like when you leave the safety of the beach and jump into the ocean. You either sink or swim, the choice is yours. Before deciding to jump into the ocean you have learned to swim. If you can swim the choice is easy you just start swimming to your point of reference, alternatively if you can’t swim then it is unlikely you will get to where you had planned to go.

To change direction in your life is exciting but can be challenging and scary. However, having a plan to support your existing tools, knowledge, and skills helps you chart your new course, heading in your new direction. A plan helps to reduce your fear whist your motivation and energy are amplified. Self-doubt dissipates.

I was working with Mary; a client of mine and she was telling me that she just felt “stagnant”. She had been working in a senior leadership position for several years and could perform her role without even thinking about it. It was like she was in “automatic”. She had lost the joy, excitement, and sense of accomplishment that her role used to bring her. Adding to those feelings, she was beginning to go through menopause which as we all know, brings its own unique challenges.

Mary wasn’t sure what was going on but as her uneasiness increased, she felt empty, lacked joy, fun and happiness in her life. She was moody, anxious, and struggling to sleep well. In addition to these changes that were happening in her body she knew something had to change. But she had no plan. She did not know where to start!

“You can’t go back and change the beginning,


you can start where you are


change the ending”.

C.S Lewis

This was exactly what Mary did. As we worked together, we started on looking at her identity. Where she was currently at and where she wanted to go. We drilled down deep, peeling away layer after layer, getting to her essence, her “why”. Exploring her point of difference, her uniqueness. This was the start of her plan, understanding who she was, her beliefs, values and what her purpose was. She acknowledged that she needed to address her body, mind and soul and integrate and bring them into balance to achieve her goals.

Author Dr Joe Dispenza teaches and demonstrates that the way you think has some effect on your life. He goes on to say that most people do not believe that this is true. Neuroscience now shows that when we change our story it can change our life. By changing our routine and gaining new information helps to change the circuits in the brain. In effect when Mary unpacked her “why” and developed her plan she re-wrote her story for the next chapter of her life, changing her neural pathways to allow change to come into her life.

Did you know that:

  • 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of what you have memorised
  • As a result of this we need to recondition the body to a new mind
  • The universal energy field responds to a combination of the way you are feeling and thinking
  • Instead of waiting until you experience, trauma, loss or disease before you change, change now
  • Remember like attracts like

Creating Marys plan gave her a “lightbulb” moment, she could now see that her diet although it was relatively good, it lacked some key nutrients to support her energy levels as well as not supporting the hormonal changes she was experiencing. Also, by changing her current way of thinking and habits where she had been fearful about change allowed her to create a shift in her mind and in her thinking. Understanding how the body and mind are interconnected makes it easier to implement strategies to effectively work on different elements in the body.

Taking a holistic approach in life, career and health whilst combining all elements, provides clarity whilst increasing energy and possibilities. Perhaps it is time for you to seize the challenge and trust. Open up your mind to new opportunities and make the change that your body is shouting out for.

When we understand that everything, we need lies within us, we just need to work out a strategy on how to unlock these elements to develop a strong foundation and launch forward on the journey of transformation into the next chapter of life.

Let me know if you would like to chat about how you can refocus on the next step on your journey where you light up from the inside out? Build your wellness toolkit as you gain an understanding of how energy medicine can solidify your health foundation and future success.

The post Seize the challenge and find happiness! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Happiness is? https://joanmcewan.com/happiness-is/ Tue, 27 Jul 2021 05:14:02 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3664 Happiness is? Last weekend my focus was on taking time out for me, to “fill my cup” and recharge. Time to top up my self-compassion tank. This is a key element to finding happiness and a successful journey. Many of us ask ourselves what happiness is and why is it so important? Others think that…

The post Happiness is? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Happiness is?

Last weekend my focus was on taking time out for me, to “fill my cup” and recharge. Time to top up my self-compassion tank. This is a key element to finding happiness and a successful journey. Many of us ask ourselves what happiness is and why is it so important? Others think that being happy whilst in the company of others is enough.

Whilst many of us feel happy when we are in the company of other like-minded people, however often this feeling is often short-lived. It is easy to look to others for our happiness, but the reality is we must find happiness deep within us for it to have meaning in our life. A quick fix is only temporary and when it fades, we start looking for other “quick happiness fixes”. It can be an exhausting process and can leave us feeling empty inside.

Happiness is not something ready made.

It comes from your own actions.

Dalai Lama

This emotion must come from us so that it becomes aligned to our values and resonates with us. Digging deep to understand what brings us joy and makes us happy. To journey into that quiet space deep within and explore the feelings that arise. What are they telling us? What is it that our soul is yearning for? Listening to these whispers is a bit like exploring our roadmap and making sense of our journey. Being supported as we are guided.

Last weekend, I hung out with some of my family as we celebrated my youngest grandchild’s birthday. It was a fun and noisy time with lots of food, drinks, play, and balloon popping! My granddaughter loved opening and playing with her presents, and later I asked her “what was the best part of her birthday”. She responded, “it was having my family at my house and playing with me”.

Out of the mouth of babes! Children intuitively know what they need and what brings them joy. Most of the time they pick up on emotions and intuitively gravitate to them, which leads them to their “happy place”. Even though it was exciting to get lots of presents, it was the human connection of family that had the greatest impact. Being able to share her special day with people she loves and trusts. People who are in her corner cheering her on, guiding and supporting her.

As adults, we sometimes lose sight of this and get a bit disconnected from our feelings. When this happens, it is a reminder that it is time to return home. To go within and ask ourselves “what is it that brings me joy and makes my heart sing”?

Going within to understand yourself better helps the healing process on so many levels and lays the foundation to set you for success. Happiness is a necessary ingredient to heal, it helps raise the energy of the body. When our body energy becomes raised and amplified, less negativity can impact us.

Here is my recipe to get started on your journey to find real happiness: –

1. Respect yourself: As you begin to respect yourself, you are accepting your values and beliefs. Starting to trust the fact that you are worthy and gain confidence to speak your truth and have a voice.

2. Love yourself: As you look in the mirror every day, remind yourself of all the positive attributes that you have. Know that this is what makes you unique and own your own story. These are your life lessons to learn.

3. Believe in yourself: When you love yourself, it is easy to believe in yourself. Your self-belief is the foundation that allows you to gain strength and acts as a building block to provide more structure to your road map.

4. Forgive yourself and others: When you forgive, it allows you to let go of deep-seated resentment. Letting go of the negativity that would otherwise fester within you creating dis-ease. Forgiveness is paramount to healing and in turn success. Holding onto negative thoughts and feelings uses too much energy, so let them go and free up this energy for positive thoughts and let happiness in.  

Would love to hear your recipe is for happiness?

The post Happiness is? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Is it time to refocus and re-energise? https://joanmcewan.com/is-it-time-to-refocus-and-re-energise/ Thu, 15 Jul 2021 22:09:00 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3670 Is it time to refocus and re-energise? As we come to the second half of a very turbulent year, many of my clients have been struggling with anxiety and fear around their lives and their future. You are not alone; this has been a common theme for many people both in business, career and personally.…

The post Is it time to refocus and re-energise? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Is it time to refocus and re-energise?

As we come to the second half of a very turbulent year, many of my clients have been struggling with anxiety and fear around their lives and their future. You are not alone; this has been a common theme for many people both in business, career and personally. Is it time to refocus and re-energise?

Does this sound like you?

  • Wondering where you are now?
  • Reflecting on where you have been?
  • Confused about the direction you thought you were going in?

Do you feel tired and bored of the same old routine? Feel that you need a re-boot to get you out of your comfort zone and feel motivated and inspired? Besides, It is time to refocus and re-energise. Use the energies around you to support the changes in a gentle way.

Our mind and body are one system that is intrinsically connected, although we often view them as separate. When we do a reset, we need to work with both the mind and body in parallel to get balance. Most importantly we need to have fun while we do this and enjoy our life, so creating a balance is super important.

The more balance that is created and maintained the more positive results can be achieved. It’s a bit like when you do a spring clean in your house and get rid of the clutter and dust, the house becomes cleaner and feels lighter as the air is also cleaned. Just like the house when you reset and refocus your body and mind it becomes lighter and clearer. Providing a clear space for new thinking and recharging of energy.

Furthermore, as you reset you need to ask yourself “where do you want to go?” and feel how excited this makes you feel. In fact, changing your environment and surrounding yourself with like-minded people will stimulate new thinking and ideas for you. Particularly, it helps you to get some clarity.

These simple steps start the healing process from within. Deepak Chopra talks about the metaphysics of our bodies and how we are atoms in the universe. He goes on to discuss how energy affects spiritual and physical health. As such, we understand that before we have dis – ease within the physical body we have had clues in our energy fields that have been alerting us to take certain actions with our thought processes.

Let’s imagine that we have a thought, and it is telling us to slow down, to take better care of ourselves. Quite often we do not listen to that thought, our inner voice and, we keep going, getting busier and busier, burning the candle at both ends.

We may even start to take more supplements, energy drinks, and anything that may give us a boost of energy. This will support us for a while but eventually, the body becomes so depleted both emotionally and physically that something drastic happens to bring your attention to a part of you that needs to stop and make a change.

For example, you may have sustained a broken leg, twisted ankle, or back injury that forces you to slow down. You instantly become immobile. The injury incapacitates and makes you listen to what your body is telling you. This is an opportunity to reset and re-energise. Learn the lesson and move forward with a different perspective.

Let’s head back to the basics as we do a reset and start with simple practices that will help heal the body and mind.

How herbal teas can help:

  1. A cup of camomile tea will aid relaxation, reduce inflammation, and boost your immune system.
  2. Drink ginger tea in the morning, it acts as a circulatory stimulant, boosts metabolism, and increases blood flow whilst supporting digestion.
  3. A cup of peppermint tea in the morning may support your digestion and reduce that bloating sensation.

If this newsletter has resonated with you and you are being called to refocus and re-energise in your business, career, or life. I wanted to let you know about a special opportunity to help you refocus, re-energise, and learn how to use energy to change your life positively on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

If you are curious about how you can change and transform, don’t wait any longer. Transform and Heal workshops are running on the Gold Coast, through August to October 2021, check out available dates here.

PS – Would you also consider forwarding this email to another high-performing businesswoman you know? This may just be the perfect workshop for her to refocus and re-energise.

The post Is it time to refocus and re-energise? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

The elephant in the room! https://joanmcewan.com/the-elephant-in-the-room/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 04:08:06 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3609 The elephant in the room! Our life cycle is like the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, one season blends into the next. Notably, this creates a steady progression of growth and change. Nothing stays the same. Why is it that so many women struggle with the season of life known as menopause? Menopause…

The post The elephant in the room! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

The elephant in the room!

Our life cycle is like the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, one season blends into the next. Notably, this creates a steady progression of growth and change. Nothing stays the same. Why is it that so many women struggle with the season of life known as menopause? Menopause is not commonly discussed with women who are climbing the career ladder! With this in mind, stigma still surrounds menopause! For this reason, it is time to talk about the elephant in the room!

Recently a client of mine, Sylvia came to me distraught. At the age of 52, her life was in turmoil. She was “all over the place”. She had gone from being a highly driven, functional, organised, and effective senior leader to one who struggled to manage her time and think clearly. Fatigue had consumed her. Every task that she tried to do seemed to need so much effort.

No longer did she feel in control. Fear had crept in. Feeling like she was losing control despite having a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Sylvia works as a senior manager in the corporate world. With a hugely competitive nature. Setting her sights on a C-suit position. She always has her “game face on”. Always overachieving to make sure that she gets recognised for her work.

However, it seemed like overnight something had changed, she felt different, and her life had become very difficult. Sylvia’s thinking was clouded and that in-turn was impacting her confidence. Leaving her fearful about disclosing her menopausal symptoms to her boss for fear of it impacting her career. She worried that she would be judged1

“At her first bleeding a woman meets her power.
During her bleeding years she practices it.
At menopause she becomes it”.

Lucy H. Pearce

The stigma around menopausal symptoms still exists, and the fear is real with executive women. Fear around the consequences they may face if they disclose their menopause symptoms, how it may affect their career progression. Women represent 25% of c-suit roles, and only 6% of CEO roles are held by women.

In effect, Sylvia had turned into a person, she no longer recognised. Her temper became short, and she was “snappy” with friends and colleagues for no reason. She put it down to the fact that she was not sleeping well, waking up several times throughout the night saturated in sweat. However, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Her mind was “foggy”, she was anxious, and her irritability was worsening.

So what’s going on?

It is common for executive women to ignore the signs and symptoms of menopause. Either because they are too busy or just don’t want to deal with the changes that are happening in the body.

Well, we all know that menopause is a natural event in life. It can occur around 50 years of age, or earlier if you have had uterine surgery, chemo, or pelvic radiation. As the oestrogen levels drop and cease in the body, many changes occur. Changes such as weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, menstrual changes, sleep disturbance, night sweats, and hot flushes to name a few

Did you know:

  • The average age for a woman to reach menopause is 51.
  • Of these, three out of four experience symptoms; one in four has serious symptoms.
  • One in three of the UK workforces is over 50.
  • Around eight in ten menopausal women are in work.
  • According to the Office of National Statistics, menopausal women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic.

Some tips to move forward to address the elephant in the room:

  • To begin with, start having conversations in the workplace around menopause, normalise this season of life
  • Next, encourage holistic health and wellbeing as part of leadership training
  • Equally important, find a highly regarded holistic health professional that you resonate with to support you on your journey through menopause
  • Complete your weekly health barometer over 4 weeks so that you get a baseline of where your health is at
  • Review your diet and remove refined and processed foods, cut out all sugar
  • Finally, Include weight-bearing exercise in your daily activities to support bone mass

This season of life, called the menopause should be celebrated. In essence, this is a time where the wise woman stands in her power, shares her wisdom and knowledge. Ultimately, this is a time to stand in her power to enjoy the changes that are occurring in her body.

To sum up, the wise woman is born to lead personally, professionally, and spiritually. You have earned your right of passage, and now it is time to create the change that you are here to do.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts?

The post The elephant in the room! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Changing direction can feel uncomfortable! https://joanmcewan.com/changing-direction-can-feel-uncomfortable/ Thu, 24 Jun 2021 05:38:57 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3528 Changing direction can feel uncomfortable! Each season brings new perspectives and new opportunities to make changes and evaluate the current status. Deciding to tweak the journey to stay dynamic, flexible, and growing is a choice. Brought about by increased awareness. However, changing direction can feel uncomfortable! “When you change the way, you look at things.…

The post Changing direction can feel uncomfortable! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Changing direction can feel uncomfortable!

Each season brings new perspectives and new opportunities to make changes and evaluate the current status. Deciding to tweak the journey to stay dynamic, flexible, and growing is a choice. Brought about by increased awareness. However, changing direction can feel uncomfortable!

“When you change the way, you look at things.

The things you look at change”

– Wayne Dyer

Many years ago, I was living a comfortable life. Married, building a career whilst studying, supporting the kids through school, all while taking our extended family for granted. It was a busy time. At times it felt like we were just hanging on as the merry go round went furiously round and round. Stuck in a routine that kept us comfortable.

So, what changed? One winter day, I received a phone call just after breakfast from my sister. She broke the news to me that she was sick, with 12 months to live. What a shock this news was. I was totally unprepared. However later I realised that it was a defining moment in my life.

It was at the end of winter the following year, as spring was emerging when we buried my sister. I could feel a change in the air but was not sure what it meant. Somehow, I knew life was going to be different from this minute on. My life was about to change in ways I could not have imagined!

Changing direction can feel uncomfortable! Over the next few months my life became chaotic. Career change, job change, family dynamics all changed as well as my values. What had felt important before, no longer seemed to matter. I felt challenged on all facets of my life and career and feeling uncomfortable quickly became the norm. Struggling through life for a while, manoeuvring through the storm of change and emotions that came with it. It took a while for that chaos to settle and clarity to emerge.

On reflection I could see that during that fateful springtime, when we buried my sister, the chaos that ensued because of this event pushed me out of my comfort zone. Feeling this discomfort and leaning into it was challenging. However, in a way it strengthened my resilience and I found myself being faced with opportunities that I just leaped right into.

Like many of us, we get caught up with life, career, and family. Not enough time to appreciate the important things in life. Our priorities get all out of whack! We become out of balance and dis-ease sets in. Quite often we are unaware of this for a while. It can be an insidious process.

So, what is the point? Well, it is often difficult to see the changes that we need to make on our life journey when we are experiencing the chaos that life can bring to us. I believe that we are all more alike than different and we are all called upon to change direction as we go through life. So how do we get comfortable with being uncomfortable?

Here are my three tips that may help:

  1. Develop and attitude of gratitude, find the simple things in your life to be grateful for and most of all be kind to yourself
  2. Review your vision board and update it to reflect your current situation
  3. Put on some calm, relaxing music as you Identify your current fear and sit with it, then do some deep belly breathing for a couple of minutes and with each breath you exhale let go of a piece of the fear. Repeat this as often as you feel that you need to

Remember, changing direction can feel uncomfortable! When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, we can turn this to our advantage, lean into it and use this energy to assist us to tweak our journey and goals. The lighter our energy becomes, the more agile and flexible we are, change and growth occur, mindset shifts, and we feel happier with increased momentum.

Would love to hear your thoughts?

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Ready to boost your energy! https://joanmcewan.com/ready-to-boost-your-energy/ Wed, 16 Jun 2021 06:52:43 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3432 Ready to boost your energy! Have you have lost your direction and need to find some clarity to gain a healthy balance with increased energy and vitality? Are you ready to boost your energy! In other words, let’s first understand the body. Hence, through the study of Quantum physics, the science that describes how everything…

The post Ready to boost your energy! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Ready to boost your energy!

Have you have lost your direction and need to find some clarity to gain a healthy balance with increased energy and vitality? Are you ready to boost your energy!

In other words, let’s first understand the body. Hence, through the study of Quantum physics, the science that describes how everything works. In effect, the human body is made up of matter, particles, and energy. Remembering also that the body comprises around 70% water.

So, if this is the case then it helps us to understand when our energy becomes depleted and the best ways to re-energise. Recently I was experiencing a severe headache. This was unusual for me. As a result, I immediately started to look for the cause. Initially, I looked at the obvious causes that cause a headache, such as being out in the sun, not having enough sleep, or being too stressed. However, I could not identify with any of these causes at the time.

Then I looked a bit deeper. Recently, I had been spending a lot of my time writing and preparing work for an upcoming event. I had become so absorbed in my work. As a result, my eyes been straining at a computer and I had been forgetting to drink water and take rest and movement breaks.

The body!

Remembering that our bodies are around 70% water, and we lose about one litre a day through “insensible” fluid loss. This is fluid lost from the body via our skin, gut, and lungs. It is easy to become dehydrated. When our brain becomes dehydrated, the brain cells start to shrivel up making them work less efficiently. Pain can sometimes be the brain’s signal to us that we need to hydrate and take a break!

Water comprises oxygen and hydrogen molecules and when we drink water, it goes into the body, adding fluid but also energy. This set’s up a chain reaction in the body increasing energy in various body organs and body systems.

The Changes!

You know when you have reached this level as you start feeling lighter, energised and you feel an inner sense of knowing. Starting to feel an inner strength. You are moving into a balance between your mind and body where you feel balanced. Your work feels effortless, and you have an abundance of energy and can feel your body vibration rising.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,

not on fighting the old,

but on building the new.”

Dan Millman

Drinking water can be the start to increasing energy in your body, increasing motivation, and clarity. The impact of this is that you are drawn to eat cleaner, more nutritious food and you enjoy a daily exercise routine. Your awareness has increased, and you are no longer attracting negative energies to you.

Setting up for a successful life requires you to heal and transform. Letting go of any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Trusting and knowing that all the knowledge and wisdom that you need is already within you. The trick to access this wisdom and knowledge is to raise your body’s energy. Develop a clear plan and get yourself an accountability buddy.

Some tips

So here are some ways that you can increase your energy, gain clarity and vitality to set you up to achieve your dreams:

  1. Understand what “lights you up” from the inside out. What are you passionate about and have an action plan that will guide you to achieve this outcome?
  2. Review the people in your network. Ask yourself, “do they inspire me”? If not, look at replacing them with more like-minded people, people who do inspire you, people who are more vibrant and supportive of helping you grow. You need people in your corner “cheering you on”.
  3. Keep moving forward, life is a journey, and it is not always easy sailing. However, when you have high energy levels, it becomes easier to manage the “knocks” and reset, dust yourself off and move forward.
  4. Remember, a healthy nutritious diet, clean water, exercise, and a healthy attitude are all part of your wellness toolkit that is part of your foundation to building and increasing your energy.

Are you ready to boost your energy! What healthy changes can you make?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts?

The post Ready to boost your energy! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

The world needs your uniqueness now! https://joanmcewan.com/the-world-needs-your-uniqueness-now/ Fri, 04 Jun 2021 00:35:39 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3427 The world needs your uniqueness now! So much change has occurred in the world over the last few years. Coupled with, fast, chaotic, and disruptive change for many. Above all, listen to the messages from these disruptions, it is time to do things differently. Besides, it is time to be honest with yourself and do…

The post The world needs your uniqueness now! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

The world needs your uniqueness now!

So much change has occurred in the world over the last few years. Coupled with, fast, chaotic, and disruptive change for many. Above all, listen to the messages from these disruptions, it is time to do things differently. Besides, it is time to be honest with yourself and do what resonates with you. When you do, it is then that you will find your uniqueness and step into your power. The world needs your uniqueness now!

Change is occurring!

To point out, the shift has begun. Moving the focus from learning conventional leadership traits and qualities to encouraging you to seek your uniqueness. Finding the special qualities that you bring to the table. On the positive side, there lies the power of innovation through your uniqueness.

The signs!

In a word, signs are all around us, are you paying attention to them? For some, it may be a life-changing event, for others, it may be a career or relationship change. And, for many, it may just be the current disruption we are experiencing in our world. All this chaos has knocked many “off-balance”.

Equally important, pay attention to what these signs mean for you, helps you explore your hidden qualities and uniqueness. However, It is time to move into your power by unlocking your unique code. The world needs your uniqueness now!

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out”

Dr, Seuss

The Fog!

It feels a bit like lifting the veil of fog, it is heavy, and the way forward is unclear. However, the higher the veil rises the clearer you can see and the lighter you feel. Breathing becomes easier and this gives you the courage to have a voice, to express your uniqueness.


So, what is holding you back? At times it may be fear! Fear of failure, or just not being good enough. Other times it may be you are just time-poor and prioritising everyone before yourself and are just exhausted. Or if you are really honest, you may even be sabotaging your efforts.

These common fears can prevent you from achieving more and unleashing your uniqueness in the world. Time to break down these barriers that are holding you back, the signs are guiding you forward, you just need to listen and take action. Time to pay attention to the signs around you.

Footprint of change!

Leaving your footprint of change in the world is your duty and part of your legacy. It all starts with you. Remember the law of attraction? Like attracts like. Start to surround yourself with like-minded people, who share similar values and beliefs. This will amplify your energy and create the momentum you need to unpack your uniqueness.

Making these changes creates a ripple effect, others will follow in your footsteps. People are eager for change, a new direction, a more purposeful life. You can help with the change. The world needs your uniqueness now!

Would love to hear what your uniqueness is and how you are bringing it to the world?

The post The world needs your uniqueness now! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

When your “tank” is empty! https://joanmcewan.com/when-your-tank-is-empty/ Tue, 01 Jun 2021 04:59:34 +0000 https://joanmcewan.com/?p=3418 When your “tank” is empty! Firstly, Do you lack time, energy, and clarity to get on with your life? You know that you need to make some change and prioritise you before you fall off the “bandwagon”. Not to mention, that you just can’t seem to muster up the energy to do something about your…

The post When your “tank” is empty! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

When your “tank” is empty!

Firstly, Do you lack time, energy, and clarity to get on with your life? You know that you need to make some change and prioritise you before you fall off the “bandwagon”. Not to mention, that you just can’t seem to muster up the energy to do something about your situation. It can seem to take a huge effort when your “tank” is empty!

Change of focus!

Recently some of the conversations that I have been having with some of my high performing clients in my practice has shifted.  That is to say, these women are asking for help to heal them-self. In addition, they are exhausted and have no clear direction. At the same time, having a sense of feeling hopeless. Not to mention, they can’t seem to lift themselves up from this place. However, it can be a dark place. A place where anxiety and stress escalate and take over. Clouding their confidence.

Fundamentally, these women have recognised that their health is being impacted. They need to heal from the inside out before they can step into their personal power. Developing a strong healthy foundation will help them to gain clarity and courage to find their purpose, their “WHY”. Healing the body holistically, mentally, physically, and emotionally enables my clients to really get to know and understand themselves with greater purpose.

People no longer view it as indulgent to periodically, take time out of a busy career to heal. This is a necessity to advance a healthy career and lifestyle. Short, regular breaks throughout the year for healing, fills up the “tank”. Regular topping up of the “tank” keeps your momentum flowing. Preventing you crashing to “rock-bottom” when your “tank” is empty!

“An empty lantern provides no light.

Self- care is the fuel that allows

your light to shine brightly”



Research is telling us that the health burden in Australia directly impacts the social and economic burden. Chronic health conditions can be reduced or prevented through diet and lifestyle changes. Almost 50% of the Australian adult population have a chronic health condition. 51% of these adults require hospitalisation due to their chronic health. Furthermore, 89% of deaths were associated with chronic disease.

Personal Responsibility!

Clients that I mentor in my practice are certainly taking notice of this research, They are taking personal responsibility and improving and managing their health. They want to live a life full of health, joy, and success, Full of energy, vitality, and purpose.

Workplace Wellness has long recognised that good health is good for business. We spend, approximately, one third of our adult life in the workforce. Absenteeism in Australia costs an estimated $7 billion per year. One of the most effective ways of reducing chronic disease and absenteeism is through preventative health activities. Corporate wellness programs go some way in supporting health improvement. However, the more individuals take personal responsibility the more profound will be the benefits.

So, what is the point?

Well, taking responsibility for your personal health and wellness, reduces the social and economic burden of poor health. It also supports you in connecting with yourself on a deeper level. Gaining more clarity, and in turn being able to execute your journey in a more effective and purposeful way. Looking at life through a holistic lens, opens a world of possibilities and new opportunities.

Understanding who you are and what you are here in this lifetime to do, forms the basis of your identity. When you connect with yourself at a soul level, you expose parts of you that you were unaware of. That is the magic of leading a purposeful life and leaving a legacy to benefit others. It not only enriches your life but the lives of others.

Some suggestions!

Here are a few suggestions on how you can begin to take personal responsibility for your health and prevent running the risk of running on an “empty” tank:

  1. Be honest with yourself – do you care about your health and want to make a difference? If you do, take action today!
  2. Do a quick health baseline check-in with where your health is currently at?
  3. Consider seeking out a health professional or coach to help you develop a strategy addressing your mental, physical, and emotional bodies?

Remember, when your “tank” is empty! Motivation is difficult and focusing on your purpose, your WHY is difficult. Leading to your health being impacted and dis-ease within the body. Ask yourself, what changes could you make now to improve your health and in turn your career, relationships and lifestyle?

Would love to hear your thoughts?

The post When your “tank” is empty! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
