Value Model Archives - Joan McEwan Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Sun, 29 May 2022 04:45:01 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Value Model Archives - Joan McEwan 32 32 “What if” I had trusted my intuition? Sun, 29 May 2022 04:44:59 +0000 “What if” I had trusted my intuition? How many times have you reflected on experiences and decisions that you have made and asked, “what if” I had trusted my intuition? Would the results have been different? Could the outcomes have been better? Often when you ask yourself “what if” you shift the focus of your…

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“What if” I had trusted my intuition?

How many times have you reflected on experiences and decisions that you have made and asked, “what if” I had trusted my intuition? Would the results have been different? Could the outcomes have been better? Often when you ask yourself “what if” you shift the focus of your thoughts and perception from how you see things at that moment in time. It breaks the cycle of being comfortable, defensive, bored, or stagnant. “What if” I had trusted my intuition? “What if” the outcome could have been different?

Recently a friend of mine had been telling me how difficult her job was now. Clients that she was dealing with were being challenging and as a result she felt her job was being made harder. She was feeling angry, defensive, and frustrated! Her clients seemed to be draining her energy!

So, what was really going on here from an energetic perspective? When you have a plan of action and someone comes along and the outcomes shift, it leaves you feeling vulnerable and defensive. It feels as if you have lost control, they have taken your power away. On an energetic level these clients have caused an interference with your energy.

We know that when we feel angry or fearful, we shift into the emotions of being anxious, despair and even blame! However, these emotions resonate at low frequencies that can drain our energy, leave us feeling exhausted, hopeless, and miserable.

Instantly my friend felt vulnerable and started doubting herself that all the hard work that she had prepared was not going to be helpful. When she shifted into this emotion, she quickly realised what had happened and knew that she had to take spirited action.

Hawkins scale of consciousness explains scientifically that when we recognise these feeling such as anger, blame and fear we can shift our thinking and move from a place of feeling disempowered to one of empowerment. This instantly shifts our energy and raises our frequency. Stop getting caught up in other people’s dramas!

Staying in a higher energetic vibration helps us to stay on purpose. Not getting distracted by other’s thoughts. Keeps us on-point with a crystal-clear focus on our plan. Staying in your own lane helps you stay focused and in alignment.

“You have power over your mind,
not outside events.
Realise, think and you will find strength”.

Marcus Aurelius

3 steps to strengthen your energetic boundaries: –

  1. Learn to recognise when other’s people’s energy is impacting you and shift your thinking. Keep out of their drama and their energy field by strengthening your energy.
  2. Keep in your own lane, don’t let other’s thoughts over-ride yours, don’t give away your power!
  3. Get comfortable with who you are, your abilities and your soul plan. When you have clarity, your confidence rises, work becomes enjoyable and inflow.

Are you unsure on how to strengthen your energy and build on your intuition?
Do you fear you will be judged by others or seen as being “woohoo”?

We are all intuitive some just more aware and developed than others. I have put together a fun 5 step plan to explain the journey to unlock your intuition and gain clarity on your soul’s path!

So, if you are ready to journey from feeling misaligned and stifled to becoming mindful, powerful, and successful then join my 4-day free masterclass where we will walk you through the steps to “Unlock your intuitive powers and gain clarity on your soul’s path!

The post “What if” I had trusted my intuition? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Ignite your inner flame and expand! Sat, 25 Sep 2021 22:56:59 +0000 Ignite your inner flame and expand! Life is a bit like a jig-saw puzzle. In other words, we spend our life putting all the pieces together to complete the journey. When all the pieces are not in the right places, it can lead to feelings that something is missing. Feelings of being disconnected and not…

The post Ignite your inner flame and expand! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Ignite your inner flame and expand!

Life is a bit like a jig-saw puzzle. In other words, we spend our life putting all the pieces together to complete the journey. When all the pieces are not in the right places, it can lead to feelings that something is missing. Feelings of being disconnected and not aligned. However, when you ignite your inner flame and expand you start to connect with your true purpose. In conclusion, you sense a feeling of being in flow, happy and everything you do feels effortless.

Above all, we are living in times where we are being called to be more conscious, more present, and more aware.  In addition, the more aware that we become the more we can anchor-in to who we are and what we want. It gives us courage to follow our dreams. We start to see our bigger picture. The more present and aware that we are the more our world opens to opportunities, and we can expand.

“What you focus on grows,

what you think about expands

and, what you dwell upon determines your destiny”.

Robin Sharma

Becoming more conscious and aware requires us to acknowledge all components of our being; body, mind and spirit. Doing this creates an anchoring – in. A place when we integrate all components of who we are and create balance.

Leadership guru, Stephen R Covey identified this phenomenon in his book the 8th habit. He understood that by adopting the 8th habit enabled you to go from being effective to becoming great.  To be great and achieve your potential requires focussing on the body, mind, soul, and spirit.

We cannot help others achieve greatness if we don’t experience it ourselves. So, it all comes back to it starting with us. Personal development addressing all components of ourselves is a must if we want to lead, heal, and inspire others. As we find our own voice, our own why, we can then help others find theirs.

It comes down to us being clear on our point of difference. Finding what is it that makes each of us remarkable? When we find this, we know we are on our path to make a difference, create change and leave our legacy. However, it all starts with us delving deep within ourselves. Getting a structure, a plan, to anchor-in your awareness that enables you to ignite your inner flame and expand!

Things you may notice when you have reached this point. You will feel a calming presence, your life will be more in-flow and effortless. Your health will start to improve as your energy increases and your thoughts become clearer. Self-care will become part of your daily routine without feeling guilty or not deserving of it. And any feelings of anxiety and self-doubt will start to fade.

If you have enjoyed this blog and want to get your vision and plan created for 2022, let’s have a chat and see how I may be able to help you?

The post Ignite your inner flame and expand! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Your intentions are your super weapons to create success! Mon, 20 Sep 2021 04:47:07 +0000 Your intentions are your super weapons to create success! Having the space to think clearly allows us identifies what is not working for us in life, relationships, and career. In other words, we can break down old patterns that have kept us comfortable and stagnant. Therefore, triggering us to look and ask for more in…

The post Your intentions are your super weapons to create success! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Your intentions are your super weapons to create success!

Having the space to think clearly allows us identifies what is not working for us in life, relationships, and career. In other words, we can break down old patterns that have kept us comfortable and stagnant. Therefore, triggering us to look and ask for more in life. Setting your intentions are your super weapons to create success!

The late Dr Wayne Dyer believed that “our intention creates our reality”. Science shows explains that our thoughts are energy and we become what we think. It makes sense, we know that when we are sad and unhappy, we bring those feelings into our life. As a result, becoming less motivated and are less likely to achieve what we want.

Famous French author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo, is a great example of how distractions can prevent us from achieving our targets and goals. Back in the early 1800’s he had committed to publishing his new book, however with no clear intentions or plan in place he became distracted. His publisher decided to set him a tight deadline.

Hugo realised that he had been procrastinating, so set about developing a strategy and published the book before his publishing deadline. So, how did this happen. Well, Hugo realised he was procrastinating and wasting time, so he implemented some self-discipline.

His plan was based on setting intentions and, staying present to achieve his outcome of getting his book published within six months. In effect, he cleared his head of “interference” making space so he could focus on writing his book.

His intention was to publish his book within six months, and he created a self-disciplined approach. He removed all distractions, stayed present and focused every day on writing and thus achieved his goal.

Many of us can relate to procrastinating over trying to achieve our goals, plans and future. Here are 3 tips to help you find that your intentions are your super weapons to create success!

  1. Explore the root cause, what is holding you back. What feeling or emotions do you experience? Is this a repeating theme for you? If so, acknowledge it and then in your mind, let it go.
  2. Your intentions are like a roadmap. Your intentions take you to specific points on your road map to your destination. By staying focused on each element will allow you to stay on course and enjoy your progress. This becomes the key.
  3. Schedule your intentions. Be clear on each intention. Each one should have an end date to be completed or achieved. Be clear on what you need to do for each intention, preventing any “interference” or distractions. And finally acknowledge the time required each day to do this work. These intentions are your super weapons to create success!

Look forward to hearing how you go with implementing your new intentions?

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Surrender to what lights you up! Mon, 06 Sep 2021 21:47:37 +0000 Surrender to what lights you up! Stop procrastinating and living in fear, find the root cause that is holding you back and let it go.

The post Surrender to what lights you up! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Surrender to what lights you up!

Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns that your parents did? Does your energy feel heavy and blocked and just can’t seem to get off that roller coaster! Are you living in fear and procrastinating that you are not capable of what you feel your life purpose is? If this sounds like you, it may be time to surrender to what lights you up!

“The moment of surrender is not

when life is over.

It’s when it begins.”

Marianne Williamson

As you stop resisting in your life, career, and relationships, the blockages, and barriers release. Allowing you to move into the surrender stage. Working at this level provides a clearing and space that provides hope. Preparing you for the next step to ignite your life purpose.

Last week I attended a live event hosted by Scientist and researcher, Dr. Espen where he shared his research and thinking around the quantum experience. Talking about, how to turn obstacles into opportunities, by using the power of your consciousness.

Let me share some of the key take-aways:

  • When you cultivate a good feeling, it acts like a magnet. We attract what we feel.
  • Thoughts + feelings = Abundance
  • Use the powerful acronym of HOPE: Help, Other, People, Everyday
  • Instead of asking yourself “How is this happening to me, ask WHY, what am I to learn from this”?
  • When you take action and do the personal work, healing, abundance, and transformation occur. You become in flow with life

Following on from that event I found myself looking to validate some of the above. The late, internationally renowned David. R. Hawkins M.D, PH. D, physician, scientist, and teacher developed the map of consciousness. This map helps to explain how the vibration of emotions affects our conscious state and life.

This diagram of the Hawkins scale demonstrates how the vibrational states correlate to where we are in our consciousness. The scale shows that when we are experiencing negative emotions such as fear, guilt, and shame our body vibrates at a low frequency. Conversely, the body vibration increases when we experience joy, acceptance, and willingness.

In summary, to be successful, healthy, and abundant, living in peace and harmony you need to raise your vibration to match what you want to attract. Becoming your best self requires you to be conscious, live in the present moment with greater awareness.

When your vibrational state is above 500, your life flows much easier, and it makes manifesting and realising your life purpose much easier. Challenge yourself, by every time you feel a negative emotion, flip it into a positive one that vibrates at a higher frequency.

So, when you are feeling guilty or fearful, lean into that feeling and experience what living in a lower vibration feels like. Then try implementing practices like meditation, walking in nature, yoga, swimming in the ocean, and journaling. Shifting your vibration higher up the scale to be inflow.

If you are ready to learn more about supporting your energy to become your best self, increasing your clarity, and living in flow with what your life purpose is, then this might be the workshop you are looking for?

The post Surrender to what lights you up! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

When “numbness” becomes our default! Wed, 01 Sep 2021 04:52:25 +0000 When “numbness” becomes our default! Are you feeling stuck in life? Feel like you are going round in circles, repeating the same patterns with family, friends, career, business, and money? Starting to believe that your actions will not bring in the rewards you seek? Seeing the world through the lens of everyone else around you…

The post When “numbness” becomes our default! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

When “numbness” becomes our default!

Are you feeling stuck in life? Feel like you are going round in circles, repeating the same patterns with family, friends, career, business, and money? Starting to believe that your actions will not bring in the rewards you seek? Seeing the world through the lens of everyone else around you are successful except you? Often this is when “numbness” becomes our default!

I remember many years ago when I was working in the corporate world as a senior leader. The pace that I was working at was fast. I had targets and deadlines to meet. Constantly feeling under pressure to perform and meet these targets on time and under budget.

Not an uncommon situation in a senior leadership role. Often the default to survive in these situations is to go “numb”. It is a bit like when you put your car into cruise control, you just cruise along at the same speed trying to duck and weave from the bumps on the road. Not taking time to stop and come up for air or even smell the roses. It is just head down and bum up until the job is completed. Regardless of the physical and emotional cost.

Sound familiar?

When numbness becomes our default, a series of events takes place within us. On one hand it serves us well to push ahead and get the job done. However, on the other hand it impacts our body and mind. Creating numbness on many levels.

As our thinking becomes stifled due to the “numbness” of being in “cruise control”, our body starts to experience the physical fall out. Suddenly barriers go up, we feel blocked, stuck and become inflexible. This process is our default and keeps us going to achieve the end goal without any further distractions.

Being in the “numb” zone helps conserve energy. When you are already working at capacity you have no extra energy reserves. So, staying “numb” is a survival technique that serves us well for a period. Eventually something in the body fails and dis-ease within the body and mind begin, an imbalance has begun.

You may experience symptoms, such as anxiety, regular headaches, fatigue, irritable bowel, allergies, mood swings and difficulty sleeping that compound the “numbness”. Quite often these symptoms are ignored, because addressing them requires energy. Energy that we do not have!

Listening to these warning signs is the start to letting go of the “numbness”. You start to feel the emotions that allow you to go deeper and ask yourself “what your purpose”? Do you just want to survive in life, or do you want to have a purposeful life, relationships and career that fulfils you and makes you happy? Bringing success into all aspects of your being.

Things to consider when you move from being “numb” and stop resisting and feeling the blockages:

  1. Awareness – starts with self-responsibility, set your new intentions to help you change the patterns that are currently at play with you.
  2. Resistance – Start to feel the resistance and delve into those thoughts and feeling to get to the root cause. Discover what is it that is creating the fear that is holding you back. You may find that this is a recurring pattern.
  3. Blockages – identifying where the blockages are, pushes you into making courageous choices. Combining these choices with your integrity and values allows you to take action. Starting to anchor into new patterns and a different way of thinking that will create space and more energy.

If this has resonated with you, I would love to hear your story, so drop me a note here.

The post When “numbness” becomes our default! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
