Awareness Archives - Joan McEwan Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Fri, 01 Sep 2023 06:26:19 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Awareness Archives - Joan McEwan 32 32 Live your best life through AWARENESS! Thu, 27 Jul 2023 04:36:48 +0000 Live your best life through AWARENESS! Do you believe that you are worthy of more happiness, success and abundance? Know this is possible as you live your best life through AWARENESS! The more aware that we become the more we can see what is working and not working for us! The more we get to…

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Live your best life through AWARENESS!

Do you believe that you are worthy of more happiness, success and abundance? Know this is possible as you live your best life through AWARENESS!

The more aware that we become the more we can see what is working and not working for us! The more we get to change into a better version!

“Start before you feel ready. 

You don’t need to know where it’s all going. 

You’ll work it out along the way.”

Rebecca Campbell

What holds us back?

Looking at old patterns and behaviours that keep recurring, what are the emotions that come to the surface?

Holding onto fears and limiting beliefs will block your energy centres (chakras). Are you numbing and blaming others for how you feel or the difficult situation you find yourself in?


When you start to feel into these emotions and give yourself permission to surrender, resistance starts to shift! You stop trying to control and become more aware of how your body is feeling!

Feeling this resistance is your body’s way of letting you know that there’s something better waiting for you. But you have to let go of the fears and doubts that are holding you back before you can receive the new, something better.

Becoming aware of where this resistance is showing up in your body guides you to where the energy block is. It usually appears in the areas of one of the 7 chakras in the body. Moving our energy is the start to shifting this resistance and opening yourself up to new possibilities.

Balancing all the chakras in the body is important to improve your health, stay aligned to your purpose and live a fun, joyful, abundant and successful life.

Root chakra

  • This energy centre reflects our basic needs to survive in the physical world. Has a lot to do with health, money, career, feeling safe and secure. 
  • IN BALANCE : Supported | Grounded | Connected
  • UNBALANCED: GIT disturbances | Weight imbalances | Fatigue

Sacral Chakra

  • This is a powerful chakra to connect with more creativity, pleasure, sexual energy, manifesting and money. Often people absorb and carry other people’s emotions in this area, as well as their own unprocessed emotions.
  • BALANCE: Compassion | Empathy
  • UNBALANCED: Energetic Overwhelm | Leaky energetic boundaries | energetic burnout

Solar Plexus Chakra

  • This is your Power centre – how you chose to manifest your desires. More action orientated, your drive – masculine energy
  • IN BALANCE: Trust the process | Passion | Effortless
  • UNBALANCE: Unmotivated | Anxious | Depressed | Procrastination | Powerless

Heart Chakra

  • This energy centre relates to self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance, need for approval.
  • IN BALANCE: Compassion | Acceptance | Non judgement
  • UNBALANCE: Doubt | Lack of Clarity | Victim

Throat Chakra

  • This is the communication centre and has a lot to do with self-expression. Speaking your truth and being clear on your message through writing, speaking or art
  • IN BALANCE: Articulate | Honest | Truthful
  • UNBALANCE: Throat & Ear issues | Difficult to speak your truth

3rd Eye Chakra

  • Natural lie detector. Ability to see the truth in others
  • IN BALANCE: Focused | Determined | A Reflector of Truth
  • UNBALANCE: Trouble concentrating | Lack of Clarity | Limits your ability to see your dreams

Crown Chakra

  • This energy centre is about “clear knowing” and clear communication.
  • IN BALANCE: Articulate | Honest | Truthful
  • UNBALANCE: Confusion | Lack clarity | Rigid Thoughts | Powerless

So why are our energy centres important and why balance our chakras?

When your chakras are “blocked” this can contribute to mental, physical and emotional ailments.

Regular balancing the chakras in the body is important to help us stay aligned with improved mental, physical and emotional health and live a healthy, joyful and abundant life by.

  • Removing energy blockages that are holding you back
  • Becoming more present and focused
  • Increasing awareness as you start to align to your purpose 
  • Letting go of goals that are no longer relevant 
  • Gaining clarity

Steps to increase awareness:

  1. Accept personal responsibility – are you ready to shift from being in victim mode and blaming others and move into acceptance  and begin your transformation journey? – FORGIVE | CREATE BOUNDARIES | KNOW YOUR VALUE | HEA:L | CHANGE
  2. Set your intentions – Ask yourself how can you bring joy, fun, health, abundance and success into your life?
  3. What do you want to change and commit to change!

If you are ready to take the next step to up-level in your health, career and business then EMAIL me to see how we can work together where you will INCREASE your AWARENESS as you UNLOCK YOUR UNIQUE CODES of WISDOM as you step into a NEW PARADIGM OF DOING LIFE AND BUSINESS.

The post Live your best life through AWARENESS! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

I’ve never felt “normal” have you? Mon, 08 Aug 2022 05:36:57 +0000 I’ve never felt “normal” have you? Do you feel you are “too much” or “not enough”? Are you “too quiet” or “too loud”? Do you feel that you are abundant in life or living in scarcity? These experiences are more common than you probably realise!It starts from an early age, we grow up fitting into…

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I’ve never felt “normal” have you?
  • Do you feel you are “too much” or “not enough”?
  • Are you “too quiet” or “too loud”?
  • Do you feel that you are abundant in life or living in scarcity?

These experiences are more common than you probably realise!
It starts from an early age, we grow up fitting into other people’s view of how we should be. 

  • The way we should act
  • How we should behave
  • How we should feel
  • The way we should think

With this conditioning it doesn’t take long for us to lose our identity, lose sight of who we really are!    

I know that was me for a long time! Always feeling different, never feeling safe and scared to speak my truth for fear of being judged or laughed at! I’ve never felt “normal” have you?

My life revolved around this pattern. However, each new phase of my life that I entered the same feelings arose and I always felt different! What was going on?

I was fed up believing that I was never going to be good enough or successful enough!

So I changed and you can too!

I changed my life overnight, got a job in the resources sector and pushed through all the barriers to become a senior executive. It was a struggle, competing with the heavy male dominated energy but I got there.

During this journey I realised the struggle was hard because I was still “different”. I had failed to be my real self! 

Something was missing!

You see, since a child I have always been intuitive, but kept it hidden and that kept me “different”. I could read people’s energy, I could see their thoughts, I knew what they were thinking and I could feel when they were hurting. This scared them and they distanced themselves from me.

I felt I had to keep my gifts hidden as I learned from an early age that if I shared what I was thinking it often “triggered” people. Causing them to face things in their life that they perhaps did not want to deal with.

Even though I reached success in the resources sector, when I left I realised a part of me was missing. It was my IDENTITY. That part of me that was intuitive. I had hidden it so deep that I had to learn who I was again and trust that she was going to be ok!

That is why I created my business to support and guide others just like me who have always “felt different”. Who has been stifled!

You can be your real self and be successful, abundant, happy and healthy! Claim to be your authentic self now!

Claiming your intuition and using it as your SUPERPOWER is your zone of genius. Using your gifts allows your awareness to heighten, your soul awakens and your transformation begins. Energy shifts as you align to joy, happiness and abundance. You become MAGNETIC.

Let me know if you can relate, do you need some help to shift your energy and claim your Superpower? We all have the ability to use our intuition, claim yours now!

The post I’ve never felt “normal” have you? appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Control the controllables and elevate YOU! Sun, 19 Dec 2021 03:34:08 +0000 Control the controllables and elevate YOU! It is easy to go with the flow. In other words, the path of least resistance always seems to be an easier option. Being on autopilot stunts growth, happiness, and success. Are you feeling your calling to shift gear, change direction and create a life and career that is…

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Control the controllables and elevate YOU!

It is easy to go with the flow. In other words, the path of least resistance always seems to be an easier option. Being on autopilot stunts growth, happiness, and success. Are you feeling your calling to shift gear, change direction and create a life and career that is exciting, purposeful, and expansive? Above all, is it time to control the controllables and elevate YOU!

Recently I have chatted with Maria, a professional woman looking to step out of her corporate job, stating that it no longer lights her up. She has been climbing the career ladder for 10 years and feeling very disillusioned, bored, and empty inside. She felt that she has reached a crossroads in her life, her inner knowing is telling her that she has more to do with her life.

Being fearful in part is holding her back. However, she doesn’t know how to make the shift. Maria just felt overwhelmed and lost despite being an executive leader. This is new territory for her, and she lacked the clarity and confidence to take the next step. So, we sat down and discussed a plan over a cup of tea. It was time for Maria to control her controllables.

We are living in extraordinary times where we are “awakening”. Clarity is emerging where, for many of us, it is causing a strong sense of discomfort, an uneasiness and you just can’t put your finger on it. Many professional women are feeling the rumblings and their inner knowing is nudging them to make a shift. To become curious, to explore avenues that they are being called to. To find that new role or start a purpose-driven business that will light them up. Now is the time to control the controllables and elevate YOU!

“If you conquer yourself,

then you conquer the world”

Paulo Coelho

Taking the first step to leaving a comfortable, safe job can be daunting. It is a bit like sailing a boat through a storm. It can be bumpy and rough while exhilarating all at the same time. Challenging and exhausting. Eventually, calm seas prevail, and an inner calmness ignites. It feels like your whole being has been tested so that you can showcase your courage and determination. Bringing about a certain clarity to get you focused on your new direction, to get you on point. Understanding your unique point of difference is where the magic happens.

This clarity brings a deeper awareness, it is a gift that allows you to shift the focus to YOU. The theme is self-responsibility. This first step is required to allow your vibration to increase, which supports you as your energy centres re-align. Your purpose work is starting to shine through.

Therefore, now is the time to do the inner work, your shadow work. Now is the time to start to feel and acknowledge what aspects of you are working for you and what is not. Similarly, what is lighting you up with a sense of excitement? After that, clear out old energy as you start to release your negative self-talk and recurring patterns.

However, the more clearing and activations you receive and do here, the more clarity you gain as you start to consciously create. To anchor in your awareness, you consciously choose to engage in a daily habit of self-care practices. This is non-negotiable if you wish to succeed. Get clear on who you are. Most of all, what you think, you create, what you feel, you attract and manifest.

Above all, can you relate to this? If so you are not alone. Many of us are feeling the shift to come online and step into the purpose work that will allow us to be fulfilled, purposeful, happy, and expansive. Doing more good in the world as a conscious creator.

Some tips to get you started: –

  1. Map out what your new vision looks like, be very specific, imagine how you will feel when you achieve this. Bring your emotions into your vision.
  2. Unpack a plan with a timeline of what this looks like and how you will achieve this vision. List the steps you will need to take and make sure that they are achievable.
  3. Start manifesting your vision and make sure that you have fun as you bring your vision to life.
  4. Measure how you feel once you have done this on a scale of 1 -10, if your score is less than 10, try and meditate on your vision and in your mind increase your score to 10. This is how you start to consciously create.

In conclusion, what are the controllables in your life that you can control, edit, and change that will elevate you to the next stage of your journey? Would love to hear your thoughts. I can’t wait to hear the changes you are planning to implement.

The post Control the controllables and elevate YOU! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Are you the bridge builder? Thu, 11 Nov 2021 07:01:42 +0000 Are you the bridge builder? Have you wondered why you are the one holding your family, friends, colleagues, and partners together? Cheering them on. However, do you feel that if you didn’t make the effort and keep on top of things that your world (and theirs) would fall apart? Are you the bridge builder? Bridge…

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Are you the bridge builder?

Have you wondered why you are the one holding your family, friends, colleagues, and partners together? Cheering them on. However, do you feel that if you didn’t make the effort and keep on top of things that your world (and theirs) would fall apart? Are you the bridge builder? Bridge builders are connectors, they are a bit like glue that holds things together?

Above all, being the bridge builder is an amazing role. This role allows us to lead the way. Ultimately, be the trailblazer that guides, nurtures, and mentors others. However, have you considered the cost to you and how do you replenish your “cup” to keep going?

Often when we step up in life and be the bridge builder it usually comes after a major event that has happened. Following a trauma, divorce, or a major life event. This forces us to reflect on life and what improvements we need to make. In my case, it occurred following the death of my sister, which was then exacerbated by my divorce shortly after.

It was like the universe was serving me a double dose of a reality check, to make me look at my life as a bridge-builder. For as long as I could remember I was always supporting others, encouraging the best from them, helping them to find the best in themselves.

Firstly, I found that you can’t keep “chugging” along without reviewing your methods, practices, and intentions. Moreover, continuous improvement supports growth and assists us to stay relevant and current. The trauma of losing my sister and experiencing a divorce took me into a place of soul searching. Forcing me to dig deep to review my values, changing aspects of me and in my life that was no longer working, and taking self-responsibility to redirect me into the next deeper layer of my purpose.

“Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others.

Step forward, reach out and help.

Reach out to someone that might need a lift.”


Being a bridge builder takes a lot of qualities. It is a bit like being an iceberg. You only see a small area, however, if you could look under the water at the rest of the iceberg you would see an enormous number of other qualities, skills, and tools. People often only see a small part of the bridge builder and take what they do for granted or they may not even be aware.

In short, working together with the bridge builder is a win-win. Above all, it supports everyone to take responsibility for themselves, delve deep and uncover old wounding’s and patterns. Experiencing this creates change and your journey becomes more purposeful. Besides we need change in order to grow.

So, what are the 4 key qualities of the bridge builders: –

  1. Their values are aligned with what they do and believe. They need to be of service, and it is often part of their soul purpose.
  2. They have a strong awareness of themselves, know who they are, what they want, and understand their boundaries and capabilities. Also, they have clear boundaries, both physically and energetically for themselves and others.
  3. Their clarity around their own identity assists them in strengthening and deepening their awareness which creates a shift to facilitate change. This self-responsibility becomes their point of power. It is an inspiring and motivating quality. Moving from operating out of ego state and into a self-less state.
  4. Personal inner work is a work in progress. Self-care and self-development are ongoing. It does not have an endpoint as this journey has layer after layer of growth and complexity.

Some fundamental practices required for the longevity of the bridge builders are 3-fold: –

  1. Physical – These people take good care of their physical body by eating a clean, balanced diet, having an awareness of what their body needs.
  2. Emotional – they support themselves by meditating, journaling, singing, dancing, and having fun
  3. Spiritual – they understand the human body as an energetic being and view life through the lens of energy and matter.
  4. Environmental – having conscious awareness of their surroundings and making an impact on the planet by reducing harm to the environment.

In summary, being the bridge builder is a magical role where you can help others find the best in themselves and others. Would love to hear, are you the bridge builder?

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Let’s start the dance! Sat, 02 Oct 2021 22:48:43 +0000 Let’s start the dance! Life is meant to be fun. However, it is difficult to have fun when you don’t have enough energy to feel the spring in your step? In other words, do you feel energetically drained? Or can’t remember the last time you felt really excited about your career and life? Perhaps it…

The post Let’s start the dance! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Let’s start the dance!

Life is meant to be fun. However, it is difficult to have fun when you don’t have enough energy to feel the spring in your step? In other words, do you feel energetically drained? Or can’t remember the last time you felt really excited about your career and life? Perhaps it is time to consider a reset and let’s start the dance!

Often when we feel like our life is not giving us what we want or feel that we deserve, chances are that we are blocked on a mental, physical, or emotional level. However, becoming aware is the first step to change.

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change”.

Eckhart Tolle

Recently I was working with a client called Jennie. She had gone from being bright and bubbly with a positive mindset to being all doom and gloom.  Jennie told me she struggled to see any joy in her life. Feeling like she was going round in circles, with a sense that she was drowning in quicksand.

As Jennie told me her story it was easy to see why she had lost sight of her plans and her confidence had plummeted. Even though she was feeling burnt out and at her wit’s end the positive was that she had reached out and asked for support.  Being aware that your life is not working the way you want it to be the first step to reset.

In other words, feelings like this are common to many women who are trying to be “superwomen”. Juggling way too many hats and being a people pleaser. Often saying “it is easier to do the task myself than delegate, I know if I do it myself it will be done properly”.

Does this sound familiar? Can you relate to feeling like this?

If you are serious about creating a better life for yourself then it’s time to step up. Now is the perfect time to open your mind to new ways of thinking and doing. Know that you can create whatever you want. You just need to want to change. Reaching this step is the start of the dance. You have activated your awareness.

During our session, Jennie told me that she eats well and exercises so in her eyes she was doing everything right. She couldn’t understand why her life wasn’t working. This is a common misconception.

As we are always growing, changing, and evolving let’s remember we are energetic beings first. So, it makes sense to explore other tools that we can use to manage our body and mind energy.

The energy centres in our body are known as chakras. Most of us are familiar with the 7 main chakras. These are situated from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. When our chakras are all balanced and working together in harmony life is great and we prosper in all areas of life. However, when these energy areas become out of balance, we can start to manifest issues in our physical and emotional bodies.

The root chakra is our first chakra. Associated with our need to survive. This area affects how we manage our physical bodies, career, and money. All of these components are intrinsically interwoven. When this area becomes out of balance it can create a heavy sensation in that area. Leading us to feel sluggish, exhausted, stuck, and chaotic. Scientific research has found that the chakras relate to immunity, health, mental peace emotions, and happiness.

Consider looking at your health and wellness through a different lens. In essence, using an energy lens will help you start the dance. Reclaiming your power over your body and mind as you explore alternate avenues to energise yourself that compliments your diet, nutrition, and exercise regime.

3 tips to shift your mindset and explore your energy canters more are:

  1. Create a daily routine and let go of what no longer works for you, this will free up some space for new ways of thinking
  2. Increase your awareness of your energy, notice what feelings deplete your energy and what feelings or emotions increase your energy.
  3. Make a list of your current limiting beliefs and then match it with an empowered belief. For example, your limiting belief maybe “I do not deserve to be successful”. Your empowered belief could be “I am open to receive every opportunity for success”. Review your empowered beliefs as often as possible to keep you in a positive mindset.

Jennie left our meeting that day with homework to do around shifting her mindset and committed to practice her daily activities. We met up four weeks later and she advised that her outlook had completely changed. Her dance had begun! It is early days but often it is a simple shift in your energy field that can set you on the road to success and happiness.

Are you ready to take the next step in managing your energy to get more out of your life? Let’s have a chat and see how I may help.

Would love to hear if you have started your dance?

The post Let’s start the dance! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
