RE-INVENT Archives - Joan McEwan Intuitive Health & Business Mentor Mon, 13 Mar 2023 05:46:25 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 RE-INVENT Archives - Joan McEwan 32 32 Creating new boundaries! Mon, 13 Mar 2023 05:46:23 +0000 Creating new boundaries! We all know how important self development is and very much part of my journey. As part of my journey I recently attended an entrepreneur summit by well renowned influencers and global leaders in their fields. It was exciting, it was informative, it was dynamic but something was missing! Creating new boundaries!…

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Creating new boundaries!

We all know how important self development is and very much part of my journey. As part of my journey I recently attended an entrepreneur summit by well renowned influencers and global leaders in their fields. It was exciting, it was informative, it was dynamic but something was missing! Creating new boundaries!

A new way of business!

In the space of new age leaders, heart felt leaders who are creating a new paradigm of business, we need to create new boundaries!

Cookie cutter approach!

Cookie cutter approach to business is part of the old paradigm. Let go of fear and control. Live your values! Open up to flexibility, collaboration and fun.It is time to focus on individual differences. When you align to your soul’s blueprint you start to align to your business and health blueprint.. 

That’s when the magic happens! 

  • Your health improves! 
  • Your business grows! 
  • You feel inspired!
  • You start having fun and abundance flows into your life!

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy,

not on fighting the old but

on building the new”


The new paradigm!

This new paradigm of business focuses on the whole person. Addressing the body, mind and soul!

Coming from a place of integrity! Becoming self aware, becoming self motivated, creating new boundaries!

Integrating these components is part of the journey to align to your soul blueprint your unique codes:

  • Your codes of health
  • Codes of business! 
  • Codes of abundance
  • Codes of wealth
  • Codes of wisdom!
  • Are you feeling the uneasiness inside of you that is telling you it’s time to change? 
  • Are you ready to start creating new boundaries!
  • Are you ready to create a life by design?

A life that lets you be in the driver’s seat! Choosing how you want to live your life, run your business and create abundance!

Did you know this is possible?

Working in the quantum field in your akashic records helps you access your soul’s blueprint. Aligning you to your purpose and infinite potential and possibilities for your life, career and business.

  • You get to create new boundaries!
  • You get to elevate your energy and vitality!
  • You get to go from feeling stuck and disempowered to being open and receptive to new opportunities!
  • You get to empower you to challenge the current paradigm and create a new way of doing business!

Are you ready to ask yourself “What if………”?

If this is resonating with you, you know life has more to offer you then check out my mentoring program that could help you.

The post Creating new boundaries! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Find magic in the mess! Tue, 07 Feb 2023 02:17:22 +0000 Find magic in the mess! What does it even mean to find magic in the mess! That is to say it is a growth process to get clarity on the next step in your life and business. The act of decluttering your home, business or life initially creates a mess, then as you get rid…

The post Find magic in the mess! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Find magic in the mess!

What does it even mean to find magic in the mess! That is to say it is a growth process to get clarity on the next step in your life and business. The act of decluttering your home, business or life initially creates a mess, then as you get rid of what is no longer useful for you the mess clears as you make space. Therefore, creating space helps you to see your potential!

In fact recently I made the huge decision to sell my home and downsize! It has been on my mind for a while but something kept stopping me from taking action to sell my home! 

Several things had been holding me back! 

  • Fear of making the wrong decision and upsetting people!
  • Scared to move out of my comfort zone, keeping me stuck!
  • Fear of the future if I chose this new path!

When you take action, you create momentum, reduce mess, gain clarity and it makes moving forward easier to find the magic!

Choose to change!

In short I started the arduous task of decluttering, getting rid of all sorts of stuff that I had been hoarding. Stuff that was taking up space and energy. Stuff that was stopping me from seeing the bigger picture of my life. Ultimately, holding me back and preventing me from making fun decisions.

With each stage of the decluttering process, I felt chaos, mess fear, overwhelm, guilt and sadness. Letting go of parts of the past can cause sadness and grief. However, as the sadness subsides, the mess clears! That’s when it becomes easier to make decisions!

This whole process is like doing an emotional and physical spring clean. Looking at the emotions that surface as you start to remove objects from your life.

The Akashic Records!

The tool I found that was most helpful in helping me gain clarity on what I really wanted and supported me in unravelling the process was the Akashic Records, working in the quantum field.

Another key point, working in the energetic realm made sense as we are all energetic beings. This allowed me to see what was possible. In effect it allowed me to let go of fear and procrastination. As a result, it gave me courage to claim what I wanted on my terms. In a word, It felt aligned. It felt familiar!

Consequently it allowed me to embrace my fears, learn the lessons and let go of the clutter. Find the magic in the mess!

With gentle guidance from my mentor in the akashic records I tuned into my highest timeline and potential possible. I created a plan, listened to my inner voice and took inspired action every day. One step at a time. Always trusting and believing in myself that I was on track. 

My life has changed! I am excited about what my future has in store for me once I sell my current home and find my next forever home! Giving me the freedom and abundance to build my business in a way that aligns with my purpose.

We are not meant to be cookie cutter, one size fits all people! You wont find your magic there! 

We are all here to make a difference and shine our light brightly. 

When you put yourself first, that is when you can help yourself and the world! 

Ask yourself: –

  • Do you really know YOU?
  • Are you living by other peoples standards or by your own standards?
  • Are you acting on your true feelings or acting how society has taught you?
  • Thoughts are energy and they are powerful
  • Are you ready to change your thoughts and heal your body?
  • Are you continually learning and growing?
  • Are you consciously aware?

Are you ready to find magic in the mess? Do you know it is all possible! It starts with making a choice. Choosing YOU!

  • Ready to do business and life your way in a way that feels right for you? 
  • Are you curious about exploring your Akashic Records, your business blueprint and your health blueprint, and align to your highest potential? 
  • Ready to experience freedom and claim a healthier and happier you?

Have a wonderful week and become curious and ask yourself “What if I choose to do life and business differently”? Does your energy feel expansive or contracted? I encourage you to explore your possibilities, step away from old paradigms and embody one that lights you up as you find magic in the mess!

The post Find magic in the mess! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Step into spring claiming abundance! Sun, 11 Sep 2022 06:37:26 +0000 Step into spring claiming abundance! Each new season brings lessons, gifts and blessings! Increasing our awareness to experience many opportunities. The more awareness we gain, more opportunities and possibilities surface leading to manifesting more abundance if we choose. Step into spring claiming abundance! You get to choose how your life unfolds! You get to choose…

The post Step into spring claiming abundance! appeared first on Joan McEwan.

Step into spring claiming abundance!

Each new season brings lessons, gifts and blessings! Increasing our awareness to experience many opportunities. The more awareness we gain, more opportunities and possibilities surface leading to manifesting more abundance if we choose. Step into spring claiming abundance!

You get to choose how your life unfolds!

You get to choose to explore new opportunities or not. 

Letting go of old ways of thinking, stagnant energy and fears, our thoughts shift quickly. Energetically our life changes. Then inner work is required to bring these energetic shifts into our 3rd dimensional world, the physical plane. Doing this with intention reveals more opportunities and abundance prevails. 

You start to see your life and business through a different lens! Experiencing joy, fun, playfulness and excitement.

You get to manifest what you desire!

A few years back I caught up with a friend whom I had lost touch with. It was great to catch up on all the news. However, imagine how I felt when she said “what’s happened to you Joan, you have lost your old spark, your zest for life and fun!”.

You could’ve knocked me down with a feather! I was shocked and hurt. I wasn’t even aware that I had changed!

What had happened to me?

You see, years ago when we hung out we had so much fun, partying, dancing and meeting new and interesting people. Life was fun and exciting. 

So what did my friend mean when she asked “what had happened to me”? When I reflected, I realised I had lost my spark. I had lost that part of me who loved having fun, the high energy part of me that loved life.

I had shifted out of alignment without even realising!

Easy to get caught up in the daily grind. I had gotten so busy with work and family, I had no energy for fun. Struggling to survive, looking after a growing family, work and business demands. Exhaustion, burnout and overwhelm set in. 

Without being consciously aware, I had become stuck in a pattern of staying safe. My energy was heavy, everything was an effort. I was in survival mode! As a result I had lost my “spark”, my mojo! I decided right at that moment I had to change and bring that spark back into my life? 

Time to get out of the rut I was in!

I asked myself “was I ready to take the pressure off myself and realise that I did not need to be perfect”? Did I need to be “superwoman”! Do I deserve to have fun and joy in my life at the same time as being a mother, businesswoman and partner.

Digging deep, I asked myself “how open was I to changing and listening to what my heart was guiding me to?”

Looking closely at my relationship and beliefs I had around having joy and abundance in my life! 

Shifting from exhaustion and scarcity, lack and struggle to playfulness, joy and finding my passion. The end product of this being abundance! Being in alignment to my soul journey, the reason for being here. Sharing my uniqueness, my gifts!

I had to decide if I was ready to make the commitment to do the inner work to bring the spark back into my life?

I had to give myself permission to change!

Firstly commit to being open to change. Lean into what lights you up. 

Secondly, self care is key! Make your health a priority by doing a spring clean of your body. Cut out foods that do not support a healthy body. Shift into a healthier eating plan, drinking more water and making time each day for exercise and journaling.

Thirdly, find 3 things every day that you are grateful for. Really explore how you feel in this space, feel the emotions and practice staying in this energy as often as you can. 

To get you started you may enjoy listening to my Magic Monday guidance. This is a short, sharp and succinct video where I share energetic guidance to support your week.

Remember, change comes when we do the inner work. We start to become consciously aware and this leads to transformation. Opening up to a world of possibilities and abundance. Let me know if you would like me to support you on your journey?

The post Step into spring claiming abundance! appeared first on Joan McEwan.
